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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Cat,I am sorry the surgery wasnt a go but hopefully plan b will do the job. Prayers and thoughts.Mike
  2. Have you applied for medicaid? I would go speak to them right away. Good luck.
  3. beatlemike


    I found it.Its on page 3 of inspirational. Called Hello God posted by Barbara.I find it very inspriational.
  4. beatlemike


    A while back I seen a post(I think by Randy but not sure).It was a email type thing with Dolly Parton sing Hello God. I cant find it again.Anyone remember?Thanks Mike
  5. Nova, I hope Harry has a good birthday and hope you both enjoy it.Mike
  6. Sounds like you have a lot going on Jill. My prayers are with you and your family. Mike
  7. Hi Fanzio,You need to get a hold of your surgeonI had my 1st surgery and was doing fine and then about two weeks later started coughing up streaks of blood. He took xray and found out I had a stump leak where he performed the surgery. Next day he had to open me back up and fix the problem. He said it doesnt happen often but once in awhile they have to redo the surgery.I know this isnt what you want to hear and it may not even be the problem but you need to get it checked out.Im glad he caught it at an early stage. Mike
  8. Thanks Nyka. Your a sweetheart.
  9. Sorry to hear about your mother. I also was staged 11b in July 05. I finished my treatment 2 years ago this last december and have been found (ned) no cancer detected so far. I am so glad your mother can have the surgery. I still worry about recurrance and that 5 year survival thing but it is nothing like it was when I was first diagnosed.It sounds like your mom has a good chance of beating this so I hope you or her doesnt lose hope.Just try your best to take it a day at a time.Prayers are being said for your mom.
  10. Hi Deb and welcome. I hope you find as much help and support here as I have. I pray and hope the best for you.Dont lose hope. Mike
  11. Keith Richards :arrow:Have you ever seen a UFO?
  12. Yes,many times. Which decade do you think had the best music? Please dont say the disco era
  13. Katie,I am so glad you dont chew.It would be a shame to come here and see a picture of such a pretty young lady as yourself with skoal drippings running down her chin.hehe(just joking)Mike
  14. I quit smoking 6 years ago but used chewing tobacco.Then I used the commit lozengers to get off the chew.I am still addicted to commit but my onco doesnt seem concerned about. Damn nicotine must really be addictive.Six years after quitting smoking and Im still putting the nicotine in my body.Sttupic things are expensive also. Thats my new years resolution is to get off the commit. I wish you the best.
  15. Hi, Im so sorry about your mother.I cant answer your question. I think only your doctors can do that but my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mother.Mike
  16. Hi Lilly. Im hoping and praying your surgery is a success Monday morning. Let us know how it went as soon as you are able. Mike
  17. Praying the best for you Ken. I understand your wanting to have the chemo done in your hometown. I was given the same choice and I chose to drive to my cancer onco each week. Before it was over I was wishing I would have done it here in my hometown.Mike
  18. So sorry for your loss.
  19. PC Plain label salad dressing or Miracle Whip
  20. beatlemike

    Lessons Learned

    (Hugs Kasey)Enjoy the weekend.
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