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Everything posted by fillise

  1. fillise

    My honey

    Nyka, I'm so very sorry. Please know that you will be in prayers. Susan
  2. ((((Bobby)))) You sister is amazing. You are too. Susan
  3. Good luck--let us know what you find out. Susan
  4. ((((Stephanie)))) Remember that it's ALL treatable! Your mom is AMAZING and a fighter so I'm thinking that neither the blood clot nor the liver met has much of a chance. Susan
  5. Praise Be!!!!!! This is awesome news--celebrate! Susan
  6. Jen--Don't apologize! I've felt the same way and find myself taking a few days away from the board now that mom is stable. And I TOTALLY understand that little voice in the back of your head--it's in mine too. It's time to live--that's what we've worked so hard for! Susan
  7. Chesney--I'm so sorry to hear about the progression, but as other have said, the brain mets are treatable, so take a deep breath. We will be here to answer your questions and/or to offer support and you respond to this new development. Susan
  8. Dusti--There are different hospice organizations, so call around until you find one that seems to be right for your mom. I think others on this board have been told the same thing and called round and found out it wasn't necessrily true. I'll be thinging about you, Susan
  9. Good Grief--your nurse friend's breast lump may not have grown, but that doesn't mean that it hasn't been sending out cancer cells to the rest of her body. I'd get the biopsy so I would know what I'm dealing with and know the best way to treat it. Susan
  10. Dawn--Welcome! Yur mother's cancer is very treatable. If someone tells you it isn't, RUN, don't walk to another doctor. Your parents are very luck to have to to help them out. Kate--I'm glad you found us too. We offer support for ALL stages of this diesease. And the grieving stage is one of the most important. Susan
  11. Teresa, Welcome. I remember well the parapyzing fear that comes after this diagnosis. But it is possible to get through this and while it is no picnic, I think the experience on this board is a testament to the fact that treatment may not be as bad as you fear. First--take a deep breath and see what results you get from the biopsy. Second--don't be afraid to get a second opinion. Third--if the biopsy shows cancer don't let anyone give your father an "expiration date." LC at ALL stages is treatable. I'll be thinking about you today and will say a prayer for a good result for your father. Susan
  12. Unfortunatley you can't make your mom do something she doesn't want to do. You CAN, however, get her a second opinion. If it is determined that your mom is truly in the end stages of COPD and/or LC, you can call in hospice. Perhaps your mom would be more willing to let them in if it is presented to her as a way to stay in her own home. Let us know what we can do to help. Susan
  13. Mike, Welcome. Whatever you find out, we will be here for you and your wife. Susan
  14. fillise

    Too sad

    I am so very sorry for your loss. Susan
  15. I am so sorry for your loss. Susan
  16. fillise

    For Nick C

    Happy Birthday Nick! Celebrate the entire weekend and come have a drink on me in the pub! Susan
  17. I hope your Mom is doing better. I've been thinking about you. Susan
  18. Waiting for test results can be very hard on everyone. I hope you get a good result. It the meantime it is ok to live life as "normally" as possible. We are in such a period with my Mom now. Sometimes I feel like I should be waiting for the other shoe to drop, but then I remind myself that this is what life is all about--LIVING! Susan
  19. Cyndy--it is the type of cancer my mom has and she is responding well to treatment. I hope you will too! Susan
  20. Welcome Mike! I hope the Tarceva does the trick for you. A lot of people here have had great success with it. Susan
  21. Hi Cindy--the first while after Dx is often confusing and frightening, but once you get started on a course of treatment, things begin to settle down a bit. Fell free to ask any questions as someone here has probably experienced it and can share their knowledge. Susan
  22. Welcome Max! I hope you PET scan shows no cancer, but it is good that you are being proactive. This board is a great source of information, support, and HOPE! So, hopefully you won't need us, but we are here in case you do. Susan
  23. Terri--I'm so glad that your trip was good and you were able to accomplish your purpose--especially in being with Bill's children. You all are always going to be family because you will always share your love for Bill. You'll know when the time is right for the final journey. Listen to your heart. Susan
  24. Nova, I'm so sorry you are having to worry about insurance now too. I agree about trying to find a way to make the Cobra work if at all possible. It's expensive, but it is probably less expensive than paying out of pocket for medical expenses. I'll keep you and Harry in my prayers, Susan
  25. Saying a prayer that the Almita works to help your mom! Susan
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