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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Welcome Patty--When you find out what chemo you will be on be sure to ask any questions you have. Someone here will have some answers for you. Susan
  2. Welcome, we will try to help you anyway we can. Your grandpa is very luck to have a granddaughter who loves him so much. That's very powerful medicine in and of itself. Susan
  3. Azgirl, I'm sending my best wishes for a full recovery for your mom. Chemo is tough, but hopefully she can handle it and it will kill any little "floaties" out there. Susan
  4. Welcome Jon, This is a great groups. We are here whenever you need us. Susan
  5. Mike, Welcome! Don't be afraid to ask questions. Someone here has always been through whatever your are dealing with and can offer good advice. Susan
  6. Jim and Joy, You have my deepest condolences on each of your losses. Your esperiences will be very valuable to those of us caring for a loved one with LC. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Susan
  7. Thanks everyone. It's nice to know I can vent and folks here will be understanding and supportive. Mom got the results of her bone scan and in her onc.'s words everything is "asleep." It did pick up sever arthritis in her back so she is going to a pain management Dr. for that and will go back to the Onc in a month. He is going to take over as her primary care Dr. Said he would be treating her for many years to come! She liked the sound of "many years to come!" I guess I'd just like to tell the perspective of a daughter who loves her mom for those of you who are survivors and tryint to protect those who love you. It IS your decision about when and what to tell people. My mom keeps telling me she doesn't tell me things (especially right before I make a trip to visit) because she doensn't wamt me driving 8 hours worried. But here's what happens. I usually know when something is up, off, or just not right. There's a little hesitation when I ask how she's feeling or if everything is alright. When you don't tell me, my imagination begins to go into overdrive. In the absence of good information I will worry about lots of things, not just the one she is trying to protect me from. It's much worse than if she just goes ahead and tells me what is going on. I'm not protected at all. So that's the perspective of an adult child of a LC survivor. I realize family dynamics are different and individual circumstances vary, but care givers need good information to give care. Speaking of which, I'm headed to NC for a long Labor Day weekend tomorrow so I will be on infrequently, if at all until next Wednesday. Have a great holiday everyone! Susan
  8. If you have one of those "do it yourself" pottery places--where you paint a paice and they fire it for you--that's a lot of fun for a group of girls. My mom likes to go out for lunch and then an afternoon movie matinee. It's about her favorite thing to do. I hope you find something she will enjoy and will give your dad a chance to relax with the boys! Susan
  9. Metaphorically speaking, of course. Called home tonight and Dad was excited and gave the phone to Mom so she could tell me her "good news." Seems that Mom found a lump in her breast a couple of weeks ago and has been keeping it to herself. She has a mammogram and an ultra sound and they said there was no evidence of any cancer in her breast tissue. She's apparently been in knots over this for a couple of weeks, BUT NEVER SAID A SINGLE WORD. She didn't want me to worry. Like I haven't been worried about her every single day since January 5th! I know, I know, it's her decision. But I know she won't tell my brother ANY of this stuff, so she is keeping it bottled up inside if she won't tell me and that isn't good for her. This now concludes my caregiver rant for the evening. Thanks for listening. Susan
  10. Thinking about you today Dana. God bless you. Susan
  11. fillise

    My mother Randa

    I'm very sorry for your loss. Susan
  12. Even though I don't have LC, my doc gives me steroids when I have bronchitis and we want to get rid of the last inflamation in the lungs--it gets rid of the wheezing, so I think it should probably help your sister. I hope so anyway. Susan
  13. "Stable" is a wonderful word! The only one better is "NED!" Congrats on your good news--I'll celebrate with you! Susan
  14. I love knowingf what those "gas bubbles" really are. You mom is with you and more importantly she is with the baby as he figures out this whole being on the outside thing. You know you brought a bit of your mom into the world and that means she will never be completely gone. Susan
  15. fillise

    He's Here!

    Missy--He's got one powerful guardian angel, so I know he's gonna be fine. Congratulations on your new life! Susan
  16. Coleen, Thanks, our scans came out well too! Whew! Susan
  17. Dana, I'll be thinking about you--especially on the 25th. Please know you are still in our hearts and prayers. Susan
  18. fillise

    Any advice?

    I'm wondering if the folks proposing the intervention (as well meaning as I'm sure they are) are more concerned about your following a certain way of eating or your being able to fight your cancer? I think you've recongized that your priority is to do what will most enable you to fight your disease and no one has any right to "force" you to do otherwise. You really don't need this right now, do you? I'll be keeping you in my thoughts as you make your decision on your treatment. Susan
  19. Gail, just jump in wherever and whenever you feel the need. Sounds like you are an expert already. Let us know how it goes. Susan
  20. Too funny! I can just see you waiting for your nose to start "bleeding" again. Have another brownie while you are waiting! Susan
  21. Welcome to our little corner of the internet Christine. Please feel free to ask any questions. Someone here is sure to have an answer. Another good resource is Dr. West's site www.onctalk.com. Dr. West is a primonent oncologist in Seattle who uses his website to help individuals understand treatment options, research and other issues. He also answers questions. It's one of the best (if not THE best) source of reliable information i've Found. Let us know when you know more. Susan
  22. fillise

    Thank You All

    Tom, Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss. Susan
  23. I don't have direct experience with this, which is probably why I'd call the Onc NOW! Not to make you panic, but I'd think this needs to be checked out. Susan
  24. Welcome Jennifer. You have come to the right place. Tell us more about yourself. Susan
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