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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Great news! Congratulations. Susan
  2. fillise

    My Dad

    Sheri, I'm so sorry for your loss. You will in my prayers for strength and for peace. ((((Hugs)))) Susan
  3. Michelle--Welcome, I'm glad you found us. read my profile and you will see that my mom was also diagnosed with NSCLC with mets to the spine. She has done very well with her treatment. The chemo your mom is getting is a standard first line treatment. If you want to know more about different treatments, you can get some good information at www.onctalk.com Dr. West specializes in lung cancer and he does a great job of writing about different treatments and issues related to lung cancer. Feel free to ask any questions you have. Someone on this board will have some information to share and everyone else will offer their support. Susan
  4. fillise


    Lilly--It's great to hear that you are living life! That's the point isn't it? Have a great vacation; we'll be waiting to hear all about it when you get back! Susan
  5. fillise

    Two Years!

    Trish--Congratulations! I'll order a champagne to celebrate at the pub tonight! Susan
  6. fillise

    Back to work today

    Teri, I'm glad your day went well. It is good that you had coworkers who made the day easier for you. Susan
  7. I've never heard of such a thing, but I'm still prety new to all this. This might be a great question to ask Dr. West at onctalk.com. You will have to register to ask a question, but you can read anything without registering. At any rate, I hope they find out that it is not related to the cancer at all and is something that can be taken care of easily. Susan
  8. fillise

    Weak moment

    ((((Kelly)))) I can imagine that this will be difficult. I guess that's what they mean when they say the first year is especially hard; when you have to deal with the changes for the very first time. I'll be thinking about you. Susan
  9. Nick--Congratulations! I am thilled for you both and your mother would be too. From everything you have written about her, I'm betting that she would want you to feel all the joy, after all you are going to be bringing a part of her into the world! Susan
  10. fillise


    I don't know, but would like to hear from Lilly as well. Susan
  11. fillise

    new results

    Great News Bucky!!!!! Susan
  12. Jane, I am so sorry to hear that your mother has left. I believe with all me heart that she is whole, and happy, and dancing with the angels. I also believe that this is much harder for you than for her. You will have my prayers for strength and for comfort. Susan
  13. Thanks Randy--I wondered why we had not heard anything from Deanne for awhile. I'll be praying for a speedy recovery. Susan
  14. I just agreed to become an anti-smoking ambassador for the ACS. I thought long and hard about it before I agreed to do it because I also don't like the way they seem to link LC and smoking as if it is the only cause of LC. But here is why I decided to do it. Smoking is unhealthy any way you look at it. The less smokers there are the better off we all will be for a variety of reasons. Plus, every time I get to speak to a legislator or a group I can make my plug for research funds for lung cancer. Susan
  15. Surgery was never an option for my mom either. She is doing well and we have every reason to believe that she will continue to do well for a long time to come. Best of luck to your did. The good news is that the tumor is responding to the chemo!
  16. fillise

    Thank You

    I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom's passing. You will be in my thoughts. Susan
  17. ((((Vespa)))) No one deserves lung cancer. Your mom is sick and needs the love and encouragement of her family. I'm glad she has you. It's hard to feel good when undergoing chemo--even under the best of circumstances. Keep her favorite foods within easy reach and made sure she is drinking nough fluids. If you don't think the dr is doing enough for her, it may be time for a second opinion. Susan
  18. Welcome Leela! We are here to support you and to answer any questions you may have. Susan
  19. Anne, I haven't been though what you are experiencing, but I don't think 46 days is enough time to grieve at all. Only you will know when you are ready. I suspect that your siblings think they are trying to help you, and don't have any concept that they are making it worse. ((((Hugs)))) Susan
  20. Mikee--I din't think the wait is unusual. My mom was dx the 5th of January and didn't begin chemo until Mid February. She did have three weeks of radiation right after dx but then they wanted to wait 3 weeks before starting chemo. It's a tough time--you want to start fighting the disease, but it takes a little while for the Drs to decide on the best course. It's ok. Susan
  21. Hi Colleen--My Mom is having her can on Thursday too. Mind if I wait with you? The waiting is the worst, but maybe it won't be so bad if we can do it together. Susan
  22. Welcome--I don't have any information to help you with your surgery--just wanted to let you know that you will be in my prayers on the 10th! Susan
  23. Welcome and WOW! You've gotten great results. Glad to have you with us. Susan
  24. Christine, You DON'T need to back down from finding out about all the possible treatment options for your father and than helping him work through his decisions about treatment. Susan
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