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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Wow. I guess getting fired in China means the "firing squad."
  2. Sylvia, Perhaps as the tumor shrinks your father will feel less shortness of breath and a little more energy. Depression is also very likely and understandable. I'll be keeping you in my prayers. Susan
  3. Please know that I am thinking about you and praying for you--today, tomorrow, however long it takes. God be with you, Susan
  4. fillise

    This Sucks

    Anne, I can't imagine your pain. Your love for Karen has been so evident in all of your posts and so I am not surprised that you are in pain. I don't have any words that can take away the pain--I wish I did. You can believe Karen is with God without understanding why bad things are allowed to happen. I don't think anyone of us will ever understand that. Please just know that we will be here for you. Susan
  5. Two years! Yup--you've got a great perspective. Let us know when you find out! Susan
  6. Your mom's attitide is wonderful!!!! I love it! Susan
  7. Liz, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I second all the advice above and will add one piece--COBRA your health insurance if you haven't already. They have to allow you to continue for 18 months (you pay the totel premium). it can be very expensive, but mainting your coverage means that when you get a new job they can't exclude your pre-existing conditions from your new health insurance. If you need to, at the end of 18 months you can usually enroll in a state plan that maintains your coverage so that there will be no pre-existing exclusion. That option's not availabe on life insurance, but you can keep your health insurance! One more thing--from this point forward document every communication you have with your company and/or their insurance providers. Susan
  8. Linda, Glad to hear that the biopsy went well, even if it was unpleasant. I'm sending out a prayer for good results! Let us know when you find out. Susan
  9. fillise


    Welcome Mike, Don't be afraid to ask any questions. The diagnosis tends to leave everyone in a state of shock and feeling overwhelmed. There are people here who have dealt with every stage of this disease and can offer wonderful, practical advice about treatments, doctors, side effects, and most importantly, surviving. Susan
  10. I received a pm from daddyslittlegirl with the sad news that her father passed away two weeks ago. As you might imagine, the last couple of weeks have been very difficult for her and she isn't ready to start posting again. She wanted me to tell you that she is grateful for all the support and prayers she has recieved here and that she continues to keep her LCSC friends in her prayers. Susan
  11. Terri--your radio-onc sounds like a gem! I hope the tablets work quickly and you can put some lbs on Bill soon! Susan
  12. Robin, I'm adding my prayers that it will turn out to be scar tissue. In the meantime I'm sending a cyberhug as you wait. ((((Robin)))) Susan
  13. I think I undertand where you are coming from. My mom is is a "good" place right now with her treatment, but it's like I'm afraid to relax and enjoy it because I know this battle isn't over. I have to keep my guard up, so it's confusing when you sense that it doesn't need to be up. And just when you sort of figure out how you need to be coping emotionally--eveything changes--Ned's rollercoaster. It's a wonder we all don't lose our everloving minds with all the ups and downs! Susan
  14. Sue--thanks for he update! A positive attitude can make the biggest difference. I'll keep your mom in my prayers. Susan
  15. Valadi--I can't give you any advice for the surgery, but I can tell you that I will say a prayer that it will be successful and you will come through with flying colors--just like your earlier treatments! Susan
  16. fillise

    Karen Medde

    Anne--thanks for posting the obituary. You did a beautiful job with it. I will be praying that you and the girls will be supported in your grief and that you will find comfort in your memories of Karen and in your daughters. Susan
  17. Mom's chemo break is for three months and, yes, the onc. said that if more is needed it will be a different combo.
  18. Barb, My mom has stage IV NSCLC--inoperable. She completed 4 rounds of carbo/taxol chemo with significant tumor shrinkage. Sge's doing well right now and I've been inspired by the many long term survivors on this board. There is hope! Susan
  19. Sophie, I will be keeping you and Jane both in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  20. Snoopy, I have no idea what this could mean, but it certainly sounds like it would be unnerving, to say the least. Perhaps you should call your doctor so that you will have a better idea of what is going on. I'll keep you and your husband in my prayers. Susan
  21. Kate--I'll be keeping you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers during this time. Say what you want/need to say to her before it's too late. Susan
  22. I am so sorry for your loss. Susan
  23. Congratulations! Those two babies will be loved so much. Thanks for sharing your good news with us. More pictures!!!!! Susan
  24. Nova--I'm sending you and Harry my prayers. I hope he can gain strength and weight on this break. It's not giving up--it's taking a rest before the next battle. Susan
  25. ((((Hugs)))) You can open up here. We understand the floodgates. Susan
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