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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Suebee, if they know the one is an adneo. why wait for the chemo? I'd want to work on that ASAP. Can you get a second opinion? Susan
  2. Linzy, I know this is easier said than done, but pay no attention to the time frame. In fact, treatment can prolong your life and help you maintain quality of life as well. You can read about it at www.onctalk.com I hope you will continue to come here for support and to ask questions. I will keep you in my prayers. Susan
  3. Given the recent experiences of some of our members with hospice, I found this article in today's Raleigh News and Observer interesting. It discusses the fact that there are now for-profit hospices in addition to the not-for-profit that many of us are familiar with. While it makes no claim whether one is better than the others, it does point out that in a for-profit organization the goal is to maximize profit for shareholders, which may affect some care decisions. http://www.newsobserver.com/front/story/638548.html Susan
  4. Below is a link to an article on hospice care in today's Raleigh News and Observer. http://www.newsobserver.com/front/story/638548.html I'm also going to post this is the General section. Susan
  5. You don't have to place any limits on yourself. The radiation/chemo should take care of the lymph nodes. You've got a great shot at being cured! Susan
  6. fillise


    Congratulations Eileen!
  7. robin--your name is going into my prayer jar for a good result and renewed strength no matter what the result! Susan
  8. What a beautiful gift your mother gave to you with her words! I'm glad you both a doing better. Susan
  9. Thanks everyone. I suspect the onc. will want to go ahead an schedule the next scan, but I'm trying to hold onto the fact that it diesn't have to be the cancer. Susan
  10. Kelly, Yes and yes! She has also been fairly sedentary since her diagnosis. She used to do water aerobics regularly but hasn't since her back started hurting last November. So it could be something else. thanks for reminding me that it doesn't have to be bad news. I'm glad she had the Dr appt for Tuesday already scheduled. Thanks, Susan
  11. Deanne, To say I'm outraged at the treatment you and Jimmy are receiving is an understatement. Please let us know what we can do to help. Susan
  12. Mindy, I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin--especially so soon after your father. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. It's not wrong for you to be sad and hurting now, you wouldn't be human if you weren't. Susan
  13. Susan, I'm 48 and my name is Susan too! Lots of folks here are watching nodules, but it never hurts to get a second opinion. Talk to an Onc. and have him/her explain why they are waiting. You can also read up at www.onctalk.com Susan
  14. What is this need to slap expiration dates on people? They got it all! The chemo and radiation is to make sure. Try to get the "expiration date" out of your head and move forward with your treatment. Susan
  15. Earnie, Do those nodules know who they are messing with???? I don't know anything about the 21st Century Oncology, but I've learned that you will do whatever it takes to get the best and most aggressive treatment possible. So, I'd encourage you to travel wherever you need to in order to satisy yourself that your treatment is the best option. Susan
  16. She told me that she and Dad went to a concert in the park on Thurs. night, and walking back to the car she got short of breath. "It was like I could feel my right lung not working." Fear. She has her last chemo treatment May 2 and is due to be scanned again in August. She has an appointment with her onc. on Tuesday and I told her to be sure to tell him about the shortness of breath. This is the first time she has complained about SOB since she was diagnosed (ever, really). I'm now terrified that the tumor is growing again. Susan
  17. Cindy, You are right, you and your husband should not have had to endure what you did. I'll be thinking about you during this week and afterwards. Let us know how you are doing--the good, the bad, and the ugly. We will be here for you. Susan
  18. Susan--I hope your father responds well to the Tarceva. Susan
  19. Welcome Hawkeye! I hope your wife's blood counts come up soon so she can resume her treatments! Susan
  20. Jill, We will do whatever we can to help you with your grief. Susan
  21. All, I've had Cindy's experience on my mind a lot. It was hard enough to deal with the fact that her husband was in his last days and hours without having the incompetence of the first set of hospice folks. She isn't the only one this has happed to either. I wonder if we can post a sticky with a set of questions to ask a hospice organizations, what to expect from hospice, etc? I think a lot of us don't realize that there is often more than one in an area and that patients and caregivers should be able to expect certain things from a hospice organization. I'd be happy to coordinate such an effort. Susan
  22. Sue, Be sure to ask any questions you have after you get your treatment plan. We are here to help! Susan
  23. fillise

    Scan results

    Play Ball Ernie! I love your attitude! Susan
  24. Cindy, I'm so sorry. You remain in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
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