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Everything posted by fillise

  1. I don't know anything about the Navelnine, but wanted you to know that I'm praying for your mom. I'm praying for you too! Susan
  2. Sending prayers that your Dad gets the time he needs to healing! Sending prayers for you too. ((((and a hug)))) Susan
  3. My sister-in-law's father was doing very poorly last fall with NSCLC. He felt too bad at Thanksgiving to have dinner or visit. it wasn't long after that that they took him off his treatment and he rallied for while. Christmas morning he came over to watch the grandkids open presents and seemed more like himself. He left us on Feb 22. That said his "rally" was due to not fighting the side effects of chemo. I don't think it is the same as your mother's at all. He certainly didn't go shopping or anything like that--he just didn't lie in bed all day. I think you can talke your mom's rally as a sign that she is feeling better! Horray!
  4. I'm sorry you had to endure such rudeness. I'd say it was a "teachable moment," but I've discovered that most people think they already know everything about what causes lung cancer and they don't really listen to anything else. Breast cancer would have gotten you sympathy, but lung cancer gets you a lecture. Somehow this is going to make October harder to take than I think it is already going to be. Not that I have anything but respect for women facing breat cancer, but you'd think it is the only cancer women ever get. Mosey over to the pub and I'll buy you a drink! Since it is early on Saturday, how about a couple of bloody marys? Susan Susan
  5. Jany, what a great tribute to your mom. You don't have anything to apologize for. You were there for her in every way possible and I know she was and is deeply grateful. ((((HUGS)))) Susan
  6. Leslie--I don't have any suggestions, just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you and your dad. Susan
  7. Dar, so glad you got good news today and a PLAN of ATTACK! Fry baby FRY!!! Susan
  8. Kerri--There are a lot of us (unfortunately) who are supporting our moms through their battles with LC. My mom is also stage IV NSCLC. She was diagnosed in January and is doing GREAT now! I know your mom will too--it's easy to see that she is a ball of fire! Susan
  9. Patti, So glad the first treatment went well. I know my mom was very relieved when they were not as bad as she feared. Mom is also stage IV. She was diagnosed in early January of this year with one tumor in her lung and mets to her spine and pelvis. She did radiation to take care of the spine mets and then 4 rounds of carbo/taxol. Her primary shrank by 1/3 and has been stable ever since. She has been off of chemo since May 2 and is doing great! I know you will too. Glad to hear that you have the wig and are prepared. Take it easy and do a lot of listening to your body. Rest when you need to rest, but go when you feel like going. Life goes on--that's the best victory! Susan
  10. Wow. I've heard about taxol reactions. So sorry you had to experience it. Fortunatley, there are a lot of drugs in the chemo arsenal, so you should be fine with the navelbine. susan
  11. Hi Aaron. You never know when you "poo" adive will come in handy for someone else, so THANKS! In the meantime--have fun preparing for the wedding! Susan
  12. Welcome--It's been my experience that you have to ask doctors specific questions. What type of cancer? What Stage? What are my treatment options? Your sister will need a proactive advocate as she goes through this process. I will keep your sister is my prayers. If she is stage I (which I suspect with the 85%#) she has an excellent chance for long term survival. I know it is scary to hear the words "lung cancer," but we have a lot of long term survivors here! Susan
  13. fillise

    Mom is gone.

    Jill, I am so sorry for your loss. I teared up as I read you post but smiled when I read your mother's reaction to everyone crying. What a lady! I know you will miss her every day, but it sounds like there is a lot of her in you and that will give you needed strength in the days ahead. Much love, Susan
  14. I know exactly what you mean. When I vistited my mom last week, we did normal stuff. Shpooed, went to a football game, out to eat. She's not taking any treatment and you wouldn't know she was sick to look at her. I keep wondering if I am living in a fantasy world, but I've decided that this time is a precious gift. Whether it lasts one month or 10 (or more years), I will be grateful for each day if it. Susan
  15. Hawkeye--It's amazing how poeple will help you when you ask. I wanted to take my mom and dad to a college football game last weekend because my niece was dancing with the dance team for the first time. I called and asked if there was any way we could get tickets that involved no stairs and they got two for me in the h/c section right on the councourse. They sent someone out to our tailgate spot in a golfcart to pick up Mom and dad and give them a ride from the parking lot right to their seats. Mom told me later that if she had had to negotiate a lot of steps and walking (she also has severe arthirtis in her back) that she wouldn't have gone to the game. As it was she had a wonderful time. I'm glad you and Mary had fun too. I think it's important to remember to have fun! Susan
  16. Nova--I saw the same thing happen to my sister-in-law's father last fall. After his diagnosis he just shut everyone and everything out. She and I went over to his house on Thanksgiving so she could beg him to come to Thanksgiving dinner. He wouldn't(couldn't) and it broke her heart. Not long after that they took him off most of his medication and he rallied. On Christmas morning he came over to watch his grandchildren open their presents and was talkative and more like his old self. It was a welcome respite for everyone. He left us a couple of months later, but I know my sister-in-law is grateful that she had her father back for Christmas. I'll be praying for you and Harry. Susan
  17. Hi Patty--Just wanted to stop in to wish you good luck with your chemo on Monday! My mom did Carbo/Taxol and got significant shrinkage after 4 rounds. She did real well with it too. She was fine the first and second days and tired and sore the 3rd and 4th days (mostly from the neulasta shot). Then she felt better until time for her next treatment. She didn't experience any nausea, but did lose her hair. You might want to go ahead and get fitted for a wig now so you can match your hair color and style. Mom's is so close to her own color and style that most people don't know it is a wig. Fortunatley now her hair is growing back. I'll be thinking about you on Monday! Susan
  18. Andrea--sending positive thoughts your way. I had a mammogram in July--all normal! You are right, we caregivers do need to stop and make time for our own health issues. susan
  19. Jon--Souns like a looooong day, but at least you got a nutritious dinner! Susan
  20. Welcome Trudy--This is the place for hope! As you can see there are some great success stories for your disgnosis, so stop reading all the prognoses--no one has put an expiration date on you. We will help you in any way we can. Susan
  21. Welcome Connie--you've come to a good place. We do our best to support each other and to help with information when we have it and hugs and prayers when we don't. Susan
  22. Oh Nick--Please know that we will stand with you as you journey through the next 30 days. Your mom has such a loving son and I know you were as much of a blessing to her as she was to you. Susan
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