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Everything posted by Angie

  1. Angie


    My dad's been on Celebrex for approximately eight months and started chemo again at the end of February. He's always handled the chemo well and has never been sick. However, this past month he has been sick to his stomach quite a bit. At the beginning of the month he was experiening a very bloated feeling and a lot of indigestion. Now, mostly an upset stomach. I was wondering if the Celebrex is making him sick? When his doctor prescribed it, my dad was told that it can be very hard on his stomach, but hadn't experienced any problems until now. Anyone else experience this? Thanks!
  2. Angie

    Results are in

    I was concerned about you since I didn't see a post on Friday. I am so sorry the cancer has returned, but don't give up hope! You were in remission once, so why can't you be again!?! As always, you're in my prayers.
  3. Angie

    CT Results are In

    WAY TO GO!!! You give everyone on this site so much hope!!!
  4. Angie


    I'm so sorry to hear this news. I will be praying for your family. Miracles do happen!!
  5. Angie


    I'm praying for you. I know how stressful it is to wait for those resluts. I'll be thinking of you on Friday so please let us know how everything goes.....I"ll be checking in.
  6. Angie

    Bad news yesterday

    I'm sorry to hear you mom's cancer is growing again. Regarding chemo, my dad's doctor told us that chemo is effective for approximately 5-6 months. At that point, your body is immune to it and it's no longer effective and your body needs at least a 3 - 4 month break before it will have a chance to become effective again. I don't know much about Iressa, but have heard it can really be effective in some people. Maybe your mom could try this for awhile and if it works....GREAT! If not, maybe by that time chemo could be started again. As far as "6 months left to live", I agree with the others who posted. THE DOCTORS DON'T KNOW. My mom begged my dad's doctor to tell her how much time he had left when he was first diagnosed. He didn't want to give her that information, but she begged. So he did. He was given 16 months. In November, my dad was in remission, but now the cancer is back. I was with my parents when they received this news. I'm so glad my mom didn't ask that question again!!!! My dad was in remission once, so why couldn't he be again since he responded so well to chemo!! My husband's cousin was give DAYS to live when he was diagnosed with leukemia. The doctors hadn't seen a case that seemed so hopeless....that was 9 years ago...today he's cancer free!!! Never give up hope!!! I will keep your family in my prayers.
  7. My dad was diagnosed almost a year ago with lung cancer and had chemo from May - October. He was then in remission. Unfortunately, during his visit at the end of February, the PET/CT scan revealed the cancer is back During chemo last time he never once was sick. This time, he's had three chemo treatments of Carbo/Taxol (same as before) and was fine. However, last night was very sick to his stomach and vomitted quite a bit. (His last chemo was three days prior). So my question is could this be from chemo even though it's never happened before? Or is it more likely to be the flu (he doesn't have a temp)? The only thing different this time with his chemo is that he is also getting Zometa (once a month). Thanks!
  8. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. Becky touched so many of us here. I've been thinking of you and your family so much since I first read your post. You are in my prayers.
  9. Lori, I am so very, very sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
  10. Angie


    GREAT NEWS!!!!
  11. My dad was mowing the lawn in April and was so out of breath he could not continue. He steadily got worse over the next few weeks. He then was worried about his heart, so had the treadmill test etc, but everything came back normal. Each day seemed to be worse. It finally came to a point that he could hardly talk without getting winded. He then had a chest x-ray which showed his right lung was "white". He then met with a lung specialist and his lung was drained. He had 9 lbs of fluid removed!!! No wonder he couldn't breathe!!! The fluid was then tested, which confirmed cancer. He also had a PET scan which showed cancer in several areas (bone mets). Thankfully, now he is in remission after five months of chemo!
  12. I can totally relate to your feeling of "being too good to be true". I was overjoyed when my dad's doctor said that he's in remission! You do prepare your self for the worst and kind of expect to hear bad news, but when you get the best news, the feeling is overwhelming! Congrats to your family!! Enjoy!!!
  13. I will be praying for you both!!!
  14. Angie


    I could not believe my ears when I heard the news. A few weeks ago, my dad's doctor was concerned about something he saw on the CT scan. He thought fluid was building up again, but he couldn't confirm that. My dad has been feeling well and no problem breathing, so we were hoping that wasn't the case. Since my dad had chemo from mid-May until Oct 29, his doctor ordered a PET scan to see how his body responded to chemo. Last Thursday he had the test and Monday we met with his doctor. After he walked into the room, he said the PET scan looked really good, no abnormalities, nothing lit up. What he had seen on the CT scan was scar tissue. I said, "Are you saying that my dad is in remission?" He said, "Yes, that is what I'm saying." I will never forgot how I felt at that moment. We received a copy of the report and read it over and over. We don't go back for another scan/appointment until the end of February! In the meantime, my dad is on 800 mg of Celebrex a day (I think that's the right dose?!?) We feel so blessed. I am so excited because my dad's cancer was inoperable and to be in remission is such a miracle! I hope my story gives hope to others whose cancer is inoperable. This is such a supportive site. I keep you all in my prayers. God Bless!
  15. Thank you all so much for your responses. I will print all of your replies for my dad to read. It sounds like my dad could benefit from a second opinion. I'm glad Iressa is working for for some of you...that's GREAT!!! There are so many doctors, so many opinions. It's too bad that there's not just one solution for everyone!!! Again, thank you so much for your replies....it's much appreciated. I keep all of you in my prayers.
  16. My dad has been on chemo since mid-May. The doctor feels it's time to stop, for now anyway. From the last CT scan, there was a little fluid build up, which may mean more cancer cells. We will know more on Monday when we get the results of the PET scan. I was hoping the doctor would offer Iressa, but said the drug has been a disaster with patients. He said that the results were the same in patients with plecebos, but A LOT of side effects, so would not prescribe for my dad. I was so bummed. I thought this would be the way to go. The doctor then talked about the benefits of Celebrex (arthritis drug) and Lung Cancer. He will try this for a while until he can start chemo again in a few months. My dad tolerated chemo so well, that I'm glad he'll be able to start again later. I don't think his doctor feels that it will make too much of a difference, but it has held his cancer stable for six months, so why not try again!! I'd be curious if any of your doctors have mentioned Celebrex?
  17. Angie

    My wife Ada

    Oh, Jim, I'm so sorry for your loss. Ada was such a support to so many of us. Ada responded to several of my posts. I remember how saddened I was to read that she had passed away. I'm so glad you have the support of family, but know no one can replace Ada. You and your family are in my prayers.
  18. I'm not sure how to read this... My dad has been receiving chemo since mid-May. First Gemzar, now Carbo/Taxol. At his last CT scan in September, his lungs looked really good. With each scan, the lining of the lung looked much better and he could finally breathe comfortably. (After four lbs. of fluid were drained from his lungs!!) At the time of his diagnosis in May, the doctor found cancer in his breast bone and a very small area on one vertabrea. Today after chemo, his nurse said that today was his last day of chemo and they made a BIG prodution out of it, ringing a bell, clapping, etc. My dad felt funny about this because he thought he had two more sessions, CT scan next week and a meeting with the doctor on November 12. The doctor said at his last meeting that his cancer was stable, but was hoping to see improvement on the breastbone, which there didn't seem to be. So anyway, he is still getting a CT scan and meeting with the doctor on November 12. So why the change today? Is there no more hope, or is his cancer stable so they are not continuing with chemo for awhile? Is this standard procedure to stop chemo when there is no more growth for about six months but still cancer detected in the bones? Radiation is not an option because of where the cancer is. I know we'll find out more answers in two weeks, but what do you think? My dad has adenocarcinoma, a slow growing cancer. He tolerated each chemo session very well...never sick, just recently lost all his hair and would be tired for a few days after each session. That's why I hate that chemo has been stopped. I always felt we were fighting at each session, with little side effects!!!
  19. Angie


    Today is my parents' 39th wedding anniversary. I can't help but think is this their last? Anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, etc. are SO hard. I think about "is this the last....." all the time. I need to focus on the here and now but sometimes it's so hard. My dad is doing really well right now. He feels pretty tired from the chemo, but that's his only side effect which we are all thankful for. Tomorrow we (my parents, sisters and our families) are getting our picture taken at a beautiful park. Hopefully the weather will cooperate! Also, my parents are taking all of us out to brunch on Sunday to celebrate their anniversary. I hope I don't break down and cry. Some days I'm great. Other days not so great. Our situations are so unfair but so are the others that experience devistating illnesses or situations. My cousin's wife had twins in March; one died and the other has Downs Syndrome. His sister had a baby two years ago who was stillborn. A lady I work with lost her son last month in a car accident, another coworker lost her husband in a farm accident. We don't know what tomorrow will bring and need to appreciate today. Life just isn't fair, but life is wonderful as well. I had such an emotional day. Thanks for taking the time to read. I just really needed to vent!!! This site is so wonderful and supportive. I am so thankful!
  20. Awesome news! I'm glad to see your post. I hadn't heard back from you, so was wondering how your dad was doing. Keep us posted!
  21. Angie


    I just had to share this story (even though my friend's original diagnosis was not lung cancer). I have a friend at work who was diagnosed at age 30 with breast cancer. That was three years ago. Unfortunatley, the cancer came back a few months ago, stage IV. Cancer appeared on her breast bone, in her lung and lymph nodes. Through chemo, she is in remission!!! Her doctor NEVER thought she would see remission again!! In a couple of weeks she is undergoing a stem cell transplant. With this procedure, she is looking at over a 40% chance of five-year + survival. Never give up hope!!!
  22. Thank you all so much for your responses. I really appreciate it! You never feel alone on this site!!!
  23. My dad was recently taken off Gemzar due to continuous coughing and extreme shortness of breath. Three weeks ago he switched to a combination of carbo/taxol. He suffered with diarrhea for a few days and is loosing a lot of hair, but thankfully hasn't been nauseated. He does seem to be VERY SHORT with my mom and my sisters and me. Normally my dad is a very sweet, patient person. He even blew up at the waitress at Perkins for forgetting silverware. So, I'm not sure if this could be a side effect for the chemo or if he's just to the point of being sick/depressed with the cancer (undertandably so!). Anyone else experience this???
  24. Angie

    Scans all clean

    Cindy, GREAT NEWS!!! Love reading those positive reports!!! God Bless!!
  25. Angie

    Scans all clean

    Cindy, GREAT NEWS!!! Love reading those positive reports!!! God Bless!!
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