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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Shadow, It sounds like the first thing your sister in law needs to do is get a NEW DOCTOR or at least tell the one she has now that she wants to be as aggressive as possible in the battle! Attitude is EVERYTHING in fighting cancer. Hers, yours and the Doctors all play a part in her recovery. If you are told often enough that there is no hope you assume there is no hope. If you go in with the attitude that you CAN beat it, there is usually a better outcome. Is she being seen at a cancer center or local hospital? I will be praying for her and your family.

    God Bless,


  2. Sometimes the radiation treatments affect the spine causing the problem. My Doctor tried to keep my spine out of the treatment field as much as possible but there is still a chance of problems at a later date. Another of the "side effects" I am afraid. Good thing about it is, I am still here to complain about the side effects, lol.

    God Bless,


  3. Thats a wonderful idea Dean. I started a handwritten journal when I was diagnosed but something like this would allow loved ones far away to see how you are doing. Good luck with it.

    God Bless,


  4. A reply to a post today from KarenC. made me realize I had not ever posted my "story" so here goes.

    I woke up every morning of the last week in May with my face totally swollen, eyes almost swollen shut and unable to see for almost an hour. I tried sleeping sitting up, on one side or the other, nothing worked. I thought my allergies had kicked in so I went to my regular clinic. A PA who gave me an allergy shot and told me to come back in a week if there was no change saw me. Well, the next Saturday came and there had been no change so back to the clinic I went. This time a “real” Doctor took one look at me and sent me to the hospital for an x-ray.

    He called me at 9AM, on Monday morning, at work, (NOT a good sign) to tell me that there was something on the x-ray and by the looks of it there was a good chance it was cancer. He already had a CT Scan set up for Tuesday and a Broncoscopy set up for Thursday when he called me. Turns out that the swelling was from Superior Vena Cava Syndrome.

    I did the CT scan and when I awoke from the Broncoscopy there was an Oncologist sitting by my bed telling me he wanted me in Columbia (90 miles away) the next morning to start chemo.

    I started chemo (Carboplatnium and Etoposide) on June 6th, 2003 for 5 rounds. Started radiation on June 30, 2003 for 31 rounds and am currently undergoing PCI, which started on November 18, 2003 for 15 rounds. Currently I am “Stable” which is fine with me!

    I am a 48 year old, “Single” lady, live on my own, have a job I adore and have been blessed to work for a wonderful company that has gone out of their way to make things good for me during the past few months. They went so far as to even give me a promotion! I have good insurance so I have not had to worry too much about the bills. I have had few side effects so have been able to work through most of the treatments (did have to take a few days off to spend in the hospital when counts went to almost 0) but all in all I have just been blessed. I have faith in God and a wonderful church family that has been behind me every step of the way, 2 grown kids that live relatively close and a 4-year-old grandson that I adore! I have always had the attitude that I can beat this (comes from Viking forefathers I think) and my Doctors have the same attitude, which makes it that much better!

    Well, that’s my “story” and I’m sticking to it, lol.

    God Bless you all,


  5. What a wonderful tribute to Randy to make those quilts. I am sure the kids will treasure them for years to come.

    I lost my Mom to cancer over 11 years ago and I still find myself picking up the phone to call her about something from time to time so I know what you mean about waiting for him to come home.

    God Bless,


  6. Jess,

    Where is your Aunt being treated? At a Cancer Center or a local hospital? Sometimes it makes a BIG difference as to the type of treatmet received. I would always suggest a second (or third or fourth) opinion also. I have been in favor of the most aggresive treatment available, at least for me. I think it goes back to my Viking forefathers, lol.

    God Bless and prayers being said for your Aunt and your family.


  7. Karen, As dumb as this sounds coming from someone with Lung Cancer, I have been SO BLESSED! I am a single person, live in my own home, have a wonderful job that I have been able to go to just about every day through this whole thing. I did chemo and had few side effects, did radiation and had few side effects and have 2 pci treatments left , again with few side effects. My biggest side effects have been fatigue, hair loss and low blood counts, all pretty easily taken care of.

    Now I admit, lol, my house is NOT going to win any awards but then again, who cares? As long as it is clean enough to see the floors and I don't have to worry about anyone getting bit by anything when they come over it is good enough for me. I try and spend as much time as I can with my 4 year old grandson, my daughter, my son and my dil. The rest of this stuff can wait.

    God Bless,


  8. Karen, I didn't mean that you needed to call in hospice. I just meant that they sometimes offer other services that help take some of the burden off the care giver. Here they have folks that will come in when needed and cook a simple dinner or help with child care so the caregiver can get "away" for a couple of hours and not feel guilty. They will also come in and assist with spring or fall cleaning, holiday decorating or??????? Hospice can be so much more than an end of life support team.

    God Bless,


  9. (((((Karen))))), I can only imagine how I would be on a caregiver if I had one, lol. I commend you on the difficult job you are doing. Don't ever be afraid to vent! Keeps you from blowing up at home and then having to clean up the mess!!!

    Does your local Hospice organization offer respite care? Sometimes you can get them to come in at little or no charge to help out around the house. I know we always think of Hospice as a "last resort" but they do offer other services that can be taken advantage of at earlier times. Just an idea.

    Praying for you, Dave and lil Faith.

    God Bless,


  10. My daughter has all my sites bookmarked and has all my passwords. She was very good about letting people know when I was in hospital in June (prior to joining this board). It does help to know what is going on with those we have all come to care about.

    God Bless,


  11. As long as you are breathing there is hope! Every day brings you 1 day closer to a cure or at least to something that will keep the beast stable! If one sort of treatment doesn't work there are many, many more available and if your Dr. doesn't suggest one then I would find a Dr. that is aggresive in the fight. I have 2 of what I consider the worlds best Dr.s on my side. The have NEVER given me the "you only have x amount of time" speach. They BOTH have always been positive that we can BEAT this thing if we work together. My Onc. and my Rad. Dr.s have worked VERY hard to do the best for me that they can and I have been so BLESSED to have them. You really have to have Faith, faith in God and faith in your medical team.

    I will be praying for your family.

    God Bless,


  12. Cindy,

    I am so pleased things are going well for you! You can KEEP the snow however, lol. I had my fill of it living in Minnesota. It is pretty for a day or two at Christmas though.

    God Bless,


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