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Everything posted by Rosie

  1. I guess there is no better way to celebrate it than to be with Jesus. Happy Birthday Mom, Nanna and I miss you bunches. Love, Tammy
  2. That's a lot of work! Thanks so much for taking the time to do that.
  3. Cat, I'm praying for Jesus' peace to be upon you. Much love and many prayers are coming your way....
  4. Charlotte, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know there is nothing else that we can say that will make it easier. Just know that you are not alone.
  5. Renee, I am so sorry for you loss. Please know you are in my prayers.
  6. At one point my mom went to a fancy shmancy wig shop to pick up some of the adhesive strips to hold hers on. She couldn't afford anything there, so it was definitely just for the little strips. Anyway, they told her that the stuff she was using for the flaking and 'sunburn' on her head would mess up the hair that would try to grow back. I can't remember exactly what they said or what she was using. I'm sure there are lotions and stuff you can use. I would just check and make sure that they are the right kind. Really neat note on this: Mom did not have the nicest wig at the time. It was just for something on her head. It was old and made her look about 15 years older... no kidding. The lady began asking mom what her original haircolor was as she was pointing to wigs in the shop. Mom told her, but was reluctant in her answers knowing she did not have the money to buy one of the $400 wigs. The lady left the room and came back with a bag filled with sample shampoos, conditioners, adhesive strips, a brush and... one of those expensive wigs. She gave it to her at no charge. We were dumbfounded. We both just stood there crying...
  7. Hi Shelley, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. My mother died on August 19. Your post has probably been the most difficult one to reply to because of this. I did not want you to feel alone though. Please know that everyone, including myself, is here for you. Take one day at a time...
  8. Rosie


    David!! Congratulations! I live in Austin and the "Livestrong" yellow bands are everywhere. Pretty cool.
  9. That is so funny. There isn't a person here who can't relate in one way or another to that story....
  10. Renee, The times we had with our mom at home were some of the best times of our lives. Hospice was great and I really believe that mom liked the special attention. Enjoy every minute. It will be hard, but don't get caught up in the little things. Don't worry if the house gets messy. Take the time and savor each moment. God's richest blessings to you both.
  11. Hi Angie, My mom had radiation to the brain. Some of the same things that Katie said about fatigue and such. If I remember right, she had burning on her scalp, kind of like a sunburn. It did do wonders the first time around. You have my prayers...
  12. Teetaa, Thank you so much for posting that update. I have had DeanCarl on my heart a lot lately. It's good to know he is still in such good spirits.
  13. Rosie


    Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone. Your thoughts, prayers and messages have helped so much. Vivi, I'm going to head over and read that post by DeanCarl now.
  14. Rosie


    Hello everyone, I haven't posted in a very, very long time. Please know that my sister and I do keep up with you all even though we don't post all the time. You are in our thoughts and prayers all the time. I wanted to let you know that our mom passed away on August 19th at 7:45 AM. It has been a long difficult road. Last winter when I started posting here, I came with unanswerable questions. I am so thankful for your patience, love and support. It was obvious that even though my questions were very difficult, everyone understood and tried to help me the best that they could. I hesitated about posting this update, mainly, because so many wonderful people have passed recently and I didn't want to add to the pain of those working through this right now. I want to say that I don't think it is hopeless. Hang on... and fight. Our mom fought for a long time and with all her might. She fought to the very end. My sister made the statement at the funeral that, "Mom did not lose her battle to cancer" and I have to agree with her. She may not have survived, but she did not lose. She was a fighter that is now in heaven. I had the privledge of staying with my mom and sister for 5 weeks before she died. (I live in TX and they are in OH.) This time was a precious, precious gift. We saw our mom live for the first time in her life. She did not worry over the little things in life. She enjoyed it to the fullest... and I mean, to the fullest! Mom had always been a drinker who kept us at arm's length. That arm was taken down and wrapped around us with awesome hugs. We have never laughed so hard in our lives. We also cried together, but there was so much laughter. I never realized what an amazing sense of humor my mother had. It is something that will stay with me forever. Anyway, God bless and love to you all. Tammy (a.k.a. Rosie)
  15. OMGosh, I can't believe Mo is gone. She was (still is) such an inspiration to me. I know that she is happy, healthy and at home in heaven.... Blessings to you and your family...
  16. My mom had a bad relapse. There was nothing to be found on May 6, she went to the ER this past weekend with a paralyzed leg. They found out it is back in her brain, 20 hotspots... are those tumors? Now she has tumors on her spine. T8-9 and T11-12. She had her fill of radiation to the brain last time, so this time they can only do lower doses. I feel like I'm back to the beginning in all of this. What does this mean? Is or has anyone here dealt with Mets to the spine? I'd love to hear from you. Thanks to anyone who responds.
  17. Kat, Glad to hear you're tests came out well. Keep pressing on...
  18. Mo, It's been a while since I have been on here, but you have been on my heart a lot. I'm sorry to hear that you are sick, but glad it is just a 'bug'. Many prayers to you as you rest and heal up.
  19. Hi Jane, Mom had the same kind of side effects TBone said he had. The hair loss, sunburn scalp, loss of appetite, fatigue. She was doing chemo at the same time of the radiation, so it could have been either causing some of the appetite and fatigue, etc. stuff. I hope that helps. Love and prayers...
  20. Hello Jane, My mom was diagnosed with sclc with mets to the brain and liver. They pretty much said the same thing, keep her comfortable. She opted to do radiation and chemo. Now, the brain mets are gone. The liver is better and the tumor is shrinking. The only place she had radiation was her head. That may be a stupid thing to say though. Do they do radiation at other parts of the body? Sorry, I'm showing my stupidity. I'm sure they do. Anyway, that's our experience with it. Praying for your dad and your family.
  21. That was beautiful. Thanks for sharing it and taking the time to do that. In His care, Tammy
  22. Oh No! Praying for you Mo! Love and blessings to you...
  23. Berisa, You and your father are in my thoughts and prayers.
  24. Praying the Lord give you peace and comfort during this difficult time...
  25. Rosie

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    Praying all goes well on Monday and that your Radiologist doc has good news!
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