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Everything posted by Nushka

  1. Cat, I hope you don't read this until Wed night. You need to be sleeping. Did you ask the doc for some sleep aids and something for anxiety? You have so much on your mind and no one there to scream at or cry with. I hope you are feeling better soon and remember we are all thinking about you and wishing you the best. Nina
  2. Nancy, just want you to know that I will be thinking of you tomorrow and praying for all involved that everything goes well. Can't wait to read your next post and that you are ok, eating, walking etc. Mo, so sorry that you are feeling so badly. Make them get on the stick and get that fluid drained quickly. You too are in my prayers. Get better and let us keep hearing from you. Nina
  3. Nushka


    Oh Francine, I am so sorry to hear about your set back. I was afraid all of that back pain meant something was amiss. Now that you know for sure what the problem is you can start the fight to stop it in its tracks. Just want you to know that you are in my prayers and that I am pulling for you to get better before summer is over. The hearing thing would drive me crazy. You have been more patient than I would have been. Glad you finally found someone who could tell you what was wrong. Is he giving you antibiotics or steroids or anything to get rid of the fluid or does he expect it to just go away? Keep us posted and know that we are with you. Nina
  4. Marie, It sounds like you have a wonderful support group with your family. However, if you need more we are always here. Welcome to the group no one wants to join and the best of luck on your upcoming treatments. I am sure you will make good decisions and it sounds like you have a great attitude. Come often. Nina, aka Nushka
  5. Welcome Twodog. Its not a place you find by accident but it is the best place on earth for support and information. Glad you found us but sorry you had to look for us in the first place. Like Becky said, it ain't fun but the traveling companions are the best. Let us hear from you often. Nina aka Nushka
  6. Hope you feel better Cheryl and have a good trip. Ry, I was desperate.....I just had to put that hall pass in the slot machine. It was either that or quit playing. Nina
  7. Welcome home Andrea. I am glad you had a good trip and hope it helped with some of the "STRESS" that you have been under. Now that you are home and back in the thick of things, remember to breathe. Hope your mom is still doing well. Nina
  8. Nushka

    Sorry No Kilt!

    Don and Lucie, I am so happy that you had a wonderful trip and that Lucie got to do most of what she wanted to do. Welcome home. We missed you. Can't wait to see the pictures and I love the stone prayer idea. Get some rest. Nina
  9. There were warnings all around us last night but our county made it with only a few branches down. We are very greatful. I hate bad weather and was up until after 5am so that I could wake my husband up and take he and the little dog to the basement if anything happened. I guess I will always feel responsible for my entire family when weather hits. My children have grown to count on me for the phone call in the middle of the night to warn them if anything is going on. I slept well when I did go to bed and had a good day today. My thoughts are with the ones who were not so lucky. Nina
  10. Tornado watch is out for Alabama now. I was in one in l988 and don't want to ever do that again. Keep us all in your prayers as I do you. I hate storms as badly as I do this beast we all have in common. Nina
  11. I haven't run into the beer truck yet and hope I don't anytime soon, BUT a little VW runs over my toes every now and then when I do alot of extras in a day. I pay for it the next with a little less energy and aches and pains. Not beer truck pains but little VW pains.... I hope you feel better soon and have a great weekend. Nina
  12. My worst fear was the chemo...but like my doctor said, I was UNDERWHELMED. I ate like a horse the day of and a few days after chemo and took antinausea meds to help with the rest of the time. I found myself tired and took the doctors advice and rested when I was ready to rest. I ate as best I could and watched alot of sitcoms to make me laugh. I lost my hair but it came back and except for the cough and wheeze I feel great most of the time. I still seem to need more sleep than before but I feel blessed. I hope you feel as well as I did and that your treatment kicks the cr*p out of those cancer cells. Let us know more about you. Nina
  13. Still have a little cough and wheeze after treatment. But before dx'd it was much worse. I use advair inhaler for it and it seems to help. Each of us is different and because of the different locations our symptoms vary. Jen, I am sorry you have to be here but I am sure if you read some of the posts you will find that this is a very caring and supportive place to be. Feel free to ask questions and let us know a little more about you. Nina, aka Nushka
  14. Kreed, welcome to the most supportive group I have even been a part of. I am sorry you had to find us but glad you did. Feel free to ask questions and keep us posted on your mom. Nina
  15. I wanna come too. But there is a big problem....its way to far for a little country girl to make it. I sure look forward to seeing all the pictures and reading all the tall tales. I will make sure to be online that night to read any "in person" posts. I hope you all have a wonderful time. Nina
  16. Dean, I think your posts are a road map for life. I am beginning to enjoy life by the moment and it makes it much more worth living. I enjoy my little dog sitting in my lap, talking to my grandchildren on the phone, looking across the room and seeing my wonderful husband there being with me. He planted some beautiful flowers around the pool and each day we go out and look at them in wonder. Nature is beautiful and we are part of it all. We all get down and start to feel sorry for ourselves at different times. But when I do I think of all of you and know that I am not in this thing by myself...you and the One who made us are with me. I am grateful for my time more than I ever was. I find I am content with my situation and most of the time at peace. Thanks Dean for putting it so beautifully for all of us. Nina
  17. Nushka

    Trip to Biloxi

    Dear Friends, Well, the trip to Biloxi was fun but tiring. We gambled and ate and gambled and ate...etc....and on one afternoon I got a swedish massage. It was wonderful. It had been a long time since I had been that relaxed. I thought about all of you while I was gone but I was so tired when we got home that I didn't even turn on the computer. I am rested now and looking forward to the next hour or so catching up on all of your posts. Nina PS....Ry, I lost the hall pass in a slot machine.....but I will put a larger amount in the collection plate tomorrow at church.
  18. Kim, As Becky said, ask for the pain medication on time. Use the pillow for coughing, sneezing, walking and deep breathing. I was in the hospital for 5 days and slept in my recliner for almost 3 weeks when I got home. Before I left the hospital they came to my room and gave me some exercises for my arm. I had no problem with movement but made sure I did the exercises daily. Also, it is important to take the breathing exercises as often as you possibly can...will help you start to heal and get your legs back under you. At one month past surgery I was on a plane headed for Las Vegas for a vacation that had been planned before I was dx'd. It is no piece of cake but you can make it....just do like Becky said and don't be a hero....take the pain meds. The more active you are able to be the faster you will gain your strength back. I am sorry to meet you this way but glad you found us. This is a great place for comfort and support. I look forward to your future posts and progress reports. Nina, aka Nushka
  19. Donna, Geesh, what a dx! Sorry you had to find us but so glad you did. This group has been my life saver. It sounds as though you have a good handle on things and the activism is wonderful. Chemo is rough but strength does seem to return after a while and hair does grow back. My life changed in just a few hours as well. I felt wonderful and the next thing I knew it was time for me to face surgery....then chemo...then radiation. I have had good results so far and hope the same for you. It is nice to meet you and look forward to your future posts. Nina aka Nushka
  20. Wishing your mom well. Keep us informed about how the procedures all go. This is new and exciting treatment and we are all interested. Nina
  21. Hey guys, don't be so hard on me If you knew how badly my husband needs to get away from all of this you would understand my genuine "need" for a hall pass. He has been grand and deserves a break. I am simply "tagging along". And if you believe the part about tagging along I have a nice piece of swamp land I could sell ya cheap. Hope to come back with lots of winnings to donate to American Cancer Society. They have been really good to me. Besides, think of all the excercise I will get walking around trying to find a good machine. Thanks Ry for the hall pass......I'll bet the $10 for you. Nina
  22. I need a hall pass please Ry. My husband and I are going to Biloxi, Ms for two days. I will not consider my luck to be the same as the slot machines. I should be back online by Thursday night. You all will be with me in my thoughts and prayers. Nina
  23. Curtis, I know you are a great daddy for Katie. I am sure her room will be perfect by the time you get finished setting it up. Keep posting, it was so nice to hear you tell of your happy memories of Becky. She would want you to heal and get on with your life. I hope you and Katie are very happy in SA. Nina
  24. Didn't work for me either. Could the link have expired?
  25. Keep asking questions until you get an answer. Without the surgery in the picture there must be something going on. Is it possible that she hurt a muscle in her chest lifting something? I vote for the PET scan. Nina
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