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Everything posted by Nushka

  1. Can't help with information but I can keep your and your family in my prayers. The best of luck to you no matter what your dad decides to do. Nina
  2. Keeping you in my thoughts for good results Tuesday. I hate waiting for results....so I know how you feel. I wish you only the best. Nina
  3. You are in my prayers. Anxiety is almost the worst part of being dx'd with cancer. Ask your doc for something to take for it. Then follow Becky's advice and kick some medical butt. I wish you the best and hope you get good results from now on. Nina
  4. Nushka

    Weight Gain

    I gained with my chemo as well. Was on carbo/VP16 and the steroid they gave me increased my appetite. I had lost weight prior to chemo after the surgery but quickly gained it all back plus some with chemo. Since the chemo I still find I have a great appetite. I blame the quit smoking part of all of this, but in reality I just eat too much and don't get enough exercise. The radiation made me short of breath and exercise is more difficult but I could do alot more than I do. I have just been enjoying food and taking it easy. I have made up my mind to get more active so that I feel like doing all the things I want to do. I don't worry about the weight. I am alive and I feel fairly great. That is about all I can ask for. I wish you the best and want to say that your little girl Riley is a little doll. Nina
  5. I am so happy to read the wonder and appreciation of life in your posts. You are indeed a special person. Glad you are feeling better. Nina
  6. Mo, It won't be long until you can write a travel guide. Have a wonderful time and rest when you need to. I admire your spunk and get up and go. You are a special person and I am glad I feel like I am getting to know you. Will be thinking of you and wishing you well. Nina
  7. I walked in a survivors lap in my home town a few weeks ago. It was very emotional for me. They gave me a survivors T-shirt and a medal to wear around my neck. I wore it with pride. Take the tote though, we always need new members Nina PS. Go Dean Go. I am proud of you and hope you feel great the day of the relay.
  8. I would not wait 3 months. That was what the radiologist suggested I do but my primary doc disagreed. I went with the primary doc's opinion and got a CT. It showed up there as a 1 1/2 cm X2cm lesion. It was my cancer. I had it biopsied and surgery within 3 weeks of dx. I am very glad I acted so quickly. Get a second opinion please. Nina
  9. Thanks for the explaination of CEA. I wondered because none of my docs had ordered one and wanted to know if I should ask for it. I know now that I probably don't need it. Nina
  10. Andrea, this is going to sound stupid but I don't know what CEA is. Can you explain. Nina
  11. Will be thinking about the both of you Don. Have a wonderful time and I can't wait to see the picture of the kilt. Nina
  12. I want to come visit Mo. I love chinese and shrimp and crab. I am glad you are feeling well enough to eat all of that. Good for you, keep it up. Maybe your grandson can teach me to "crap" my crabs. LOL. I love kids. Nina
  13. Have a great time. Enjoy your few days away. I vote for the hall pass but I understand Ry has the last word. Nina
  14. I'll tell you what Margaret, if you will put $5 in a slot machine and win....I will send you the $5 and you can send me the winnings. And if you fall for that one I'll propose another offer for the next time you go to Vegas. Have fun and enjoy the family and friends. Its great not to have a medical commitment for a while isn't it? Nina aka Nushka
  15. I hope you have a great graduation day Tann. It is great to be feeling better and to have HAIR! Have a nice weekend. Nina aka Nushka
  16. Sharon, I agree with Don. Don't borrow trouble...it could be something very simple. I would be a little concerned about the spots on his spine but the doc seems to think that is nothing to worry about at this time. Try to take a deep breath and face whatever it is at the time....believe me, I know that is easier said than done but it is good advice...the deep breaths do help the stress. Will be thinking about you both and as always, keep you in my prayers. Nina PS The next time I have a scan coming up...in July....I will try to remember the deep breaths myself.
  17. That is great....I wish I had read your post before the race. I watched it but didn't know to look for Rock98. I know you are proud of him....keep us in touch. Nina, aka Nushka
  18. Becky, Congratulations on the neg test results.....BOTH OF THEM! You are a real hoot and I love your posts. Take care of yourself and let us help when we can ok? Sorry about the migraines. Hope you get those symptoms in control and the thyroid meds work wonders. Nina
  19. Always glad to hear good news. Have a special dinner or go on a trip...celebrate! Nina
  20. Nushka


    Becky, Can't add a frog or snake story but wanted to say I have enjoyed all of yours. Shame on you Tbone. hehe. Nina
  21. Jane, Thanks for keeping us all posted. It seems that Alan is a very brave young man and you should be very proud of him. He has made some tough decisions lately and dealing with this thing is one of the worst. He seems to have accepted the news but don't be surprised if he reacts stonger later on. He will be up and down and about all you can do is help him like you are doing now. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good work and know we are here for you. Nina
  22. First I want to say that I think your daughter is gorgeous and takes after her mom. You are very young to be dealing with this monster but since you have to face it your youth and strength will be assests for you. Like all the others have said, keep as positive a you can and learn all you can about your disease. It sounds like you have had all of the most aggressive treatments out there and that is good. You have a good chance of beating all of this and watching your daughter grow up. My heart goes out to you that you had to find this board but I am glad that you did. The people here will listen and offer prayers and experience that you will find no where else. Welcome to our little family. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Nina, aka Nushka
  23. So sorry to hear about your dad. He sounds like a great fellow and like one of the other posters said, he would probably have done this even if he was not a cancer patient. Let us know how he is doing. Hugs your way. Nina
  24. Have no idea how I did that twice. Sorry! Nina
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