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Everything posted by dahknee

  1. Think I'll have the soup too. Wait was this about my favorite comfort food? Where am I? No more diprovan for me thank you.
  2. Almost 5 degrees here. I'm back amongst the living once more. Seems that you can't come off Dreadnisone in a week, nearly killed me again. I'm back on it and hopefully going to be able to be weaned over the next few months. This has been a very rough time but prayers and cares have kept me going. Happy Christmas and a better new year to all who may be suffering.
  3. If God isn't everything then God must be nothing.
  4. I have to agree about writing things down, when I start speaking about an emotional issue I can get so tongue tied I sound like an idiot. You are an adult Lily and should have the right to be treated as adults. I'm going in for another CT scan and chest exray to day, wish me luck.
  5. 27 degrees and everything is covered in white, been covered for about a week. Does anyone know where the white goes when the snow melts?
  6. I'm jealous of your 50 degree weatgher Heidi, might get to 30 here today. Been record lows for the last 3 or 4 days now. My fever just keeps coming back, been 100 everyday for a over a week. just about to finish another round of antibiotics and just finished with Tamiflu, I think I'm getting better.
  7. Got up to 36 here today, inside it only got to 98.8, looks like my fever broke, been 99 to 101 for almost a week. Flu sucks.
  8. The strangest thing I could find would be money, is it still green?
  9. I heard about this years ago. I think they called it Trinoasatol.
  10. Morning, a bit nicer night last night. Sunday we got snow and 90 mph winds. Today is the first day of fall, pretty wild weather this year. I have still been sooooo sick and on a bunch of O2 just to be able to get up the stairs to the kitchen. I'm ready to feel better and I know it can't be that far away. That chemo sure kicked my butt.
  11. Don't work too hard . I been on the treadmill every morning by 6:00 for a week now. Two more weeks of this and then I start turning it on. Dang
  12. My old buddy Don, known him since I was about 12. Haven't seen him in about 12 yrs, went to visit him last year and he was out of town unexpectedly the same weekend. Have another friend that I've known since I was 5 and hadn't talked to him in almost 30 yrs and called and got hold of him last year. Since being ill I really want to keep more in touch with my past, have just reconnected with about ten of my cousins all over the country on facebook, sure is cool.
  13. dahknee

    Yes & No

    Been arrested? --- yes Kissed someone you didn't like? --- yes Slept in until Noon? --- yes Fallen asleep at work/school? --- yes Held a snake? --- yes Ran a red light? --- yes Been suspended from school? -- yes Experienced love at first sight? --- yes Totaled your car in an accident? -- no Been in a vehicle at more than 100 mph? --yes Driven a vehicle at more than 100 mph? --- yes Been fired from a job? --yes Fired somebody? --- yes Sang karaoke? --- yes Pointed a gun at someone? --- no Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? --- yes Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? --- yes Caught a snowflake on your tongue? ---yes Kissed in the rain? -- yes Had a close brush with death (your own)? --- yes Ever feared for your life? --- yes Seen someone die? --- no Played spin-the-bottle? --- no Sang in the shower? ---yes Smoked a cigar? --- yes Sat on a rooftop? ---yes Smuggled something into another country? ---no Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? -- yes Broken a bone? ---yes Skipped school? --- yes Eaten a bug? ---no Sleepwalked? --- no Walked a moonlit beach? --- yes Ridden a motorcycle? --- yes Dumped someone? --- yes Forgotten your anniversary? --- no Lied to avoid a ticket? --- yes Ridden in a helicopter? --yes Shaved your head? --- yes Played a prank on someone? --- yes Hit a home run? --- no Felt like killing someone? --- yes Cross-dressed? --- yes Been falling-down drunk? --- yes Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? --- yes Eaten snake? ---NO! Marched/Protested? --- no Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? --- no Puked on amusement ride? --- yes Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? --- yes Been in a band? --- yes Knitted? ---no Been on TV? --- yes Fired a gun? --- yes Skinny-dipped? --- yes Given someone stitches? --- no Eaten a whole habenero pepper (or other hot peppers)? -- yes Ridden a surfboard? --- no Drank straight from a liquor bottle? ---yes Had surgery? --- yes Streaked? --- no Taken by ambulance to hospital? --- yes Passed out when not drinking? --- no Peed on a bush? ---yes Donated Blood? --- no Grabbed electric fence? --- yes Eaten alligator meat? --- no Eaten cheesecake? --- yes Eaten your kids' Halloween candy? --- no Killed an animal when not hunting? --- yes Peed your pants in public? --- yes Snuck into a movie without paying? --- yes Written graffiti? ---yes Love someone you shouldn't? --- yes Think about the future? --- yes Been in handcuffs? -- yes Believe in love? --- yes Sleep on a certain side of the bed? ---yes Have a tattoo? -- yes
  14. Saturday morning at 2 am I was awake, as usual, so I woke up Mary and held up a deck of cards and said, "here take a card", she took a card and I told her to look at it. After she looked at it I asked okay do you know what card it is? She said yes so I had her put it back in the deck and said, "thank you" and put the cards away and went to bed. She laughed, whew thank God.
  15. I'm assuming GTKY is getting to know you. Heck how would I know I don't text either.
  16. dahknee

    H1N1 vaccine

    I guess I'm just like everyone else, just wondering. I normally get the flu and pneumonia shots because I have such a tendency towards that sort of illness. Dunno what I'll do this year yet but I see my ONC this week so gotta remember to ask.
  17. Mornin, happy no worky labor day. Who's celebrating having a job, and who'e celebrating having a child? Both forms of labor, no?
  18. Google or gargle Michelle?
  19. dahknee

    Final chemo

    Today I had my final carbo / alimta cocktail. Pneumonia is finally about gone and no fever. Thought I was having final chemo 2 weeks ago but it was postponed and I thought maybe they were going to cancel it altogether. CT from 2 weeks ago showed the pneumonia in my lower lobe of right lung, but, NO CANCER. I am just truly blessed. Also have gotten through my ins. carrier change so far with only one notice of "pre-existing condition", DUH, that's why we've been treating my cancer. But I think out secretary has them straightened out and I'd hate to cross her myself. Now that I feel a little better I realize how sick I've been for the last month, no wonder I been sleeping 15 to 20 hrs a day about half the time.
  20. Dang I'm hungry. Time for a ham sammich and a handful of baby dills... Yuuummmmm
  21. Howdy all, gotta tell you about my crazy new puppy. I watched him stalk his prey this morning for a few minutes. He stood on top of the stairs and hunkered down and was staring at the lawn, I kept trying to see what he was after. He went down the stairs about halfway and stopped and stared again and I still couldn't see what he was going to attack. Finally he went to the bottom of the stairs and crouched down in the grass ready to pounce and then he struck, an empty water bottle. I was cracking up. He actually stalked an empty bottle and it didn't get away. Hell he could be a senator with that kind of instinct and intelligence. LOL
  22. Do do do do, do do do do, do do do do
  23. I've had many premonitions / intuitive thoughts, feelings. Sometimes there is weight to it, sometimes it just seems like a bunch of hooey. Now psychics, nah, I always figgered if a psychic was real they would call me if something important enough was gonna happen, they never do.
  24. Morning Judy and the world. It's great to see everyone back. I am finally feeling a bit better, I think, yesterday I just suddenly started feeling like my breathing improved. i hate to jinx it tho, I could be nasty sick again tomorrow. This is just so unpredictable but today I feel better and I dig it. Hope everyone has a good day. Peace out
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