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Everything posted by michellep

  1. Hi everyone! Yes, I remember how busy this topic used to be and I hope it will pick up again soon Went out to dinner last night. Jumbo shrimp....it was really good. Best part of the dinner though was a nice glass of wine to go with it! It's really cold today. Daytime high is only going to reach 27 degrees. I sure will be glad when winter is over and I can start planting again and mowing. I love that! Our dog Sampson is still having issues with the house training. I am so tired of cleaning the carpet I don't know what we're doing wrong. I would assume he would be fully trained by now. Anyone have any ideas? He's 10 months old and he will use the puppy pads at night to pee, but wants to poop on the carpet. yuck! Well, hope everyone has a good week end
  2. I don't know of him, but perhaps someone who follows behind me has and can be of some help to you. Please keep us updated
  3. I know there are many of you out there! And I also know that being a caregiver you need a lot of emotional support. It's a difficult time and I too lived it. Please join us here and post any questions or concerns you have. I would like to help if I can....as many others are too You are "not alone" ((hugs))
  4. Janet.....I'm certainly glad you don't have to go out into all that snow. I'm still a Calif city girl and I'm not used to snow. We've had some here in Illinois yes, but nothing like what you have. I'm terrified at the idea of driving in it, plus people are always telling me about black ice and the danger of that! We have two deep freezers in the garage with lot's of food in case something like that should happen here. Today is Russ's Birthday so yesterday I put a cake in the oven and he kept commenting on how good it smelled. When I took it out to cool before finishing ( making it a poke cake with vanilla pudding) he says to me.....nothing like a slice of warm cake ya know......well, needless to say I was only able to finish half of a cake! lol He is going out to his parents today for supper so I won't have to cook I hope. I don't enjoy going to his parents too much because his dad loves to challenge people and argue. Always has to be "right". I'm not used to being around people who raise their voices and argue so I'm gonna stay home and play on the computer Nice and quiet....yummmm Well, hope everyone has a nice day and stay warm
  5. That's really good news which you certainly need right now One less worry for you dear one ((hugs))
  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. No doubt that depression is normal when this kind of diagnosis is made. If she doesn't want to take medication for this that's okay. Perhaps she will re consider another time. I'm happy that you found this community here. There are so many wonderful people and a wealth of information as well. If you have not yet read our other forums I certainly encourage you to do so. Please feel free to post anytime you wish. Ask away or vent your emotions as well. Keep us updated and I wish the best for you and your Mom ((hugs))
  7. So sorry to hear about your dad but I am happy you found lcsc. Please browse our forms and read about others who have dealt with this awful disease we all hate. I agree about the tarceva. It does indeed cause rashes that can become very annoying. Feel free to post away and ask all the questions you want. You can also share your feelings and how you are dealing as well. ((hugs))
  8. michellep

    TGIF Air

    Hi! WOW Diane, I didn't know prednisone gave people energy! Maybe I should get some. LOL I know what you mean about picky eaters. I have the same problem here. I still cook food "California" style I guess you might say and everyone in Illinois eats food fried in lard. I can't accept that for myself and even though I will cook with lard for them I won't eat it myself. I like to cook, but it seems since it's healthy food they don't want it. I should just stop all together I think sometimes Temps here last night dropped below zero and only about 17 degrees this afternoon. No snow though so I guess I can live with it. For the Sunday game I don't plan on watching it. I'm sure Russ will so I'll just play on the computer or read a book I guess. Have a nice week end everyone!
  9. Clare, When my husband was on chemo he didn't want to eat either. He didn't care much for the ensure supplement drinks but I would blend them for him with different kinds of fruits and even ice cream. It made a big difference and he actually enjoyed them. Perhaps you might want to try that. Also, try to keep plenty of water in her as well. Let us know how it goes (((hugs)))
  10. Has Anyone heard about this? The Catalan Institute of Oncology in Barcelona, Spain has recently presented the results of a new technique for treating lung cancer, one of the most widespread cancers, especially in men. It is ultra- precise radiotherapy, able to target a very high dose of radiation with maximum accuracy even in very small lung tumors, without damaging the surrounding healthy tissues. The main advantage of this technique is that is synchronized with the breath. The lung is normally very difficult to treat with radiotherapy because it moves when breathing. “First of all, we have the advantage that the patient is not operated on. And then, instead of seven weeks continuously, the treatment is done in a few, short sessions, and it is over at the most in two weeks,” says the head of Oncology at Bellvitige hospital, Dr. Ferran Guedea. Scientists plan to use this technique in patients that cannot be treated surgically, because of their age or the increased risk caused by other pathologies. “In the past, only 30 percent of the patients treated with conventional techniques gained an extra 2 years. Now we obtain a 70-80 percent survival rate,” says Dr. Arturo Navarro. The new technique has already been tested in more than 70 patients since 2008 and the results seem encouraging. “When they told him that he had this illness, then the doctor got to work, and well…. now it is as if he never had anything,” said one delighted wife who had feared she was about to lose her husband. Thanks to the encouraging results, scientists want to extend the technique to other types of tumors, such as liver, bone, or prostate tumors.
  11. Perhaps your family is in denial regarding your health? It's hard to know unless you have a heart to heart talk with them. Maybe you could talk to them both over dinner and explain that you wish they would help you more. Are you seeing things that need to be cleaned that aren't that important to them? From my experience I was a fanatic about my house and my husband never noticed those kinds of things?
  12. Hi everyone! Hope you're having a good day. Ohhhh it's so cold here! Wind and rain with snow expected tomorrow with a low of 10 degrees Our pup Sampson had a bubble bath yesterday and a blow dry. He looks so much better. Still fighting with a few episodes of going potty in the house but a big improvement. I tried posting a picture of him in the photo section but it kept failing. I'll try again soon. Don't plan on leaving the house for the next few days with this cold but I stocked up on lot's of food. I just love cooking this time of year Having a blast with a new game on Fb....don't thnk I'll ever catch up to Randy though. I think he has a secret he hasn't shared with me. Randy darlin????? Please spill?? LOL
  13. I completely concur with Randy here. We understand as caregivers exactly how you're feeling. Please try not to look ahead too far until you get more information from your mom's doctors. I also agree that reading further on this board from other members you will find a great deal of support. Please come back often and let us know how things are going. We ALL care....you are not alone ((hugs))
  14. Just checked in before going to bed and saw your reply Janet about a wig. I never took chemo since it was my husband who was taking it, but after he passed I lost ALL of my own hair. I suppose it was nerves. But I ended up buying a wig and it was really nice. It took a little time getting used to but I loved the idea of the style already done for me. I have since grown my own hair back and sometimes now I look at that wig and think about wearing it again.
  15. Hi everyone! It's 11am here and it's 10 degrees I have warm coats but not gloves....so perhaps I should go shopping! I have a hair appt today for a color. I'm thinking about having my hair cut into a bob with some golden high lights.....maybe it will make me look younger? Russ loves clam chowder so I'll be making that when I get home. Hopefully I won't freeze before that! Not much else happening here, but then not much ever does in this tiny town. LOL Have a great day!
  16. Clare, I'm saddened to see your post and my heart breaks for you....but please try to keep positive. There are many here who have fought such hard battles and won. Yes, there are some who have lost but I truly believe a positive attitude is a good thing. Come here as often as you want to talk or vent if you wish. We understand and will always be here for you dear one. ((hugs))
  17. Hi everyone and happy hump day We're having a heat wave today....almost 2pm here and it's a whopping 23 degrees. Maybe I should go do some gardening in my bikini? Lol I don't know how many of you browse Pinterest but there are some really good cooking ideas there. I've got several new things I want to try. Hopefully Russ likes them cuz he's really picky and that isn't fun Gong to get my hair done tomorrow and I'm thinking about a whole new cut....maybe a bob? Those look so cute and I hope it works for me too. Katie.....I'm so sorry to hear the news about your cute puppy. Please hug your children for me....I'm sure they are devastated as you are too dear one. ((hugs))
  18. Congratulations Charlie! Being a caregiver is a difficult job sometimes but with the love you have for your wife I think you're winning this is wonderful
  19. Hi everyone! Got my computer issues taken care of I "think" so hopefully I can continue posting. Weather here is brutal to say the least. Last night it dropped to 6 degrees and today's high was 15 Apparently tomorrow snow is rolling in I did venture out today and took a ride into Missouri. Had to warm the car for 15 min before I was willing to even get in it! LOL
  20. Hello everyone It's cold in Illinois....STILL ughhhh It's noon here and only 21 degrees. Glad there isn't any snow though. It seems to have melted away. Went to babysit yesterday for two autistic boys. They are beautiful children but they sure are active! LOL When I got home last night I was so tired and couldn't wait to go to sleep. I'm going over again to help today but it won't be for very long. The family had a member pass away and don't want the children at the service which I certainly understand. For those of you who are friends on FB you've probably seen pics of my puppy Sampson. He's 9 months old now and has learned to jump He's fine going up but still scared to jump down. He keeps jumping up on my bed during the day and cries till I come in there and help him off. I don't like all this jumping so I better start putting a stop to it now I suppose. I'm planning on doing some indoor painting soon. I picked out a beautiful color for one of the guest rooms. It's kinda the color of butterscotch. Think I'll start on it when it's too cold to leave the house. Well, hope everyone has a great day
  21. Hi Randy! Sounds like you're having a heat wave compared to Illinois! It's currently 24 degrees here and actually dropped down to 10 degrees last night Good thing I have LOT"S of warm clothes this year. Last year I was prepared at all and boy was I miserable. Kinda miss the California weather! I have to go babysit two little boys today. They both are autistic so I should have my hands full right? Their parents have a function to attend where it wouldn't be a good place for children. House smells wonderful right now. I'm making pepper steak and rice so Russ will have food while I'm away. I wonder if there will be any left for me when I get home tonight? I doubt it Perhaps a drive thru place for me? LOL Well, hope everyone is doing good today and I hope to see many many posts follow behind me!
  22. Welcome to LCSC.....you have found a wonderful place to come visit and ask any questions you have as well as support from many people. Reading your post just broke my heart. You really seem to have your hands full here, but your mom is so lucky to have you. I'm sure she is very proud of you. Your mom seems to have been through a lot in her life and no doubt she is depressed. I'm glad she is no longer drinking and that she is with you. Hospice is wonderful for both of you right now and you can always ask them questions about the "end" and what to expect but then not everyone is the same. I'm curious about the 35 pills a day though. My husband was taking more than that until hospice came in. They stopped all medication except what was needed for anxiety and pain. Maybe it's different in your state? I was in California at the time. Please browse our forums and read past post from other caregivers and let us know how you and your family are doing. ((hugs))
  23. Yes, Mary it is indeed a bond we share against our will Welcome to our board. I hope you've been readying our posts fro many members here. There is a wealth of information and support here so please read and post anytime you wish. ((hugs))
  24. Perhaps when you're visiting your parents you can approach the subject gently. Perhaps before you tell them you had already looked into the option, ask them if they themselves had considered a second opinion. I have heard wonderful things about the Cancer Treatment Center. My husband also had Adenocarcinoma and we did not seek a second opinion. We put all of our trust into the local doctors near our home. In looking back on the situation I wish we had gotten more opinions. But, no matter what your mom decides to do you'll need to respect her choices. Please let us know how things go? ((hugs))
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