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Everything posted by michellep

  1. I was happy to see an update from you. I've thought about you many times since your dad's passing. I'm sorry to hear of the struggles you and your mom are having but glad you have each other. Please keep us updated ((hugs))
  2. michellep

    Thomas Murphy

    I'm so very sorry to see this post My thoughts and prayers are with them ((hugs))
  3. I'm so happy to know that the Tarceva is helping you Craig. Many of our members have had great success with this drug. When my husband was told to take this medication our insurance wouldn't cover it. We paid out of pocket for it because we heard so many good things about it! I look forward to hearing more good news from you
  4. It's been very cold here the past two weeks and now it looks like we might have a couple days of 60's temp which is certainly welcome. I've heard that they expect this winter snow to be worse than in many years past. Coming here from Calif what we had last year was pure torture. I plan to fully stock up on food then because I'm scared out of my mind to drive in snow or ice. Russ started a part time job a few weeks ago which seems to have turned into full time plus But, I have lot's of time to clean and re-arrange the house now I guess. I just feel like I need to have some fun....this ex-city girl gets bored out of her mind living in a tiny country town. Sampson has been acting up since Russ went back to work. He's getting into the garbage cans and just generally being a very bad dog! Hopefully he'll adjust soon huh? Either that....or into the cage again! Happy Monday everyone!
  5. michellep

    More Good News

    That is just the best news! Congratulations and keep up the good work
  6. Hi everyone! Sorry for not posting lately. Preparing for winter here takes a lot of work and it feels like we're about ready for snow. Living in Calif all my life and coming here sure is a big change! The last two winters I helped cut down trees and split wood for the stove but I told Russ that I'm not helping this year. He has plenty of men friends to help I wanted to experience it and I did indeed, but I don't like it! LOL With the weather getting colder I've been dragging out all my soup recipes. Already made a few of them. I love soups! Our dog Sampson just might have a girlfriend soon. A friend of ours also has a mini sheltie that will be coming in heat soon so we plan to breed them and I get the pick of the litter. Not sure if I even want another one because it's totally impossible to keep up with all the hair loss in the house. I don't EVER even attempt to wear the color black anymore. Not good for my asthma either Well, I hope everyone has a good day and I look forward to hearing about your adventures!
  7. michellep


    Congratulations! Here's hoping for many more years of ned
  8. michellep

    Good news!

    Wonderful news Carol! Keep up the good work
  9. Well, it's been 4 long years tomorrow. It feels like the longest four years of my life. I have worked very hard to try and re-build a new existence for myself but it continues to be a daily struggle. My "new life" as I call it is far from what I had with Don and I don't want to compare but sometimes I wonder if I will ever have that feeling of total happiness again. I ask myself if this is just the best it's ever going to be and should I just accept it and cherish the memories of what used to be? I wish I had someone to talk to about Don. Sometimes when I try to tell a story to someone I know here they just have a second of silence and then want to talk about something else. I don't know if it's because they never knew him or if they feel uncomfortable with the topic. Many of my things from moving here are still in boxes and stored in the basement. Today I went down there and opened up what I had labeled as my "memories". Many of the items I don't even remember placing in there but it did bring me some comfort as well as a few tears. There was a photo from a time I had taken Don to a place called Buffalo Bills. It was a dinner house that had a western type of show on stage. It was his Birthday so they took him on stage, put a cowboy hat on him and the saloon girls danced around him and posed for this photo. He was so thrilled that night and the picture was really sweet. For those of you on FB, I will post it for you to see. I moved here to Illinois 18 months after Don passed to be closer to my son who had been here about 1 year before I followed. I had hopes of re-building my relationship with him but that didn't work out so well when I told him the "Bank of Mom" was closed. I feel a double loss because of it since we haven't spoken in almost two years now. Well, enough of my pity party.....think I'm going to pour myself a cold one. Thanks for reading!
  10. I'm happy to hear there hasn't been any new growth! That's good news and I hope you continue to maintain. Keep us updated ((hugs))
  11. We all care.....please come visit and talk to us anytime you need to! ((hugs))
  12. michellep


    Thank you so much Katie
  13. michellep


    Has anyone heard any news on JanetB? She's in my thoughts everyday!
  14. I'm so sorry to read this about your dad but I am happy you found this community There are many wonderful people here with a wealth of support and information. Please feel free to ask anything you want or just a safe place for you to come and vent your feelings. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you soon ((hugs))
  15. Ronnie.....I'm sure they will respond as soon as they see this.
  16. michellep

    9 years today

    I'm so sorry Ginny. Grieving is something we will continue to do through our lives. I hope you have close family and friends to help. And this is from me.....((HUGS))
  17. That is the best news! Congratulations and keep up the good work yayyyyyyy
  18. michellep

    10 years

    That's great news! Congratulations and I hope you continue to be NED
  19. I understand exactly what you're saying Nick because I do the same thing ((hugs))
  20. I'm glad to know she is being well taken care of. Please keep us updated ((hugs))
  21. Hello Everyone! I was so happy to see a post from you Janet. I think of you often and wonder how you're doing. Sorry your not feeling too well, but you're a strong woman and I'm sure things will start to look up for you soon. It's really been hot and humid here in Illinois. I love being outside but try to just go out in the mornings or evenings. Yesterday though Russ and I helped out a friend and went over with our riding mowers to cut her grass for her. It's about 3 or 4 acres and she has four horses there. Mowing wasn't much fun because of the heat but I love her horses She even has two mules! She said I am welcome to come over and ride anytime I want. I wonder though if I would be able to lift my leg high enough to even get on one! LOL Tonight we have Russ's grandson spending the night with us. He is 7 yrs old and totally full of energy. Wish me luck
  22. Thank you for the update. I too am sorry to hear your mom feels so sick, but sadly that is one of the side effects of treatment. I hope she begins to feel better soon. Keep us posted ((hugs))
  23. I too would like to welcome you Truke. I'm happy to see that this issue has been caught early for you. You seem like a very strong man and I admire that. Please keep us updated and post all you want here. There are so many wonderful people here and many success stories as well. ((hugs))
  24. michellep

    Another year.

    We understand what you are going through as many of us are in the same place. I too still have tough days. It's been almost 4 yrs since my husband went to heaven and I still shed tears each and everyday. It does get easier yes, and I'm hoping for more days when I can think of him and just smile without the pain. I hope the same for you dear one ((hugs))
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