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Everything posted by Laurie

  1. Hi Adam and Welcome, I'm so sorry to hear that your father has lung cancer. It sure is scarey, I will never forget how I felt when I found out that my Mom had a "huge" tumor on her lung that had collapsed it, I feared the worst... But I am here 7 months later to tell you that it is "Survivable"... My Mom is in remission Yippeeee!!! There is a chat on Wednesday nights from 6-8 my time "Sandiego CA" Eastern that is 9-11...etc.. not sure what time where you are.. but people are in there if you need to chat on Wednesdays, or ask questions... sometimes we just act silly and have fun...I hope you will feel at home here and I will pray that you, and your family will be lead down the road to recovery. Bless you Laurie
  2. Laurie

    Results are in

    Deb, That sure is great news! I'm so happy for you and your family. Laurie
  3. Shannon and Mike, That is so wonderful! I'm so happy for you guys, please keep us posted! Laurie
  4. Hi Sam, I like your picture I called my Mom to ask her how many units she was getting but she didn't know. She said she would ask, but I can tell that she didn't want to think about it. She got an answer similar to Sandys without the numbers. I told her I need the numbers... I don't want her to get mad at me. She said she is doing it, made up her mind and didn't have any problems with her chest radiation just chemo... She is terrified to have that again! Thought it was going to kill her. But she is really struggling with clostraphobia (panicing). I think she will be okay maybe just take some ativan? She is going to try to schedule it so her friend will go with her, Her friend is have 30 treatments with a higher dose because she had a brain tumor, so my Mom feels lucky to be getting less. Mainly due to the Clostraphobia.. Any suggestions...??? My Mom said she would find out for me, i told her I just wanted to read up on it. And she sighed, so I said I'm glad your having it done! Hang in there and she seemed okay. I trust her doctor and the Lord to take care of her, but I feel powerless. God Bless Us All! Laurie
  5. Darn it!!! Broke the ice in the new topic and forgot to sign in... Laurie
  6. Hi Anne, Hopefully you can discuss with your Mom what you are feeling and she will be responsive as I am sure that your Mother wants the best for you. Eating can sure be a "chore" and source of anxiety during treatment I just noticed that you are moving to Kansas.. What part? I lived in Overland Park for a while.. I found the people there to be so friendly.. Hopefully you will find that too Laurie
  7. Hi and welcome, I hope that you will find the support and answers that you need here. There is alot of information here, and talk about different chemos. There are threads under the categories that discuss each. Everyone is different, but hopefully with, a good doctor, information gathered and faith you will be lead to the path of healing. I will pray for you and your husband. Laurie
  8. Hi Cindi, It sure seems like the end of the world when you first find out, it is scarey as hell. Please keep us posted and browse through some of the information. Ask any questions you like as I am sure that you are overwhelmed. Hopefully we can help answer some of them and you will find comfort here and support here. Laurie
  9. Hi Anne, Welcome to the site. I hope that you will get the information and support that you need here as I have. There are so many good and loving people here that have become like family to me! Laurie
  10. Dear Sam, I am so glad to hear of your improvement. I continue to pray for your healing and think of you often. My Mom is currently undergoing PCI and I tried to read that article and it said that I had to have a pass word??? Although I'm not sure I want to read it at this point. My Mom wants to do the PCI as she is totally freaked out about the possibility of Brain Mets. She also has a friend who is having brain radiation for as a preventative measure because she had a brain tumor surgically removed so they are supporting each other. Praying for you. Laurie
  11. Laurie

    New Here

    Dear Spunkystuff, My heartbreaks for you as I imagine what you are going through. To watch a loved one make choices that we don't understand is so difficult. My Mom had a terrible time with chemo and although she is in remission, I often think if it comes back i'm not sure if she would have it again. But I quess when it comes right down to it we can try and try but the person has to fight there own battle. I hope that your mother will find that strength. There is noway to know when someones life will end, only God knows that, nurses and doctors don't no either. Luckily we have medications that can ease any pain and they will have a peaceful transition to the other side. We have to enjoy everday that we have with our loved ones and hope for the best possible outcome. When it comes right down to it no one really knows which day will be there last. My grandmother lived way past anyones expectations, while others are taken from us quickly in car accidents or from heart attackes. I have often thought that at least we have time to work through our feelings and say things to make the most of each day. I often think of things like people who get in car accidents while driving through another state or something. In a coma being flown to some hospital you have never even heard of and waking up not knowing where you are or what has happened. And it has helped to realize that the situation could be worse. In life we will all fight our battles, and we all have our crosses to bear. It is cancer that brings us here and unites us. We all are on our own journey... Praying for you and your mother. Laurie
  12. Renee, I'm so glad to hear that your Mom is doing better. You are such a wonderful daughter and I'm so glad that you trusted your instincts and got her to the hospital. I've been thinking of you and wondering how you are and Mom are doing. I'm glad that you got some of the things that you needed to do done. It will relieve some of your stress not to have things pilling up on your "to do" list. I will continue to pray for you and your Mom. How many children do you have and what are there ages? Children are wonderful blessings.. and alot of work too, as I'm sure you know. Well Take care and please post to let us know how you and your Mom are doing. Laurie
  13. Cathy, Oh Cathy my heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry to hear about this setback. I read your reply to my post when my parents left and was comforted to know that i am not alone. It is really terrible to be so far away and makes it so much harder and it is trully heartbreaking. I know that you will fly there and give your father inspiration and the strength that he needs. I have thought about relocating to be closer to my Mom ... but there are so many other things to consider...like my life which seems to suffer and not really matter when there are difficult times lilke cancer. I'm just trying to get more "flexible" with money and time off so I can spend more time with them. Knowing that i can call or hop on a plane sure gives me relief, just to be there, hug and support them fills my heart. Thinking of you and your Dad and sending love, prayers,support and big hugs your way. (((((((((((Cathy))))))))))))) Laurie
  14. Caroline, I'm so glad that your father is back where he is comfortable. I hope that he will get the best care and hope for treatments. I will pray for him and your family. Laurie
  15. Laurie

    One result in

    Great News Fay! Praying for more! Laurie
  16. Laurie

    Good news

    Yeah Deanna!!!!!!!! That sure is great news! I'm so happy for you! I was wondering how things were going for you guys, Hadn't seen you post for a while. Thanks for sharing the good news!! Love to hear it! Laurie
  17. Hi Connie, Dcastle and Deanna, I thought that the brain radiation was not done on mets but I was thinking that because Steves tumors are in his bronchi and not that big they wouldn't radiate them?? My Mom had her upper right lobe radiated, and the doctor told us radiation damage would probably paralyze it. She also had tumors in the bronchi and the collapsed lung. Her tumor was much larger...But I would think that they wouldn't want to paralyze bronchi?? I'm not sure but that is what i am thinking. Chemo does do wonders on SCLC. Can't hurt to ask.. I wish the best for Steve. Deanna good to see your back! I was wondering how you and Mom were doing! Take care all Laurie
  18. Hi DCastle, I'm sorry to hear that Steve was diagnosed with lung cancer but I am so glad to hear that he is doing so well. It is amazing how the chemo helps so quickly. My Mom has SCLC too and she is doing very well. Well I just wanted to say welcome and I will keep you and Steve in my prayers! Laurie
  19. Hi Caroline, I'm sorry to hear that your father is not feeling well. There are bound to be some ups and downs in this battle! During my Moms chemo we were told to keep sick people away from her as the chemo would destroy the white blood cells... Unfortunately I was the one who was taking care of her and I got a miserable cold.. I cried because i was so scared she would get it but there was no one else there to help. So I wore this scarf over my face and wore gloves to give the pills and laid down within an earshot away.. She started getting worse.. so I brought her into the doctor and he had the same thing! I noticed his red sniffling nose and then to my horror he sneezed in her face as he was examing her lymph nodes!!!!! I quess what I'm trying to say is that there is no way to protect them as much as we would like. You can try and I would encourage that.. but there are bound to be infections, colds, clots and in my Moms case it was Low blood pressure and potassium levels were off and she had the stomach flu. Don't blame yourself!! Please keep us posted! I am praying for you and your father! Laurie
  20. Hi Minnie, I'm glad to hear that your Mom is doing better! I will continue to pray for you both. Please keep us posted on how you both are doing. Laurie
  21. Hey Renee, I'm glad your Mom is getting treatment. I will pray for a speedy recovery.. as I am sure you are worried. Please keep us posted... Are you near Knoxville Tennessee? Praying for both of you! Laurie
  22. Hi Renee, Thank you for all the kind words you have given me about my Mom. You are so sweet and my heart goes out to you and your Mom! Guess I was a big cry babey yesterday when they left but I will go out there and see them in 2 months! As for your Mom, I think you should take her into the hospital. I agree with Katie. My Mom was in and out of the hospital for a solid month! It is the best place for her.. Sounds like her levels are off and that needs to be taken care off right away. All those minerals and blood are the essential fluids that make the body run and fight this thing. Take her in.. Please let us know how it goes...
  23. Fay and Karen I'm sending you both warm wishes and prayers! Karen I was just wondering what the allergic reaction was? What were the symptoms? My Mom had a terrible reaction on the fourth chemo. She threw up for almost one month, and no one ever seemed to know why? I noticed while she was here that she had a cough, aches and pains and some stomach cramps? She did not mention hot flashes although she seems to be much colder than she was post cancer. PS.. sometimes i think about making an excel spreadsheet of the people on the boards and thier DX, treatments and symptoms.. just to see what the "norm" is but I quess there is no norm when it comes to cancer... Just one day at a time! (((Hugs))) Laurie
  24. Today my parents left to go back home We had a wonderful visit. I felt like a parent watching their child go of to college. I remember how I went away from home for college and then moved across the country to "find myself"... and I imagine that is how my Mom and Dad are feeling.. I asked them to come back and visit in September but they didn't seem like they "would"... seems they have alot to do! Dreams to dream.. life to live.. they have given so much to their family and now that cancer has 'shaken' their world they want to love and experience life. I cried at first as i was devasted... i couldn't help but take it personally As now more than ever I want to bond with them ... both of them.. in this past week i have experienced them in a new way...I love them so much it is painful.. Then i thought about Rosannes post about Gianni walking to the store... and i thought.. I can stake them out on their travels!!! I could rent the cottage next door.. hehehe... I hope that the love they have for me will always keep them coming back.. and if not i will fly to them! I will always be there if they need me and God forbid if they get sick.. I will be right there to protect them... God bless my parents.. they are the most precious gift to my life .... and God bless us all as we take this journey... Laurie
  25. Hi Estelle, I love your positive attitude and I will pray for you! Laurie
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