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Everything posted by Laurie

  1. Linda, I'm so glad to hear that your Mom is off the vent and feeling better. That is such good news! Keep us posted Blessings to you and Mom. Laurie
  2. Laurie

    Good scans; but

    Bob, Sounds good to me! and I will be praying that your bone scan will be clear and your cold goes away! Many Blessings to you! Laurie
  3. Hey Fay, I'm in San Diego about 1 1/2 to 2 hours drive away. I might be able to join you. I just need to find out the details! Laurie
  4. Hi Tom and Welcome, So Sorry to hear that your loved one has Lung Cancer. Getting through the inital DX it so difficult. The pain, fear and helplessness that you feel is so overwhelming. We have all been there as caregivers and family members. My Moms lung was collapsed when she was initally diagnosed, and it scared me to death. But here we are months later, in remission and doing well. I hope that you will find some relief through getting some of your questions answered and knowing that people do survive Lung Cancer! I will keep you and your partner in my prayers. Hang in there and God bless you. Laurie
  5. Laurie

    Happy day

    Earl and Ginny, So glad to hear you had a happy day! Wishing you many more!
  6. Shannon, I'm glad to hear that Mike's counts are good. I keep praying for you guys. Keep the faith and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Laurie
  7. Hi Laura, Welcome. I'm so sorry to hear that your Mom has Lung Cancer. I hope that you will be able to find hope and answers to some of your questions here. I will pray for you and your Mom, hang in there and feel free to vent or ask any questions. Blessings to you. Laurie
  8. Laurie

    Mom's Home!!!!

    Fay, I'm so glad that your Mom is home from the hospital. I will keep sending up the prayers for her! Laurie
  9. Laurie

    bone scan

    Candy, Thats great news! I'm so happy for you! Laurie
  10. Hello Joanie, I hope that you are doing well! My Mom had 18 treatments of PCI (brain radiation) an agressive dose, she did lose her hair but most of it was gone anyway from chemo. She also has sensitive skin and was never really able to have her hair colored or permed with out burns from the chemicals, but she did get burns on her head, forehead and ears but they gave her a cream and that will go away soon. During the raditation, it makes you very sleepy and there is a possibility of some short term memory loss which we really haven't noticed. The burns heal and the hair will grow back! My Mom decided that she could deal with that after all that she has been through in order to increase the chance that she will not get the cancer back again, and her brain should be protected from future brain mets if the treatments worked! Hope this helps. Blessings to you! Laurie
  11. Hang in there Hopeful 2! Your almost half way there! You'll get through it! My Mom's cousin had 30 treatments! Soon you will be finished and you can get back to nursing others!.... Blessing to you! Laurie
  12. Junior, I'm so sorry to hear of the problems your father is experiencing. I'm glad to hear that things have gotten better though. Keeping you and your father in my thoughts and prayers. Laurie
  13. Hi Tracy, Welcome. I'm so sorry to hear that your father has Lung Cancer. But I hope that we will help you to know that you are not alone. Donna G. I believe is a survivor of the Pancoast tumor. I hope that you will find comfort here, and a place to gather info and vent. Praying for you and your fathers healing. Laurie
  14. Linda, I'm so glad that things are getting better for your Mom. What a terrible thing for you to go through. I believe that God sends us "angels" in live to help us.. sounds like you found one in the form of an RN. Just what you needed. Hope things will continue to improve for you and I am keeping you and your Mom in my thoughts and prayers. Laurie
  15. Laurie

    Happy day to me!

    Gail, I'm so glad that you are going to enjoy a day of pampering yourself! Enjoy! Laurie
  16. Sharon, Great news! Now you can enjoy the wedding and celebrate! Laurie
  17. Renee, Oh Renee, I am so sorry to hear that your Mom is not doing well. I'm so sorry to hear this, I can only imagine the pain that you must be feeling right now. (((((Hugs))))) You and your Mom will be in my thoughts and prayers. Laurie
  18. Hi Cathy, How wonderful to see your daughter acomplish one of her goals! You are a proud Mom with every right to brag! So glad to see you are happy and Enjoy your time with your children! Laurie
  19. Hi Hopeful, We were told that there could possibly be very tiny tumors in the brain that are undectectable and due to the severe nausea and vomitting that was never explained and chalked up to chemo.??? I think that the PCI is used to rid the body of the tiny cells that can break off and hang out in the only place that chemo can't get too. Thats why the PCI is good, it should take care of those if that is indeed what it is! But I'm hoping it is not! Will he take another MRI after the PCI is done.? I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Laurie
  20. Carleen, I forgot to tell you that My Mom had a giant lymph node in her neck and couldn't turn her head and it really caused her alot of pain but it went down after the first cycle and the pain went away. So hopefully the chemo will help that pain and things will improve. SCLC usually responds very quickly to chemo. Laurie
  21. Hi Everyone, Thank you so much for responding and sending your messages of support and encouragement. I spoke to my Mom and she had a good day! She worked for four and a half hours. She said she wasn't tired but didn't feel all that productive because she talked a lot with people who she hadn't seen for awhile. She said that it felt really good to get her mind off from things and to be back to work. She will work half days for a while and will gradually work her way back to full time. I pray that things continue to go well and she remains healthy. Thank you again, Laurie
  22. Laurie

    Partial Remission

    Wow! What wonderful News! A true blessing! Best wishes for more good news! Laurie
  23. Tammy, Whatever my Mom wanted, I gave to her! If she'd eat it.. I'd get it. Didn't care.. if it was food and she wanted to eat it, I feed it to her. Sure is scarey to she someone drop thirty pounds.. As long as she felt like she was not having nausea.. if there was a threat of losing what was gained I would not give her something greasy.. but there were times when I gladly took her to McDonalds for some greasy french fries and a chocolate shake! Laurie
  24. Hi Carleen, My prayers and thoughts are with you and your husband. My Mom would take a lorazepam before bed. It would make her sleepy. But when her lung was collapsed she took oxicondin for the pain. Best to you Laurie
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