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Everything posted by Laurie

  1. Hi Karma, If your Dads counts are off then thats the best place for him. My Mom kept going there daily for IV's and I felt like "man why don't they just keep her there till she feels better!" I think it is better, really do! S__cks though! I will pray that he gets better real soon! Laurie
  2. Spazz, How do the know it is in "every major organ, did a CT scan show that?" a cheif oncologist told us that before he did a scan... A CT Scan is the only way to know .. If they can do a gamma knife on the tumor it would only take one day... see if your MIL can get on this site. Praying for you and your family Laurie
  3. Welcome back Cathy. I'm glad that you like the new doctors and I will pray for your fathers healing! Laurie
  4. Spaz, Welcome to the sight.. sorry about your Fil ... Cancer sucks.. My Mom has SCLC too.. Shannon and Mike are good to talk to .. i think she was online early but she usually posts under SCLC section... She has exp with Mike SCLC with brain Mets.. What about the gamma knife..? Can they use that on the tumor?? You have to research.... and don't give up! Laurie
  5. Karm, That sucks.. no negativity allowed.. I'm sorry they just are full of fear.. and want the best but ... Here we all know that hope is essential.. what do we have but hope?? You have to have hope and cling to the positive while they are in treatment! My Mom's Cancer Clinic ONCOLOGIST told us 'twice that the cancer was spreading to the brain, liver .. Yaadadadadad yaadda yadda.. we thought she was going to have like two weeks left or at best two months left... until surprise surprise.. they were wrong!! My Boss was also all doom and gloom.. his mother died of cancer not lung.. but cancer.. he was like "prepare yourself" I'm like what the hell does that mean??? Anyway.. Now look... we are in remission "raspberry" ... hehehehe Does your Grandfather have a computer???? Get him on.. We need him..!! Grandfathers loved and wanted!!!!!!!! Hang in there! Laurie
  6. Deb, That is too funny cracks me up!! My father has been here all week and he has been calling my new boyfriend my ex-husbands name! Yikes!!....Ah might I say "awkward"... Mom looked at him and said to him "Honey does your brain function before you speak?" Cracked me up!! Laurie
  7. Hi Diane, I'm sorry to hear about your Moms Lung Cancer. Welcome to the boards the people here are so supportive. It sounds like you have the right attitude (giving up NOWAY! ) And I totally agree with you .. cancer does suck! Laurie
  8. Hi Shordy, I'm glad that you and your father made up.. I will continue to pray for both of you. Laurie
  9. Congratulations hopeful! My Mom starts her brain radiation next week. She wants to get back to work in April!... She wants to have the brain radiation done...Hope all goes well for you! God Bless us All ....
  10. Hi All, So what's a little bit of body hair??? We had a great time at the ZOO... It was so fun. We took a bus tour first so we saw everything and then picked out the exhibits we wanted to see and walked to them. Mom loved it and it was great to see her smilling and walking out in the sun! Most of you know this is my first time seeing her in remission... and since going simply from the bathroom to the couch.. what a magnifacint treat!!! We were there for 3 hours and it sure was a breath taking beautiful day! God Bless All! Laurie
  11. Renee i'm so glad to know that your Mom has gotten a good response from this new clinic! I hope you both get some rest and have an easier time now. I will continue to keep you both in my prayers! Thanks for sharing and take care! Laurie
  12. Laurie


    Sandy, I am so sorry to hear off your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your children. Laurie
  13. Hi All, Sorry i got so worked up in my last post.. got angry too. I'm not going to let cancer or anything make me bitter! Read Shannon's post and loved it. Just went to church and have reevaluated my walk with the Lord.. I pray for inner peace and church helps me to get there. There is no psychologist or earthly wisdom that can make sense of what we are faced with.. only our walk with the Lord. I pray for strength as I am a loving person and i know that all here are too. I pray for us as we are faced with the challenges. We are here to help, love and support all. We are blessed to have family and many friends. Laurie
  14. Oh Shordy my heart aches for you as well. I can see the pain that you are in. It sounds like you need a break to take care of you. I understand how you feel. I have been in a similar place ... altough not the same as your situation. My Mom is so sweet.. for the most part and always has been..to see her "not that way" was a true shock and we had some bad times, I believe in my heart that it was the cancer and drugs... at one point i even thought the cancer had spread to her brain. A nurse actually gave me a booklet on the Psych of the patient and the stages that they are going through, it helped me. You got to the point where you relived the past to validate the situation too.. please don't go there.. not now! I know that you love your father so much it is so apparent by all your posts... you are in desperate need of connecting with him and getting "love" now more than ever as he is your father and you are an exceptional daughter! This is frustrating as hell for both of you!! Man if i was in the hospital that long.. i probably would have to be down the hall... on my own unit.. cause no one would want to be around me! hahahha While we are on this subject... I just want to say to all that my mom has a teenager at home and after talking heart to heart to our teenager.. I realized that they internalize this disease in a much different way than an adult does. I had no idea the effect this cancer was having on our precious loved one that we are so proud of. I can't stress this enough. Laurie
  15. Just spoke to Mom, Dad and my brother actually got invovled in this one! She's going to do it.. It is in God's hands from here on in.... Laurie
  16. Hi Alyse, That is great news!!!! I am so excited for you and your husband!!! I'm so happy that Debraoo posted that article.. she is such a special person and is so supportive to her Dad! Thanks for sharing your good news and giving us renewed strength and hope! Laurie
  17. Hi SandyS! It is funny that you should bring it up today... My Mom is in her consultation appointment for PCI today... right now.. I was just going to call and see if she is home yet. From talking to her i think that she is going to have it done too. She thinks she is going to be around for a very long time too! I am sure that we will talk more about this. Praying that God will lead you and Mom down the path of recovery and happiness. Laurie
  18. Fay, I'm glad that your Mom is feeling better, I will pray for continued good health! Laurie
  19. Marlon, I'm sending best wishes to you and your Mom. It is amazing to me how vigillant you are in her care, your love and the support you give to her.. you will do anything to help her and protect her she is lucky to have you. I will pray that the surgery will be a success and her lung will get back to work for her. Laurie
  20. Laurie


    Fay, I'm sending prayers and best wishes for you and your Mom. Laurie
  21. Connie Hello and welcome, I am sorry to hear that your husband Tom has SCLC and it sure is scarey. We have been there and know how you are feeling. My Mom had SCLC too... the chemo did its job and now she is in remission and doing great. She was very positive and upbeat through most of her treatment as well and they say that attitude is half the battle!! I will pray for you and Tom. Please keep us posted on his condition and know that you are among friends. Laurie
  22. Don, You sure are a sweet man and I agree with Karma that Lucie is lucky to have you. If there is any "good" that comes out of the cancer it is certainly welcome. Part of the most touching part of watching my Mom and Dad go through this disease was my Dads caring for my Mom... He absolutely adores her! Laurie
  23. Hi Karma, The hair loss is hard especially at first. We had to cut my Moms and shave it in order to keep it from falling into her eyes and face. It made her irritable and she would cry when she was in the bathroom. We shaved it short like Annie Lenox.. Not sure if you know her.. shes from the 80's.... It will take some time but eventually he will get used to it. Does he wear baseball hats? My Mom was always very particular about her hair but when it comes right down to it ... hair is really the least of his worries right? I used to try to take her mind off from it and say Mom I'm just glad that you are getting healthy again and the chemo is making his hair fall out but more importantly it is killling the tumor! and that is a blessing... The drugs made my mother say somethings that I know she would never say... I cried... i thought it was spreading to her brain... Luckily a nurse asked me how i was and i told her my concerns.. she took me aside and said "make sure you stay strong and realize that this is not your mother talking this is her medication and her disease." They did cut back her pills.. and She got me a booklet that explains what she is feeling...so I would under stand her feelings. Eventually things leveled out in time and weren't so "crazy"... I will pray for your father and your family's strength... a good sense of humor does help the situation.... family will laugh together and cry together... and just be there with faith and hope in your heart is all you can do for now. Thinking of you Laurie The other survivors here
  24. Laurie

    Need your help

    Hi Fay, Don't have any medical expertise just love, hope and prayers for you and your Mom. Laurie
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