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Everything posted by Laurie

  1. Chris do you have a birthday or event coming up soon? I would suggest bringing a camera to that. That way the picture taking seems "normal" to the situation.. I know how you feel. I'm extremely close with my Mom and I'm not a big picture taker so I didn't want to freak her out start snapping pictures of us..I waited for a special occasion. I hope this helps. Laurie
  2. Hi Chris, Hello, When my Mom was originally DX with SCLC her lung was collapsed and she was in alot of pain. She had a biopsy and had chemo the next day. Due to the fact she had a huge tumor that had collapsed the lung, the doctor told us that it was probably in other areas and that he had near seen SCLC this large without mets to other areas. But the scans that were done after the first chemo didn't show any mets. The PCI is preventative brain radiation and it is kind of controversial. My Moms doctors believe in it. If all goes well it is supposed to reduce your chances of reoccurance by 5% and brain reoccurance drops down to like 5%.. I quess that 50-60% of people who have reoccurance have brain mets. My Mom wanted to have it done. So far she is doing well. I quess the side effects can be pretty bad and then you can't have as much radiation if more tumors appear. Laurie
  3. Laurie

    Good Scan

    Yeah Tiny!!! Good News!!! Yeah!! and icecream to celebrate...!!! Enjoy!!!! :lol: Laurie
  4. Hi Diana, Welcome, I'm sorry that you have LC but this is a good group to talk to. I hope that you will find support and comfort here. Laurie
  5. Laurie

    SCLC New Member

    Hello Bess, Welcome. I am glad that you found us and have posted your story. Katie sure is amazing, she always seems to know just what to say. Her beauty and compassion just shines..like an angel... Hope to hear more from you! And I am praying that all continues to go well for you and your treatment. Laurie
  6. Hi Ocean, I'm glad to see you posting. I am so sorry that your life has been affected in such a horrible way by this disease, you are part of this family..no matter what stage or outcome or emotional level someone is at, we are here to support each other and tell our story so that it will have meaning and help otheres. There were many times I feared my Mom was going to die and it wasn't her time, and i am so thankful because I just lost my grandmother in january and she was a true treasure in my life.. to lose her and my mother at the same time would have been unbearable... I too like to think of the memories I have a beautiful picture of us together on my fireplace mantle.. and it seems like the sun sunshines so brightly when I think of her. The morning we buried her we took my Mom to the grave and it was snowing the sunshine came out brightly and birds came and landed on the tent. It was her way of telling me that she is okay.. and that all is well, she made it to the otherside... There is always hope here and unfortunately at times we are uable to control what course this dreadful battle takes. I would like to offer my support and prayers to you. (((((Hugs)))))) Laurie
  7. Laurie

    SSDI Questions

    Hi Dave I Hope your asthma is feeling better. I think it was Dave G that told me that it is based on "diminished lung capacity" and fatigue?? I would ask him, I think he was the one that said that I'm pretty sure. Laurie
  8. Hi Chris, Welcome, I am sorry that it is Lung cancer that has brought you here.. sure does suck doesn't it??? Excuse my language but thats how I feel about cancer!! Anyway... we are here to support you and probably have felt most of the feelings you are having. My Mom had SCLC too... she is currently "remmission/cancer free" praise God! When she first was diagnosed with SCLC her lung was collapsed and she was looked awful.. So the fact that your Stepfather feels great is a good sign!!!!!!! Attitude is important. I posted something in inspiration about the stats.. It is by Dr. Stephen Gould.. its good.. Hope to be seeing you post... The people here are great. (((((((Hugs))))))))) to you and your family. Laurie
  9. Hopeful , YYYYiIIIPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Yehahahhhhhh! Score for the good guys! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! Yeahhhh! Laurie
  10. Shannon, Best wishes to you and Mike as you take this journey. Drive safely! We will be waiting to hear from you. I will be praying for you to get the best possible treatment.. And the answers that you are looking for! Laurie
  11. The Patient Advocate Foundation (800) 532-5274The purpose of the Foundation is to enhance patient education about managed care terminology and policy issues that may effect coverage. The Foundation also assists in providing legal intervention services with creditors to negotiate reduction or deferment of payments during treatment and helps with legal aid referrals as indicated by patient need. The National Insurance Consumer Helpline (800) 942-4242A hotline established to answer consumer questions and provide problem-solving support as well as printed materials. The Hotline is manned by trained personnel and licensed agents from 8 to 8 EST, Mon through Friday. Cancer Treatments Your Insurance Should Cover (301) 984-9496 Describes standard and investigational treatments that should be covered and what to do if reimbursement is denied. You can order a guide from the Assoc of Community Cancer Centers.
  12. Financial/Travel Assistance AirLifeLine AirLifeLine is the oldest and largest national volunteer pilot organization in the nation, and helps to ensure equal access to healthcare and improve the quailty of life by facilitating free air transportation for thousands of people. www.AirLifeLine.org Corporate Angel Network (914) 328-1313 Provides free plane trans for cancer patients go to/from recognized cancer treatment centers by using empty seats abord corporate business flights. There are no financial requirements or limits on number of trips. Email. corpangl@is.netcom.com Patient Advocate Foundation The Foundation provides education, legal counseling and referrals to cancer patients and survivros concerning managed care, insurance, financial issues, job discrimination and debt crisis matters. www.patientadvocate.org
  13. Hi Kara, Welcome , I'm sorry that your Nanner has Lung Cancer , but you've come to a good place for information and support. I had one of the sweetest most beautiful Nana's in the world she was a true treasure and a gift to my life (aren't we blessed?) I feel sad for people when they say, "I never knew my grandmother." I can tell how worried you are about her and I hope that you will get some answers here for her. I know that many have spoke of Aloe Vera Juice and mouth washes etc I think under General Forum Earl and Ginny "HUMP DAY" is a post about radiation middle of treatment and she talks about a mouth wash... for the esph....itits ?spelling??. I would encourage you to read as many of the posts that you can and ask questions. I will pray for your grandmothers healing and I am sending you... (((((((HUGS))))))). Laurie
  14. Hi Twinkletoes, I'm sorry to hear of your MIL's Lung Cancer. From my experience and seeing others on the board most end up in the hospital at some point in the journey... My Mom has SCLC My Mom was really sick on her fourth cycle of chemo. It could be the radiation.. many will probably respond with helpful info for you. My Mom was at the hospital constantly for about two months before she was finished and had clear scans.. If you give more detailed info on the pain, why she can't eat, blood counts, DX etc.. much more information can be given to you from others who have either been there or had a loved one go through it. I guess thats my answer.. Yes!!! its all part of the battle.. Keep the faith, take it one small battle/victory at a time and try to stay positive ((((((((((Hugs)))))))))) and blessing to you. Laurie
  15. I agree with Katie!! Your clear for another year yeah!!! I was going through my worst time my Mom was being treated, my grandmother died and I was working two jobs when i was back here to compensate for the time off I had to take and the money spent to fly across the country so many times.. It really set me back but i was happy to just be there.. So here i am working to jobs sad and stressed out...on anti-depressants..not sleeping and full of fear.. Everyone told me and my father that we looked terrible and My uncle used to say "Hey Laurie when are you having chemo again?.." One day my bosses wife comes strolling in with her new red.. convertible looking all relaxed tan and happy She doesn't work, goes on 4-5 vacations a year and is completely clueless...and she tells me that I look like I have "no energy " and I need to hire a "personal trainer" and get out there and workout Sometimes you just have to act like an alien has just landed and entered your world ...you get through it..shake your head and try to act like it never happened! Lucky for me she got back in her spaceship and headed back to the mall!! Laurie
  16. Laurie

    Great News!

    Estelle, Wow great news!!!!! I'm so happy for you!! Laurie
  17. Great News Judy!!!!!! Laurie
  18. Hi there, I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL's SCLC. My Mom has it... I think that when people hear SCLC they think "the worst"... I think it is because of all the grim statistics out there.. due to the fact some are diagnosed too late... and hell if you average them in yeah the average life span is lower...we heard alot of that during the "battle" but I tend to think of it as a "mistake"...My Moms lung was collapsed.. we just wanted her to be healed.. And now she is in remission A collapsed lung.. Having spots on the brain, liver, pancreas.. doesn't mean death in eight months.. To Me it means living for ????????? I'm thinking on the conservative side 4 years.... to 20 years!!!!!!!! Laurie
  19. Welcome Kathy..I'm sorry that lung cancer has brought you here. I hope you will find the same comfort here as I have. Laurie
  20. Laurie

    My mother-in-law

    Jean, I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your mother-n-law. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Laurie
  21. Fay, I am sending positive vibes and prayers for your Mom. Laurie
  22. Great News! I love your posts- Best of luck to you and Mike! Glad to see you both so happy... Laurie
  23. Hey Sandy, Positive vibes and prayers coming your way!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~ALL CLEAR~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Will be thinking of you! Laurie
  24. Hi Sam, Now that i think of it, My Mom's tumors were big enough that the doctor had said to her that he had never seen a case with chest tumors so large that did not mets to other areas. He told us that it was probably extensive SCLC in the beginning and we were all doom and gloom ... We cried and hugged when we found out there was no mets...we were preparing for it..then once she was staged later they said it was a miracle that there were no mets. She had a terrible time with chemo, she was on like 12 medications and still throwing up. "the nurse said she was on everything but the kitchen sink"...I hate to have anyone read this who is new here and freak them out but the fourth one she threw up from Jan 9th to Feb 3rd. We rushed her to the ER twice and she had always got IVs for one week after chemo but it started to be a daily routine of going to the hospital daily for IV's we would drop her off at 8am and pick her up at 5.... She started to look like this girl on survivor... Her teeth were looking really big on her face, eyes sunken in etc. The chief oncologist sat down with her and told her he thought it was spreading to her brain or liver causing her to be throwing up. He did more scans and thats when we found out she was actually in remission. I was actually preparing to here bad news... a welcome surprise and miracle! So maybe it is good to be more agressive with the radiation for her since she has the sensitivity problem with chemo (if anyone reads this .. it is not the norm)..... I worry that she only had 4 chemos and they wanted her to have six the doctor said he didn't think he should give her anymore.. the throwing up was never fiqured out, he just said her body is saying, "don't give me anymore of that!.... So maybe the higher dose is for the best.. i'm reallly not sure but it is her decision so i have to think positive and hope it is the right one. Anyway the prayers for you were really great tonight, I could feel the power of the Lord! Take care and get lots of rest... Laurie
  25. Hi Sam.. Katie and all, Sam I know I tell you this a lot but I continue to pray for you and tonight I am putting your name on My Bible study prayer group list...100 women will be praying for you tonight...They are such great people, God will be listening i'm sure of that! I just called my Mom and she is getting 36 Grays??? 18X2 one gray to each side.. Seems like a lot doesn't it?? I quess that she feels she has the best radiation oncologist..??? Then she said.. someone said was trained by some famous Dr. at Beth Israel hospital in Boston and Dana Farber... that is what she said and I trust Him".. it's like okay Mom....???? My Mom is very trusting... half the time she doesn't remember what the doctors said. I hope and pray that all goes well for her. I told her that was high and she said that is because i'm going to beat it! we are being agressive... I hate this freakin' disease... s..cks .. so bad... Makes me and all of us... a mess.. guess i'll go home and watch the war ???? Nope need to go to church... God bless you Laurie
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