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Everything posted by Laurie

  1. Shellie, Although I haven't been posting much lately ... I have been reading all of your posts and I saw how dedicated and loving you were to your Mother. I am so sorry.... I wish there was something I could say to help you but there are no words... God Bless you. Laurie
  2. Laurie

    Very tired

    Cindy, I am so sorry to hear that you are so tired. My Mom felt that way on the 3rd chemo... I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! Hang in there and keep the faith. God Bless you Laurie
  3. Laurie

    Connie B

    Connie, I'm so sorry to hear your news.... I know that you are an amazing and strong lady! I have so much respect for you and know that you will overcome this. I'm praying for you with all of my heart!!! Bless you special friend! Laurie
  4. Here are some Lyrics to A song from a friend of Mine who lost a his soul mate and beautiful wife to cancer.....5 years ago... On rebuilding and restoring for now... God Bless you Dean and all those who have lost thier spouse... my heart goes out to you... Staring at a room that still reminds me, I wasn't ready for the Lord to take her home yet, Starting on my own with every breath i'm getting stronger, This is not a time for regrets.. And I don't need to hang on to heartaches, Lord Jesus When theres so much life Left to live, Loves on the way on Wings Of Angels... I am not afraid of the mysteries of tomorrow Cause I have found a faith deep within Theres a promise I have made The Lord will lead and I will follow... I know its true... God will see me through Love is on the way.. Time is turning the pages.... I don't know when... but love will find me again...!!! Oh Yeah My lord! Oh .. Oh .. My savior
  5. Laurie

    Needing Hope

    Carleen, You and Keith are always in my thoughts and prayers! Keep the faith in your heart and try to take one day at a time. I know it is easier said then done but My heart goes out to you and I am glad that you are posting here and getting some support. I'm praying and praying for Keith and sending huge hugs your way!!! Bless you both, Laurie
  6. Peg, Thinking about you and Mike. I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your Mom. Praying for you both and wishing you comfort. Bless You Laurie
  7. From the book "There's No Place Like Hope": "I've dealt with the my anxiety by choosing to live my life somewhat like a picnic on a cloudy day. I've gone ahead and planned the picnic, made the food, packed the car, gone to a great location, and am having a blast - even though the weatherman still says there's a chance of showers. I have two choices: I can either let the prediction of rain ruin everything as much as the rain itself would (and this still wouldn't prevent the rain from falling if it is going to). Or I can throw some rain gear in the car just in case - in the trunk, out of sight - and enjoy every minuteof sunshine that I have. It may not rain at all or, if it does, it may just be a sprinkle - but I've made up my mind that the mere "possibility" of rain will not rob me of even one second of joy. So far, I have enjoyed many storm-free years. Enjoy the sunshine. If the rain falls, deal with it then, but in the meantime have some wonderful picnics!"
  8. Congratulations Jenny!!!!!!!!!!!! Laurie
  9. Laurie

    My 4th Chemo Session

    Dave, Thinking of you and praying for you! God bless you and Barb Laurie
  10. Marlon, I like your website, its very colorful and interesting. I wish you the best of luck in your business.. I wish I was computer savoy!! Laurie
  11. Don, Well thank you so much.. I wanted to do something so this it all that I can think of. I am a saxophone/Flute Player from Berklee College of Music in Boston and My friend Dean Mills who lost his wife to Colon Cancer in 1997 and also has a mother who is in remission from 2 breast cancer occurances has recorded a Jazz/ Gospel CD ... Called "Restoration" the songs speak to me .. throughout his journey... I hope that you like it and it helps you as much as it does me. He an amazing talent and his songs speak of "God seeing you through" this.. Hes been there and hes singing with Joy for the blessings in his life.. and is such an inspiration to me. Bless you all, Laurie
  12. Laurie

    Mom-9:21 p.m. Mst

    Rana, I'm so sorry... God bless you and your family. Laurie
  13. Hi Everyone, I just wanted to tell you that I still have some more CD's if you want one.. just PM me with your address and I will send it to you! Many blessings to you my friends. Laurie
  14. Laurie

    Iressa is Working!

    Ry, How wonderful!! I'm so happy for you! Laurie
  15. Hi Everyone, I did something really crazy today and I bought you some CD's of "Inspirational" Gospel /Christian Music......It is so uplifting.. I have so desperately wanted to do something to help my friends here out and I often feel like my words are not enough so I bought this beautiful music that is so uplifting and inspirational and I hope that you will enjoy it. If you would like one just PM me with your address and I will send you one! I got 40 and I will send them to the first 40 people who reply. God Bless you all! Laurie
  16. Staciee, I'm so sorry to hear that Rod passed away ,please accept my sincere condolensces. Your post was beautiful and heartfelt, thankyou. I have thought of you often and prayed that things were going well for you. I remember your posts and my heartbreaks for you. I hope that you will come here anytime and let us know how you are doing. God bless you Laurie
  17. Laurie

    Cought a cold

    Hey Jay, I'm so sorry to hear that you have caught a cold! I hope that you will be feeling better soon. Hang in there! Drink as much as you can! Laurie
  18. Shellie, I am so sorry that you are going through this. I have felt many of the same feelings... You have to vent and thats what we are here for. I told my Mom that if she died I would die... and I really felt that way inside.. there are no words to explain how scarey that is... I don't blame you for being angry.. i wrote letters, bitched and ran around the block... try throwing eggs at the garage.. do something to get it out so it doesn't make you have headaches.. I wish i could help you. I'm praying for you sister.. Laurie
  19. Congratulations! What wonderful News! I'm so happy for you and your Mom! Laurie
  20. Carleen, Keith is young and strong! Keep the faith and hang in there! Jenny G had radiation twice a day and she had ethoyl shots. My Mom had no problems with radiation, I hope it will relieve some of his pain. My Mom had alot of pain from different things, collapsed lung, and she had that big lymph node on the neck. She also had some pain in the middle of treatments, don't forget that the white blood cells are also down. Oh Carleen I wish you didn't have to go through this. Bless you and Keith Laurie
  21. Laurie


    Great Advice Norme, I quess that I all that we can do. Be happy and take it one day at a time. I can't wait to see my parents again.. I hope to go see them soon! Thank you Laurie
  22. Laurie


    Hey Everyone, Well my Mom although she is still feeling good is not getting scanned as of yet which with SCLC terrifies me .. to go through so much to just let it all go and not get scanned is absurd. I feel powerless... Unfortunately my Father has had an emotional down period.. its like hes fizzled out... He has taken leave from work and is depressed. He is going to see someone and is on medicine. I feel so bad for him cause he adores my Mom and loves her so much. I will never forget when he threw her pills against the wall in frustration when we couldn't get her to stop throwing up and he was crying. He has gotten up everyday for 40 years and gone to work at 6 am... I feel so bad for him and my Mom. We have reached remission and that is such a blessing.. I wish they could just relax, retire and enjoy life!!!!!!!! Bless you all, Laurie
  23. David, Your My HERO!! YOU GO FOR IT!!!!!!!! Always A Huge Fan of Yours! Laurie
  24. Marlon, I'm so sorry to hear that you are having so much stress! You have been so wonderful to your Mom. Hand in there. Bless you Laurie
  25. Laurie


    Hi Wenna, I think Jenny had that.. she had 2x radiation??? Blessings to you.... Laurie
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