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Everything posted by Laurie

  1. Laurie


    Hey Andrea, Oh yeah, You will see alot of that here.... people not posting in "Good news" or dates of scans... etc.... I quess its that whole Why?? No one can undersrand why this happened to them or thier loved one??? Or perhaps it goes back to our childhood...."Step on a crack you'll break your mother's back!"...Who thought that up anyway? Our anxiety disorder can be traced back to kindergarten ?? Glad to hear your Moms doing well....KNOCKONWOOD!!!
  2. Laurie


    I was thinking about the possibility of creatin a patient biograph similar to the wall of memory for the benefit of others... it could be updated and would contain pert info that others could benetit from...including setbacks..and gains.... I am willin to finance it if costly to benefit others.,, sometimes the info get lost or you cant recall a certain persons story.... sometimes i know my Moms story could help others but i don't see the post or can't reply.... Whattcha think? L
  3. Well I have computer issues but I missed the posting ab out the Dallas meeting and I think I should attend that one as well. I don't want to miss a chance to have margarittas and sing kareoke with Katie and Rick! Maybe we can change it to March so that they won't be so close together???. Also I was wondering about the possibility of starting a LCSC New Englnd ? That would service Southern ME NH And No. MA Or all of? I know they are smaller states is it possible to file thepapers but combine the efforrt>? Laurie
  4. Laurie

    LCSC Benefit CD

    Hi All, My friend Dean is willing to donate a song or two for the CD. He suggested a compilation album of original artist songs for the most cost effective costs. He is also going to ask 6-7 other artists who have CDs out then all we have to do is put them together and have them put out. Andrea does your friend Marla have any original songs that she would like to donate so that we donate have to pay royalties??...
  5. Well I haven't done a lot of rese on the subject but I'm getting startes.... My bubble was burst the day I found out my Mom had lung cancer... It's an uphill battle but hey... no problem... gotta start somewhere! I know I fiqured as much when I read the "notes" from the Medical Director Cardiologist at Berkley and he basically said that once the tabacco money was won the "Medical and Public Health groups were unvited to meetings by ACS and ALA... and politicians were invited and took over.... pulic health was neglected.... the campaign to stop smoking was begun but had they put the into cancer and patients care then they would be saying "yeah this really is affecting people's lives...."
  6. Laurie

    News On Dave G

    Sending Warm get well wishes and prayers to Dave and Barb!
  7. Welcome to the "Sisterhood..."... and a Happy Freakin New Year right back attcha... I would like to say to both you and Lyn that if I can be of any support/help to you I can PM you my phone number...My Mom was extremely ill from chemo... She lost a lot of weight, survived on cream of wheat, bread pudding, watermelon (she lovedthat) and on a good day, toast w/ jam... I am on a small hand held cell phone/comp so Ecxuse my limited knowledge/ messages...but are your Moms getting Carbo/or Cys platnium... I have heard cys is harsher...What meds are they on? My Mom had to take meds every 2 hrs and eat 3-4 or the lack of food will create a problem...she also had to get 4-8 hr I'vs for up to 3 weeks afterwards ... She had bad times her Mom died, She was told twice she probably had brain mets ..... I had two shave her head and she had her funeral planned, told me who she wanted for ushers and gave her belongs too... She also sad things my Mom would NEVER EVER SAY! I sobbed uncontrolablly with one nurse and I told her I loved her too Natalie! I'm also suffering from year end stress! Whats wrong with these people! I got 309 faxes! Anyone seen/read divine secrets of the yayahsisterhood? I'm here for you! Bless You Laurie
  8. Lyn, Hello and welcome .... I'm sorry that you are facin this disease but we glady acept and offer yoou support... And we can include you in our new little group of "Madd Daughters on Antidepressants questioning life decisions against Mothers with Lung Cancer!" Lol! Well it certain ly is not a laughing matter, but once in awhile humor ...can keep you from crying... Anyway Lyn your Moms situation sounds similar to mine... Does she have limited or exr? My Mom got deathly ill from chemo too. Are they going to reduce her chemo? Is she still in the hospital ? Laurie
  9. Wee how about April 24/25 weekend?? Been seriously thinking about things, gotta get some anxious energy channeled... We need to get the word out about the site, to allthe magor oncology hosp/clinics... we need to run a query to find them, and deliver pamphlets and literature . We need to find out where CA's tabacco money is going? Support LC research . Support local patients. Work to inc. awareness. Raise funds through the CD, 5K runs etc... and keep on top of future needs and advances in LC and our national effort LCSC! Any ideas??? California is so big we have endless opportunities!
  10. It was me....Forgot toooo.....oooo log in..... got a liiiiittttlllleeeee worked up! HAPPPPYYYY NNNNEEEWW FIII--gGGG YYYYEEEASARRR Laurie :wlink:
  11. Thankyou so much for sharing with me. Your hearts, strengths and fears are with me... I am so comforted to know that I am not alone. I felt bad about posting cause my Mom really is doing well right now. I must sound pessimistic ...But its the pressure and anxieties that make things so much harder. Every little thing seems so big and large issues are "heavy loads"... ThankYou guys just for listening and opening your hearts to me has made me feel so good. I hope you continue to share and learn more about you... I hope that I can help you in some small way... Please "trouble me" you guys are going through this hell and I feel so much respect and hope for you...I want to see your family members healed so bad. Carleen if you and Keith want to come out my home is open to you. I have heard ?? that we have one of the best cancer (liver surgery) experts in the country as well as one of the inventors of RFA radiostatic trmt here ...The invitation is always open. Natalie, Thankyou so much for sharing with me... You have a lovinng husband and a baby is a blessing, I'm not sure if I can have children I have been told I have issues , which concerns me (biological time clock wise) what if theres no Easter Eggs left? but if it is Gods will it will happen, take some time for yourself and know that you are doing a wonderful thing for your Mom and you are doing the best you can , and you are strong. Andrea, Yes I think we are a lot a like. I am 33 and Mom is 59. Your posts have been breaking my heart. I know how you feel and if you ever need to talk you can call me anytme. I'm praying for you and your Mom. Denise I'm sure glad to meet you, I'm sorry to hear your Moms got this crappy disease, We will get through this...you are refreshing and clover is cute as a button so glad your Dog's better.. Come on out to Disney! Karen, Your words are so kind and supportive they just are food for the soul... thankyou so much for reaching out to us.... It looks like you have found yourself four "cyber daughters"....May God continue to bless you with good health. God bless you Laurie .
  12. Shellly, I'm saying HUGE AND LOUD prayers for you right now!!!! Laurie
  13. Hey Everyone, It all sounds really good ... !!! Lets keep brainstorming... Laurie
  14. Well Hellllooo and Good Morning, I was thinking we are all spread out across the Grand state of CA.. How bout us having a meeting at a central location... Disneyland??? In April??? Whatcha think? I can rent a van to try the San Diegans or we can take the a train? All are invited to attend! Blessings to All.. Laurie
  15. I'm feeling pressure from myself to do things because of the cancer anxiety. I feel bad that I moved awaay and divorce d I feel pressure to have a family to "do things" quickly cause I need to have my Mom with me to succeed ...like raising a family, sometimes I need help or to talk and I feel that I can't burden them... I'm trying to put my effort into fund raising it helps but I feel like I need to get my life goals acomplished? Is that strange?
  16. Way cool! We will be really good working as a team! I'm going to ask Dean tonight about the CD too he will help I think. He is connected too.! We could get a song "donated" and put them together... Deans gotta good producer and we actually have a really good track of Richard Marx "Right here waiting for you!" I also know a rap artist to do Debraoooo's LC Rap....Can anyone find it??? It's here somewhere! I just gotta work it out.... I need to get a c-puter... tapping on my cell/not really easy to do spelling errors all over! Gotta hit send before I getta call...
  17. Shelly, Oh how awful for you.. Do what you feel comfortable with, you don't need to be in a bad state.. lossing your Mom is so painful and it is your call ... if it makes you feel better tell them off, I only care about you and your health and happines.. What would I do?.... Well I'm not in that situation and I'm not clear on all the facts... not being there of course but... I believe in accountability for actions.. not harming others and being respectful. If I wrong someone I expect them to tell me so I can learn from my mistakes. Bless you Laurie
  18. Well thanks Cheryl... I did have some extremely wonderful mentors....The strong and elequent Katie B....The strong, witty and well spoken Debraooooo, The amazingly strong survivor and giver of support to others Connie B.... The funny,sweet and strong Renee, The Amazing patient advocate loving wife and Christian caregiver Mrs Mike, Dave's strong and loving wife Barb,Tinys adventure some free spirit...livind and enjoying life... Survivor Cindy RN and Karma1976... a devoted loving daughter who is nonjudgemental supportive advocate.....just to name a few . If I could bottle up some of there qualities and inject myself with thier "Mojo" I would be one hell off a woman! Roooaaaaarrrrr!!
  19. Hi Cherl (and Jack) Well I sure appreciate d your advice on "fear" and my stage fright! You are great at giving support ....I pray I can handle it! Well my new years resolution is to be a better Christian and to raise money for lung cancer awareness and support. I would also like to lose fear and be as professional and productive as possible at work... this may mean not attending the work Christmas party and getting overwhelming hyped up on free alcohol and getting yelled at for calling someone who irritated me a jackass.... I just can't help myself sometimes.... I hope to behave like Fay A .... and not ramble on so much.... he deserved it
  20. Great Idea David! Any other musicians out there?? Maybe when I get areal computer I can find Debaroo's Lung Cancer wRap!! I remember a post "last night I was channel ing Queen Latifah!"....I will work on it.... hmmmmm..... What could we call the CD.... ???I could ask my friend for help he has 3 CD's out! Cool Laurie
  21. Fay You are too funny... Watchout for that waxing ... it serious stuff.... "cancer patient recovers nicely from radiation and surgery but gets a serious wound from a waxing gone wrong....I am a slave to beauty... I have my grandmothers hot pink church lipstick permanently tatooed on my lips.... yep....i cried..,then i met a guy who has ... cranium tumors at my church and he said the key phrase "beauty comes from within....!).... How bout Jose' Eber they can streak and bring back skunkesquescence!!?? Laurie
  22. Well thanks for the support you guys! Well I do have a wicked sense of humor and can't do 2 this at once very well !!! LOL!! Picting people naked would surely hit a out of tune note! I'm planning on playing a jazz suite for flute/piano by Claude Bolling and Jean Pierre Rampal.... Dave I'm from the East... I went to Berklee College of Music... Boston MA....I play Sax/flute.... It would be great to have concerts everywheeere! Well even if I am not the best it is for a good cause and I will bake sweets and maybe give wine to the atendees so it will sound better!! LOL!!! Laurie PS.. If there are any teachers out there reading this please know that this is what happens to a person when they are given the " Most Potential " award too many times!!! LOL!! HaHaHa!!
  23. Well evetyone I think I told you that I'm a musician. Iwas trained and went to music school , however I have terrib stage friight that makes it so hard to play!! However I am pledging here to all of you to have a concert on my "Wind" instrument ... which Will take me four months to prepare!! and hopefully, it will be a success! Please pray for me, that God will provide me the strength to be a HAM!!.....and steady fingers....in A pril... All proceeds will go to LCSC!
  24. Yeah Teet! I'm ssoooooo happy for you!! Wonderful Laurie
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