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Everything posted by Laurie

  1. Well.... I spent Christmas in another families house... "the family a distant relation to my boyfr felt "bad" for us cause my 32 year old boyfriend lost both parents to cancer by age 26... and due to my job we couldn't fly to the east coast to see my family. We showed up with gifts and cheer ready to celebrate but were horrified to discover bickering family members fighting over gifts, the cooking, cleaning up etc... they seem stressed but... not by Lungcancer or anything that seemed important ! Would it take cancer to make them treat each other lovingly? I hope not! I hope that they realize how lucky they are to be together ... but I don't think so! Good thing I brought some whhhhine! Felt like the twilight zone to me! lOL
  2. Great! We can use all the help we can get! I wonder if we can get the support of some musicians, more artists and have a big fundraiser?? Laurie
  3. Jen, I'm so sorry to hear that your Mom is in the hospital .... We had a hard time last year My mom was really sick and I had to beg her to get out of bed for x-mas dinner and i had bought her new Christmas dishes! and then I went to see my Nana and she had a stroke and pneumonia .... Iwas scared to tell my Mom... afraid Mom would give uo...she died Jan 4th (Nana)...But people can come back from these situations and altho it is scarey as hell and a major downer at the holidays try to stay positive and talk to her doctors about your concerns. We will keep you and your Mom in our prayers! Bless you Laurie
  4. Great! I'm hoping to get the ball rolling and get some more ideas from Katie and the others. There are a lot of teaching hosp. out here and we hopefully can generate some interest. I'm in Carmel valley.. I will PM you. God bless, Laurie
  5. Hello All, I notice d that there are several of us from so. Cal and Cal.... and as Natalie mentioned we want to get the state chapter going after the holidays .... Would any other CA members be interesred in joining and discussing our group and our goals?? Laurie
  6. Oh your puppy.... I just moved out here from NH and boy they weren't kidding when they say.... eathquakes fires and mudslides! Stay well and Merry Christmas Laurie
  7. Your Welcome, Make sure you listen to No. 8 "Be not Weary!" Have a very Merry Christmas! Laurie
  8. Bob, Sorry I didn't respond to you sooner. But you can bet that I was right here swaring and praying along with everyone else! I'm praying so hard for you and wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas! Laurie
  9. Merry Christmas To All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Connie, That was so beautiful... It made me cry... My dear sweet Nana.. merry Christmas up thier in heaven and my thoughts and prayers are with all those who have lost a loved one. Merry to Christmas to all! Laurie
  11. Hi Peg, Thank you for the update.. I was just thinking about you and Bill. The news sounds encourageing and positive. I will pray that the bone mets get resolved. I hope that you have a wonderful holiday together. Bless you Laurie
  12. Deb, I am so sorry to hear that you have lost your father. I have the utmost respect for you.. you are such a strong and supportive advocate for your parents and thier care. Your father must have been so proud of you. I wish i could say more ... My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God Bless you Laurie
  13. Well.... I am finally sending them out! I can blame on a numer of thigs.... the fires? I'm fLAKEY!!! Hope you JAM OUT !!!! In your best flannel, leapord spot or pink jammies to BE NO WEARY!!!!! with a cup O' Hot Coco..... And feel the Joy of your blessings... God bless and happy holidays! .Laurie If you have moved or want/ didn't get it in like a week PM me.
  14. David you will be in my prayers ! My Mom went through the same thing you are mentining, she was exhausted . I think she wanted to be back to 8 hrs,, she went from 4 to 6 to soon...she was so crANKY! We love her! Hate to tell you this but she was in bed by 8 and working 4 hours for 6 moths! This is due to pci... her friend having brain tumor rad (for a large tumor unrelated to lc) coun't work and slept 8-13 hrs during the day! It is hard but don't push it! Rest and know that It will get better with time! God bless you and your family. Merry x-mas Laurie
  15. When I wrote thipost I was thinking about the fact that due to my position I will not be able to share Christmas with my family. I sometimes get so down thinking about SCLC and all the people who were taken from us too damn soon!!! I am a stock broker and I have to work at the end of the year... cause seasonal volume in my specific area. I think to myself ... why am I not with my family? Should I quit? Or move? I'm on west coast family on east... Well then I t oughtwhat present could I give that I couldgive to have the effect t dream I want for them? This flowed out of me... and I prayed.... We thankyou God!!! this morning my dream came true.... Dad has been oferred early retirement at the end of Jan! I'm so Happy for them! Dad has been having bad coughing and arm problems from working in this plant for 20 years and he had a nervous breakdown cause of the stress of the cancer/bills... I felt so bad for Dad cause he would rather be sick... Of the two it is Dad who can't be without the other the most, he adores her! You Go Daddy!!! Celebrate , travel! Live it up!! My dream came true! Yeah! 'Katie I will do all I can to support and fight this beast! May all your dreams come true! God Blless! Laurie
  16. Enjoy!!!! YippEE!!! Laurie
  17. I'm so very sorry Chris .. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Laurie
  18. Laurie

    PET for Lucie

    Prayers on the way for you and Lucie.. God Bless you! Laurie
  19. I just wanted to share a message that I recieved, or a spiritual lesson I learned from the greatest giver of all "MY MOM!".... My Mom works so hard giving to needy people at the salvation army.. organizing food and toy drives... and soup kitchen homeless shelters. She works with drug addicts and some that others wouldn't even look at... One day she found out that someone was reselling the food that she gave them... or possibly even stealing. I went in to help out and said thats terrible! And she and a pastor both said to me at serperate times... We are not here to judge.. alll those who say they need help will get it. It is not up to us to "control" thier actions but rather to love and support them the way Jesus loves us... We can only feel good about supporting and loving each other. You will never lose .. It will all come back to you in the end. Laurie
  20. Okay.... So could we raise enough for Jay's Dad to come ? And maybe a hotel? Jay hang in there ... don't be angry your father is worried about you! Carleen and Keith can have a second honeymoon... they can use the condo..... Jay, Eternal ly dreaming... of life as a vacation! No cance ...no jobs...no pressure just friends and fun! What part O of Mexic?
  21. Whooow hah!! party! Enjoy Bob!!
  22. Jay Hang in there cutie! You are so special you will get through this! Count me in for the trip! Why don't you and Connie come on out to San Diego I have an empty condo! We could go to the Zoo and Disneyland, You could ride the surf with my boyfriend and Connie could suntan! Hope I'm surprised you don't have 3 girlfs! You are so unselfish and kind...I hope all your dreams come true! Keep the faith! Laurie
  23. Ann, I am so sorry... My thouts and prayers are with you. Laurie
  24. Andrea, I am so sorry that you are goinng through this. I'm praying so hard for you ... Don't let the words affect you .. know in your heart the love your Mom has for you... she spent years loving you and you are doing so good for her. God bless you. Laurie
  25. Its ibeen one year since cancer entere our lives...Things haven't been easy for you. I have watched you suggle and endure when you couldn't see the light .... For some reason you endure d a battle that could have easily been lost.... I tried ti=o protect your world and give you hope... I know that you have not seen all in life that you desire.... I pray taht God will surround you with a healing light...the energy to live life to the fullest. Providing you with protection from illness and an Angel carrrying you when you feel that you are weary. To wisper positive thoughts in year ear and inspire you to be the wonderful person that you are. May your burdens be lifted and your strength give you renewed joy. May the sunshine upon you and make you smile. May you have the ability to travel and see the worlds spledor. May you always have a partner who will love you till death and share your dreams. Your children thrive and prosper so you can rest easy and enjoy your grandchildens joy! I wish you all your hearts desires so that if the Lord were to take you to be with the other Angels you wouldn't have any regrets.... I hope this Christmas that you are the happiest that you have ever been and I pray that the Lord will help the doctors find a cure for cancer and give everyone hope support and courage to endure this disease and believe in a brighter tomorrow ... Merry Christmas to all.. May all your dreams come true Laurie
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