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Posts posted by jamie

  1. Dean,

    God, Im sitting here reading this... and hoping that my husband has such sweet words 20 years from now. Gay is a very lucky lady, and your one hell of a guy! You guys seem SO happy, and I wonder if I will make Steve that happy in 20 years. Maybe by then he will be able to appreciate the way I drive him NUTS now! :lol:

    Congrats to you, and wishing you 20 more years together!


  2. Surgery can be VERY scary for anyone, and the Dr. is right. It is best to stay in case something comes up. My dad hates the hospital, and is going in for surgery on the 29th. Hes not very happy about his stay either. Hope all goes well, and wishin the best to you guys!


  3. Kris,

    Its going to be hard-no doubt. There will be many days along the way that will be hard. Remember, just because you cant see him, dosent mean hes not there. Do you think your dad would be lolling around in heaven watching TV on fathers day? NO WAY!! He's gonna be there with you! So dont think your without him on Fathers Day... hes gonna be right there!

    Dont feel bad about not going to see your FIL, you know whats best for you...


  4. Tina,

    It may not be anything. My dad had cancer detected in his lymph, and he felt, saw, nothing. Now, just a week from clean biopsy results, something is swolen in his neck, and dr. says its nothing. You never can tell until you talk to the doc. When there was cancer-nothing. No cancer...swollen neck scared the crap out of us. Tell your dr. that your VERY worried (play it up!!!) and would like to know ASAP, and could you call if you havent heard anything... knowing how worried you are, the dr may speed things along...

    Hoping its NOTHING


  5. Misty,

    I know all too well where you are right now. My dad was dx'd a few months ago and it feels like yesterday. I like you, began surfing the net right away before I had any details, and wish I hadn't. This is the right place for you to be. When I joined, I had never been a member of a message board of any kind, and was surprised to see how helpfull it is. Keep us informed, and try to keep your spirits up...were here for you...


  6. Joyce,

    Maybe try asking your onc??? They may be able to help you, for Im sure your not the first patient in need. Also, remember...friends and family make the BEST therapists. My family and friends help keep me grounded when my thoughts go crazy.

    Hope you mind eases soon.


  7. Kate,

    That is great news! About the PET... they are pretty accurate, and dr.'s DO always want to leave the margin open. My dad's PET came back clean a few weeks ago and the onc. told him to meet with the surgeon. When he did, the surgeon scared the crap out of him by telling him its not enough and wanted a biopsy! Never the less, biopsy came back clean too. Think dr.'s just want to be 100% certain. I for one, think PET's are a pretty amazing thing, and we have yet to have an expierence where it is wrong. So dont worry, your news sounds GREAT!!!

    Best of Luck!!!!!!


  8. Well congrats to you!!! And congrats are surely in order...for a few reasons

    1. You Quit smoking!!!

    2. Your on this board helping others, while going through your own stuff

    3. Your surviving

    Very good reasons to celebrate, even if it is a lousy reminder of how hard this road is... just look above to see the grey cloud with the silver lining

    Again, congrats to you..you deserve it!


  9. Sorry to hear about your Dad. My dad is pretty newly diagnosed too, so I know how hard these first months are. Im sorry to say that I dont have an answer to your question, but just wanted to welcome you, and to reassure you that someone will have an answer for you. Everyone on here is so good at posting answers, im sure it will be no time till you get your answer... Best of Luck to you.


  10. AAHHH!!! How fusterating this all is.... I know, Ive been where you are, we are there right now. My dad had a PFT when he was first dx'd and he came back with all clean scans (X-ray, ct, biopsy, PET) and they want him to do one more thing before surgery... the PFT. The last thing and if all goes well, he will have surgery at the end of the month. Were hoping it goes as well as the first one. Call the Dr. and ask to clarify what he meant. Maybe its not as you suspect. If he didnt do well on the PFT, then its better off, because he will be struggling to breath after the surgery, ya know??? The doctor wil know best what he can handle and what he cannot.

    Best of Luck


  11. Denise,

    Glad you guys are home. I know it isnt the best news about the new stuff, and I hope your doing OK. Sounds like your moms in good spirits though, which counts for ALOT!

    Best of Luck


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