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Posts posted by jamie

  1. Hi everyone!

    Haent posted in a few days cause I was sick as a dog with some kind of flu/cold that Im sure my lovley children came home from camp with. :?

    My dad is feeling pretty good. Going for walks everyday with the dog, or walking down to the seven eleven for a slurpee. He seems to like getting out because hes so bored. His pain is under control now that they prescribed him viocadin. He was sent home with tylenol 3 -and it just wasnt doing the trick. They told him if needed, he could get percoset (sp?). He would have to go into the office though i guess because its a stonger drug or something. All in all... pretty uneventful.

    There is one thing... my dad says around the incision for the chest tube, there is alot of swelling, and the dr. told him its normal and his body will absorb the liquid. We were scared that they took it out to early , but the nurse said its normal. Happen to anyone else??

    More updates later.

    Thanks for wondering...


  2. Hi Rich,

    My name is Jamie and my Dad has NSCLC stage 3b. He has just come out of a successful surgery (lobectomy) on Tuesday, and prior was recieving both chemo and radiation for 8 weeks. The chemo and radiation cleared up the cancer in surrounding tumor tissue and also in the lymphnodes. (dont know if you have any lymph. involvement.) The surgery took out the tumor, and so far, everything looks great. I would definitly try the surgery. From what Ive gathered, its the most probable way of trying to get "all of it". Not alot of people have that option, and i would take full advantage of it. Cancer is not something to play with as im sure you know.

    Best of Luck

    Hope this helps!


  3. Cindy,

    The most important thing I read in this post was how brave and strong you mom was. I know that you have inherited those traits, and THATS what will see you through this. Its tough, but so are you... take a note from your mom. This thing wouldnt beat your mom, and it wont beat you either.

    Best wishes that the pain eases


  4. Just another silly question, I guess mostly directed to anyone who has had or still has a labor job.

    My dad is a railroad carman. He usually walks about 2-5 miles a night (quickly), and has to bend down under the trains to connect and disconnect hoses. He works in the frigid cold (Were in Chicago-brutal winters), and also in the blazing heat (again-we have extreem high and lows).

    He had to go on short term disability when dx'd because he just couldnt do it for now. He would be so short of breath, and go into coughing fits and end up throwing up.

    My question is... What now? Has anyone here had a lobectomy and went back to doing a labor job?? The dr. said after recovery my dad should be able to breathe better than before because he removed dead lung and also scraped the scar tissue from radiation, making it easier to breathe.

    Also, the railroad will be waiting to hear from him because in the books it says 6-8 week recovery time for surgery, and they want to know if he will be coming back or filing for long term disability.

    I know everyone is different, but how long did it take before you went back, if at all???


  5. I think you guys are right. I can understand why my dad needs some time. I dont feel bad in the least that he dosent want us to come... he never really was one for alot of attention or company.

    Thanks for replying...AGAIN, I feel so dumb half of the time because im so unedjucated when it comes to all of this...

    Becky, you know what? I was thinking the same thing about the duct tape! What the heck is gonna fall out next???


  6. Hi,

    Im sorry that i dont have any answers for you, but just wanted to say that I am so sorry that you are having such a rough road right now. I agree that you should first find out what is going on. Go to the doctor as it may not be LC.

    I wish you the very best, and keep us posted


  7. They did give my dad that thing. He did really bad with it the first day because it hurt so bad to take a deep breath without any pain meds. He used it all yesterday, but after the chest drain ordeal today, he was too scared. He said hed start again tommorow. I wont let him forget for a second how important it is. I know the more he does it... the speedier the recovery!


  8. Remember to give yourself a break too. You have SOOOO much going on that you dont want to get burned out. Remember you have to be healthy to help yourself and those you love.

    Hope things calm down for you soon...


  9. Peggy,

    Im right here with ya. I know that since finding out my dad has cancer in general, I seem to neglect alot of things... including my house. Come back when you feel its time. We could all use a break now and then. We'll miss ya, and we'll be waiting for your return!


  10. Andrea,

    Now I know weve had this conversation in our PM's, but I just wanted to tell you that every little bit does count. I do Tae Bo 3 days a week, (Used to do it 6 days and got burned out), walk and bike ride 4 days a week (that dosent even feel like a workout since I have a buddy) and I also do single exercises. I spend about 5 hours a week on exercise only, and have lost 10 pounds since Jan. I only have 10 to go, and I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but if I lose that final 10, I will be where I was before having the 3 kids. Its really working. Try doing a little bit here and there. Its working for me!!!


  11. Hi again!

    Just a quick update...

    My dad got up and walked the halls today. He said that he cant just sit there anymore. That was the good part of the day....

    Later on in the morning, his chest drain disconnected! He said the pain was worse than right after surgery. The nurse and doctor fixed it within a few minutes, but they had to put it on a suction to get the air out... because they said that was what was causing all of the pain. After all the panic was over and the hose was reconnected the dr. said "What did you do?..Move?" My dad was like "Yea!" Geese!!! God forbid he moved! Luckly everything was back to normal after that, and he is feeling better day by day.

    He asked us not to come up and see him tommorow. Says he needs a "day off". I guess we have been kindof suffocating him. Me, my mom, my brother, his mom, his brothers, and 4 nieces and nephews at any given time are always popping up there. He says hes tired of "entertaining" and PLEASE stay away...just for tommorow. I dont think he likes the big fuss over him.

    I could use the day off anyway. Its just been brought to my attention that I havent cleaned my house or did a load of laundry since last Fri. (My husband seems to be keeping track :? ). So it really isnt a day off, just a day to catch up.

    More tommorow, and again, thanks guys...


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