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Posts posted by jamie

  1. Thank you Heather, Fay, Donna, Becky and David!

    Sometimes I feel so stupid posting questions that I probably should know the answer to. Thanks for the info, I feel better knowing that everyone feels so positive about my dads situation. Im glad I wasnt overly excited! I was RIGHTLY excited. I guess this is the best we could have hoped for!

    Thanks again


  2. David,

    So sorry Im late in posting. Dont know how I missed this post so many times! Sorry that this is back, but you seem to be in pretty good shape mentally and this will help! Thinkin of you. Stay strong!


  3. I sincerely hope things start to turn around for you guys. You have alot of confusing things going on. Ive never heard of such side effects from med's but I suspect that anything is possible in this crazy business. I hope your dad starts to get back to normal.

    Best wishes and good luck to you


  4. Bud,

    Congrats, and Congrats!!! Both on your wedding anniversary and on being a survivor! Make this day count... its a special one!


  5. Don & Lucie,

    Although I have no advice, I just wanted to wish you guys the best. Although the new spots are a minor setback, Im sure you guys will overcome this... as you have everything else.

    Good luck and best wishes


  6. Hi everyone! Just looking for all your wisdom and expierences again...

    I have a few questions in general that I have been wondering about, here goes...

    1. Now that my dad had his PET, CT, biopsy, surgery ect... and everything was clean and taken out... what now... what I mean is, is he downstaged?, is this NED?, where does this put us? He has no cancer in his lymph.'s. no tumor any more... where do we stand??? And why is it I never hear the term "remission"? Before my dad got cancer, I heard it all the time. People whove had cancer, and then got rid of it. Is this not a term used anymore?

    2. Now that surgery is over, he will probably get a round of chemo for a while "to make sure", and then what? Will he be put on med's to try and keep his scans clean and his good condition stable? What meds do they give for that?

    3. Now that we have conquered this thing so far, we are scared to death of its high reoccurance rate. What should we be looking for? I know the importance of scheduled scans and tests, but anything else?

    Thank you in advance for your replies...


  7. T-bone,

    So sorry to hear the pain is bad. Did you try switching to something else? Im sure you did, but there is so much pain med's out there, something must help!


  8. Sharon,

    Just new to this whole surgery thing (My dads was less than two weeks ago), but the dr. said that swelling and pain are completly normal and this is just the beggining of it. It will go on for some time. Now, I dont know if "some time" means 5 months out, but thats what he told my dad. Might want to check it out just to be safe.


  9. Some dr.s do and some dont. When first dx's, out dr. called. All through chemo and radiation-no one called. After surgery while everyone else was meeting with surgeons to hear updates, ours only called, no one to be seen in person. I guess the best thing to do is ask next time if someone can call when the results come in. Or... call yourself. Im sure if they are in, there wont be any trouble in calling.


  10. Beth,

    First off, let me extend my deepest sympathy to you, your daughter and your family. Next, let me tell you that your words show how much you love your husband. You seemed to make the most of the time you had left together, and im sure that made this a little easier. You are so right about your daughter. Everything happens for a reason. I can tell your husbands memorial service will be a meaningfull one. It seems that he was very loved. Keep your head up... your a strong woman... it shows in your words.


  11. Shelly-

    You stay with this board!!! What would I do without your smileys to make me laugh when Im down and out??? Were all here for ya. Lung cancer, breast cancer, parent, sister, who cares?? Your part of our family and we care about whatever is effecting you. We want to know if your parakeet gets a cold. Stop right there and realize what you mean to everyone here. We love you and well always be here...no matter what!


  12. Joan,

    First off... so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose your best friend. My great grandma was my best friend and she passed last april. Its so hard, but it does get easier. Your mom is always gonna be with you, and keep talking to her. She hears you!


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