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Posts posted by jamie

  1. Hi everyone,

    My dad is feeling pretty good today, but nervous about having to get up. He wants to, just scared I guess. He already wants to go home and is glad that he only has 3 days left...if everything keeps going as well as it has been. I am curious though, why is everyone against morphine? Is it the addiction thing???


  2. Well girls,

    Ive never heard of this, then again ive never been on morphine, but I will be sure to tell my Dad... when you guys were on... did you forget EVERYTHING??? I know my dad is loopy, but he forgets things now that happened BEFORE he went into surgery. Like everything he told me the morning of. I dont know but thought it was kindof weird.

    You guys are kindof weird with your spiders, so thought Id ask you! :D

    Just kidding!!!


  3. Bruce,

    Keep your chin up... your right, this thing is a roller coaster ride... therefore, NO reason things wont be going up for you again... just be patient, you will see happier days.


  4. My dad is supposto be getting up and walking tommorow. I hope that he can... hes a little "loopy" from the morphine. All in all, hes feeling 100% better now that his pain is under control... I will keep everyone updated!



  5. Hi everyone, I promised to give the details about my dads surgery so here it goes...

    Before surgery my dad had an all out panic attack. The called his name to go in, and he couldnt move, felt faint, face went white as a ghost, and literally couldnt walk. After a few minutes and some drugs, he was ok.

    Just scared to death.

    The surgery lasted a little over 4 hours, and according to the dr., went really well. The only problem was a ventricle that wouldnt stop bleeding, but they got that under control. They ended up taking only 1/3 lobe instead of 1/2 (i dont know why, but presume its a good thing). They did scrape alot of scar tissue from radiation though. Also took some lymph.'s that the dr. said looked cancer free, how he knew that I have no idea. Hes testing everything though just to make sure...

    The recovery so far has been absolutly awful, for a good reason. My dads epidural fell out after surgery, and noone noticed. My dad kept complaining of pain so bad that he couldnt move at all yesterday, but everyone kept telling him it was part of it. Last night, my dads O2 levels dropped so low that he set of his monitor alarm. They asked him to do some breathing and realized that the pain was keeping him from taking a deep enough breath and then found that he was getting NO pain medication because of the epidural. They were going to reinsert it for him, but he refused and asked for that "morphine button". They gave it to him and he's SO much more comfortable now.

    He said he never expected it to be THIS painful, but is feeling SO lucky to have the surgery done. They expect him to be out of the hospital on the 3rd.

    Thanks everyone for wonderin, and prayin, and carin... I appreciate it more than you know.


  6. ok, I just ran home from the hospital, going back in a minute. Just heard that my dad's surgery went well, all is good, some bleeding but nothing to be concerned about, took only 1/3 lung,... thats all i know. Just thought id let everyone in . Im gonna post later when i get some real details! :D


  7. My dad had a lyph. light up on his original PET scan. They never staged him at 4 though. He was still 3b. Not sure why their cases are different... Anyway, after chemo and radiation they got the cancer out of his lymph, and hes going for surgery (lobectomy) Tues. They found out it worked by a second PET 4 months later. Could this be a plan of action for you guys??? Ask the doc. It worked for my Dad...

    Best of Luck


  8. Jane,

    Words cannot express the pain you are feeling, or the pain I feel for you. Ive been worried and wondering about you. So was everyone else. There is a thread on here you should look for, that has everyones good wishes for you and your brother while you were away.. Im sorry again, and if you need anything... were all here.

    So sorry again,


  9. Im not for certain, but I think Stage II is early disease. Either way, it is just a title, and shes seems to have this thing by the horns!!!

    Now, Im not sure which helped my Dad, but he had chemo, and direct radiation to a "lit up" lymphnode, and there is no evidence of cancer left whatsoever. Concluded by a PET, CT, and biopsy. Im not sure but chemo seems to be the norm after surgery. If the dr. didnt remove the lymph. which dosent really make sense, unless they couldnt, then maybe ask about radiation to it.

    Best of Luck


  10. Shelly,

    Im gonna tell you my story just so you know that your not alone...and that God dosent hate you...

    In 1 1/2 years, weve lost my father in law to a freak virus (he was only 46), my favorite person, my great grandmother, my grandfather (who suffered from ALS and died a very slow death, and then my Dad was dx'd with LC. I SOOOO know how you feel. Death seems to be all around me. But someone said it best... your sister is not dead, been diagnosed. Wait till you hear more of what is going on.

    God only gives us as much as we can handle. It will be OK, were here for you...


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