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Everything posted by Addie

  1. I can think of several things I'd rather be notorious for....than producing polyps!! Some claim to fame, eh? But I'm glad they got your Dad all cleaned out and I will keep a good thought for everything being benign. It's true the prep is the worst part...and even that has been improved, in terms of NOT having to drink a gallon plus of that oily stuff! I just had one last November. All it took was 3 glasses of the mixture in water....and then 3 more glasses 12 hours later. It was being HUNGRY that got to me the most. My stomach grumbled and complained and I was NOT fit to live with. The procedure itself was a breeze....because I was out like a light! It's the only way to go for this procedure. So just make sure you find a doc who zonks you out for it. Hope Dad is feeling more chipper already and continued prayers and good wishes coming your way!
  2. I'm way too new to all this to have any good advice for you, but prayers and sympathy? You betcha. You've got 'em. I really do think stress - particularly in a situation like this - just magnifies everything, including symptoms. Try to take things one, logical step at a time and if possible, is there anyone on the medical team who will advocate for you? My internist's nurse is a true gem. She's a breast cancer survivor herself....and she's been great in helping me coordinate everything, get information, get copies of my records, etc. Is there anyone who could do that for you to sort of help you coordinate all of this? Meantime....make a list, take things in order and try your best to eat and get some rest. My internist gave me a prescription for Ambien. I don't take it every night...but with all the tests this week, it's been hard to sleep. I've been so anxious....so a little help thru chemistry seemed a good idea! Good luck....I hope everything falls into place for you soon. Know you've got our prayers and calming thoughts and that you're NOT crazy.....or at least not any crazier than you were to begin with! (I have to tell myself that too! )
  3. Another bit of good news....just got the call that my brain MRI was clean! Somehow, news like that makes the cough not such a problem, you know?
  4. Sending prayers and all positive thoughts yours and Dad's way! Please keep us posted.
  5. Have a wonderful trip, Don and Lucie!! Scotland (playing St. Andrews, specifically) is on my hubby's and my "to do" list!! Maybe someday...eh? Meanwhile, wishing you a safe and wonderful trip...and I gotta say too, I'm looking forward to that kilt picture!
  6. Good for you!! Have a ball in Vegas. Haven't been there for years....but if you stick me in front of a computer Keno machine with a couple rolls of quarters, I can entertain myself for hours! Have a great trip, win big and enjoy the "medical free zone"!!
  7. Heather, I was just posting a reply to your thread over in General...while you were posting here to mine, I guess! I get the aura with the optical migraines....and then most of the time, a mild to moderate headache after the aura is gone. They never cause nausea and sometimes even the headache it so minor I barely notice it. I had the first one maybe 6-7 years ago. I ended up running off to the eye doctor, thinking I needed my prescription changed. It was the eye doctor who asked if I'd gotten a headache after....as I hadn't even remembered that part! Over the years, I'd have maybe one or two a year....relating to nothing specific. Not even to any particular stress. But in the past week I've had three of them! In the past month or so, probably a total of about 8.....as many in a month, as I've had over the last 6-7 years. So...I'm pretty convinced that they are stress related.....at least at this moment in time. If I get the aura and can lie down and close my eyes for 20 minutes.....it goes away. I may or may not have a headache afterwards that I need to take anything for. Most of the time I don't take anything....not even an Advil. It's just not that bad that I need to take anything. As for the cough....I appreciate the input about that too. I never really quit over the years....so have never been thru the sensation of how it feels to have airways and lungs NOT assaulted by daily smoke! Again, it's something I hope I don't need to take anything for right now. I'm sure once radiation gets started, it could get worse so if I need something then for the cough....well, that will be a different story. I also find that warm liquid helps break it up.....so if I drink a cup of tea before bed and then drink WARM tap water in the night, if I get clogged....that helps. But you know....it's like every little thing you experience that seems "different"....your mind automatically goes to that fear that it's related to the cancer somehow or is "bad". I keep trying to remember that back in l983 when my mom was dx'd with colon cancer, her doctor asked about her lifestyle, what she did with her time, etc. She told him she tole painted and bowled. The doc said, "Well, you didn't get cancer from bowling!" The point being that not EVERYTHING relates to my cancer. It's just easier to think it does when you're still a bit anxious, I suppose.
  8. First of all, let me say congratulations! It sounds like you're doing just great, Heather!! Now, as for the doctor's attitude.....well sure, that can have an impact. But reading your post....something really struck me. I'm about halfway thru Lance Armstrong's book right now....and at one point he said that when chemo ended....emotionally it all became even more difficult in ways. He felt like he was no longer doing anything to fight the cancer and so it left him feeling vulnerable until he got to a certain point where he was pretty sure he was cancer free and staying that way! In a way, I think that's exactly how the rad. onc's demeanor affected you. You were doing just fine until his apparent "surprise" that you're doing so well sort of brought you up short, made you feel odd or maybe just hyperalert all over again to what you've gone thru to GET to where you are now! A 15 month survivor and still counting!! I'm just starting this journey. I was dx'd not two weeks ago and am still undergoing tests to make sure this is limited stage. So I sure can't speak to you with any real "authority"....only as someone who believes in hanging on to the positives, over the negatives. You know....that radiation doc could have been surprised to see you yesterday, simply for the fact that you likely got in your car and maybe even drove a busy freeway to get to that appointment, right? I mean, he might have greeted you with, "Hi Heather, I see you made it thru traffic safely!" and been no more or less suprised by THAT....huh? Don't let the demeanor of one doctor rattle your confidence, your positive attitude OR the sure knowledge of what you've already surpassed....how far you've come....and your intention to make that 18 month mark and then SURPASS THAT TOO and keep on going strong! I'm starting to learn, even at this very early stage of the game....that a diagnosis of cancer is something that probably lingers in our subconscious for a long time....even when it seems we're beating it! The words or reactions of others can tap us right back into that fear sometimes....and it's much more palpable than the more SURE knowledge that every time we get in our car to drive somewhere, we're ALSO taking our life in our hands....eh? And yet we drive every day without that fear controlling us. Try to shake that uneasy feeling by reminding yourself that your oncologist is openly positive AND while he might have a funny way of showing it, even the rad. oncologist is impressed by you...by how well you're doing. He wants to follow up because you are inspiring! Don't let that tap you back into the fear.....let it support the positives for you! Okay, my little "speech" is over here ...but I find you very inspiring. You faced a big challenge and are doing great. Whether or not this surprises anyone else doesn't matter near as much as YOU continuing to beat the odds with confidence and a positive attitude! I think you've got a lot of people here willing to support you in that, to make up for any doctor who lacks a bit in the "positive attitude" department!
  9. Okay, I'm halfway thru the tests and I'm two for two in getting clean test results, which certainly supports my keeping a positive attitude. Despite all, though, I know I'm still anxious and that some of the "symptoms" I'm experiencing are likely just due to the stress and anxiety....such as the optical migraines and what feels like a shortness of breath at times. And then there is the cough....pretty much a dry tickle in my throat, not a very productive cough...but of course since treatment hasn't started yet I start to get anxious about what this cough means! It's important to note that I DO have allergies....year round. So there is always some degree of postnasal drip and sort of that "clogged" feeling in my throat. AND even more significant is the fact that noon today marks the two week point at which I smoked my last cigarette...and that, too has to have something to do with this cough, wouldn't you think? I guess I'm just looking for reassurance that this cough isn't some major sign that I ought to be banging on doors saying, "Let's get treatment started yesterday!!" Sometimes in the middle of the night....I will start to cough and then have to sit up in bed to sort of clear the airways so I can lie back down without hacking. Does all that sound pretty normal for someone just 2 weeks into not smoking? Someone still a bit anxious, awaiting the last test results? Thanks for any input....
  10. Just checking back in to say that yesterday, I got the good word on the bone marrow/bone biopsy......CLEAN! Today or tomorrow, we should have the bone scan results and I had the brain MRI this morning....after getting totally loopy on 5 mgs. of valium!! Pre-test anxieties.....but as it turned out, the MRI wasn't that bad at all. Just loud. Friday is the last test....the abdominal CT scan. What's really made this a bad week is that my female mutt has been at the vets for two days....dehydrated, sick and with elevated liver enzymes. She's much improved today and is coming home! Will need more liver tests later to make sure the #'s have come down. Monday I see the oncologist again and meet with radiation oncology for the first time. Hoping the tests continue to come in as clean or negative....and otherwise, I got myself a "transitional" haircut last Friday so that I won't have foot long tufts of hair diving off my head into my Cheerios in the coming weeks! Still hanging in there with a very positive attitude....and hoping everyone else is having a good day, an upbeat day, a day with hope and many smiles!
  11. Cheryl...I hope this is just the first of many such anniversaries to come! What a lot you've been through....but your strength and determination stands as a real inspiration for others. Thank you.....and here's to many more such anniversaries!
  12. Mo...hoping you kick that bug soon and that your energy returns. You always have such a great attitude and I'm sure it's got to be a great help to have such a good medical team working for you too! Feel better soon.
  13. Wonderful news!! I'm sorta new here, but news like this needs to be shared and appreciated! Continued prayers and wishes for more good reports after the MRI.
  14. Got past the bone marrow test today! Not too bad....more pressure than pain. Doc said he got a good sample of bone.....and apparently doing the marrow and bone biopsy IS standard for my oncologist. Got a break until Monday...when I go for the bone scan.
  15. Hi Steph~~ First of all, what a gorgeous little daughter!! A face like that has got to be pure encouragement to you! I'm very new here myself...just diagnosed on Monday and saw the oncologist for the first time yesterday. But finding this site was an unexpected bonus as there is such comfort and support here...for all the dark days and for those days that are better, too. This is all so new to me, that I cannot offer you any real "voice of experience" yet...but I do agree with those who've said that catching this early AND being young and otherwise healthy, will be great assets....along with that little bundle of joy in your arms! Stay positive...and when you feel you could use a little help in doing that, this sure seems like the right place to come for it! I'm sorry for ALL of us that we have to be here...but it's nice to know that there is always a hand or two or more, reaching out to us here. Keeping you in my special thoughts for continued good reports, and a bright, healthy future watching that adorable little girl of yours grow up! Keep the faith!!
  16. First of all, some of the encouragement today came from many of you! Just hearing your stories, knowing there is hope and rather long term survival...helps! Then...I saw the oncologist today. Between tomorrow and May 21st, I will have a bone marrow test, bone scan, MRI of the brain and CAT scan of the stomach, liver, adrenals, etc. I return to see the oncologist on 5/24 and as he should have all the results by then, I presume radiation and chemo will begin that week. I really liked the doctor and his staff. He seemed a little surprised that I had so much information already and some good questions, but I told him I felt it was my responsibility to understand as much as I could about my own health....so that we could form a better partnership in treating me! He is pretty convinced (despite not having the above mentioned tests yet) that I am limited stage and even said that what is there in my lung is "sort of a nothing". That might sound odd out of context, but I think he was trying to say that it's quite small and not clearly defined. It's only 1.5 cms and the radiologist referred to it as a "slight patchy density...of questionable significance". But since the lymph nodes in the mediastinum tested positive for sclc, they now think that patchy area is prob. what started all this. I have to believe that at 1.5 cms, it's not been there for very long. And...the most positive thing that happened today, is that I got it straight from the doctor's mouth...."This is curable!!" I actually had to ask him to repeat it.....but relief in that room, from my hubby and me, was palpable!! I don't know all there is to know yet about sclc, obviously. And I'm aware that a lot of the web stats could be outdated. But what you tend to hear about this form of cancer is NOT generally very hopeful for a cure. Remission, yes. Perhaps more than one remission. But I've yet to run across anything that told me anyone has been cured of sclc. I'm sure some have been and will be....and of course the doctor said there are no guarantees.....but the fact is, I wasn't even sure if an actual cure....beating sclc....was possible! Now I know that it is....and I've got it on pretty good authority, from my onc doc! So....again, this has been a positive day for me. I feel like things are underway and I can focus on feeling like I'm doing something proactive. Getting tests done that will provide more information and allow the best assault on this "unwelcome guest". For all of you...I wish a positive day....LOTS of positive days and always, reason to hope. I know I'll still have my own moments of fear in all this....but I truly believe that laughter and a positive attitude are "medicines" that science cannot measure....yet they are powerful...very powerful. Again, thanks to all for sharing, as it truly kicked off this day for me. I hope that sharing my positive experiences, in turn provides something good for others who need it!
  17. I know this place is going to be such a source of comfort and info. Thanks to all who've replied. Funny...the mental gymnastics one goes thru with something like this. My worst moments were having to tell my kids and my best friend, who is really like a sister to me. But I got thru it...and my best friend gave me my first real laugh when she said, "At least we know you look good with no hair!!" I wore my hair VERY short for many years. I mean 1/2" short!! My entire family of origin, but for one....is in a cemetary somewhere. Not one of them died of lung cancer or ever even HAD sclc....yet they all smoked. One sister, who died of other causes, did have lung cancer about 14-15 yrs ago....but she had a lobectomy and NO chemo...so I'm assuming she had nsclc. At the time, I never knew much about the different types. I have a large group of cyberfriends...met thru a discussion board that is now defunct. But we've all stayed in contact and I have marshaled a group of them to be my "team"....in my corner as I move thru this. I cannot tell you how comforting it's been to me already that each of them has stood up to say, "Whatever you need! I am here for you!!" Already I can feel the strength of their support and care...and I know it will be a huge help to me. At the very start, I kept saying that ANYTHING other than lung cancer would be preferable...because of that stigma. Because I knew some people would think, "Well, she smoked! It's her own d*mn fault!" I just didn't want to have to deal with that....even mentally. But now that I have the diagnosis....I realize I'm thinking this myself....and feeling like I should apologize to those I love for putting THEM thru all this angst and worry. Of course, they've all told me to stop....to ditch the guilt and just get on with taking care of myself. Have I mentioned how lucky I am to have the family and loved ones and friends that I do? There is comfort here too, in knowing how willing people are to share their stories and information and to offer up support and understanding. I hope, once I get my head fully around all this and start treatment....that I can give back to this community in a similar fashion. So many questions still. I will try not to bombard you with them...but need to go seek out some info on nutrition and also the effects of being on prednisone while undergoing chemo/radiation - if any.
  18. Hi....call me Addie. I found this site yesterday after doing a search for information....and joined right away. Somewhere around noon yesterday, I got the results of last Thursday's lung biopsy....and it's sclc...most likely limited stage, but we'll know for sure after a few more scans, I suppose. I'm 57, married with two grown sons and two pound mutts who now fill in as our "kids" I quit smoking the day of my biopsy. Not soon enough, obviously.....but I believe it will make the road ahead a little less difficult if I'm no longer a smoker. I expect to get a call today from my internist saying he's got me all set up with the oncologist for sometime this week. I want to get started on treatment asap. I'm not sure if it's just nerves or not...but since the biopsy, I am experiencing some shortness of breath and haven't slept worth a dang since last Wednesday night! I wasn't symptomatic before the biopsy...it was rather serendipitous that this was caught. So it may be that I'm just hypersensitive to any possible symptoms right now....and anxious. I mean, who wouldn't be, under the circumstances? I'm impressed with what I see on this site so far...in terms of the clear compassion and support and the wealth of good information available. I'm glad to know this community is here and I expect I'll be a regular visitor doing lots of reading!
  19. Thanks for the responses. And yes....waiting is not a good plan! My internist said tonight that he will get me in this week to see the oncologist. The nurse that called me earlier obviously didn't have a clear picture of the situation. But my doctor talked to the onc. and will call him again in the morning so I should get in by Wed. or Thurs. this week. I'm in New England....and actually, my internist has even suggested that I look into Sloan Kettering....in case it happens that treatment is not successful, then I'd already have an established relationship with one of the best cancer centers in the country. I intend to ask him more about this...to see if he has a specialist in mind to recommend. But from where I live, traveling into NY for treatment would NOT be convenient at this point. FWIW....I was a smoker but went from 2+ pks last Sunday down to 2 cigarettes last Thursday....the day of the biopsy......and haven't had one since. Won't smoke again....whatever it takes....I won't do it. Wish I'd said that to myself 30 years ago! I know that scans will have to be done to be sure....but up to this point I have not been symptomatic at all. No shortness of breath, weight loss or pain. At least none that seems to relate. I was dx'd last summer with Polymyalgia so tend to have a lot of aches, much of the time...but not due to this, I don't think. I keep thinking of Gilda Radner's comment...something about how having cancer is like belonging to a very exclusive club that you really don't WANT to belong to. Sad but true, isn't it? I'm sure I'll be around with lots of questions as treatment gets underway...and I'm glad to know that there are many here who have already done so well or outlasted their original prognosis. Sorry...I've sort of been babbling all over the place here....but it's been that kind of a day. Maybe by tomorrow I'll have more of my wits about me and will be a bit more coherent.
  20. Had the CAT scan on Friday, xray on Monday and biopsy of the mediastinal lymph nodes on Thursday. The initial pathology report on the frozen slide was "inconclusive" and as this has come on relatively fast...my internist was leaning towards a diagnosis of lymphoma. I'd had a CAT scan of the lungs last July and NONE OF THIS was going on then. Today, my internist called and said it IS sclc. Aside from the enlarged lymph nodes though, there is just one area in the upper part of the left lung that they are calling a "patchy infiltrate". It is not well defined....not a tumor or a mass and is about 1.5 cm in size. Could also be a lymph node....but they think this is where it all started. I'm still trying to absorb all this and have more questions for my doctor....but has anyone ever had or heard of sclc presenting this way? With a rather undefined "patchy" area? And as it's only in one lung and the mediastinal nodes, does that make this limited stage? I tried today to get in to the see the oncologist that my internist referred me to.....and the earliest they could even see me for a consult was mid-June!! Somehow it doesn't seem too prudent to me to hang around for a month twiddling my thumbs before starting some treatment! I'm so glad to know this resource is here for information and support and thank you all in advance. I'm not one who easily folds up my tent and gives in...so am hoping the right attitude will be an asset for the road ahead. Any info you might offer re: how this all presented and just how strange or weird that might be....I'd appreciate it. Also, from lurking around and reading a bit...it seems to me that the sooner treatment begins, the better....right? It makes no sense to wait a month for a consult. Looking forward to learning as much as possible. Thanks!
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