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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. (((Mark))), God Bless you. Your post is so beautiful and your thoughts touch me deeply. I hope you will stay with us, we need you. You have two gifts to offer... the gift of yourself and the continuing gift of Leslie's memory. I pray time will heal your broken heart. Love and Prayers, Sue
  2. What can I say? God Bless all of you. I couldn't believe the responses . This is the first chance I have had to post. I have had a long day at the hospital and Mike is breathing a bit better, but still struggles. The doctor says that the stents are in place, there is no pneumonia, but there is infection indicated by the elevated white cells. He will be in tomorrow to see how Mike is on the many new medicines he is trying for his breathing treatments, as well as, new antibiotics etc. There are outstanding cultures that may or may not tell us exactly what we are dealing with. He says it is hard to culture when your body has antibiotics in it. We are hanging in there. He has been visiting with family and some special friends will come to see him tomorrow. I would also like to add that he came online before he went to the hospital and read all your last responses. I can't tell you how much it meant to him. Frank, he sent you a special message. He really appreciated your pm and says that, after reading your profile, you two are brothers except you have a cute dog, a bigger TV , he can no longer drink beer and you have more hair... Can't tell you what your message meant to him.. Gonna jump out of here for now.. Just know we love you and appreciate all the love and prayers. Love, Sue
  3. Karen, My heart goes out to you. You and Ken are in my prayers. Love, Sue
  4. Hello Everyone, I just dropped in to give you an update. Mike is in the hospital. He is having a hard time breathing and is very congested. The doctor immediately started new antibiotics, ordered a bunch of tests and breathing treatments. It's really late and has been a long day. We could use your prayers. Thank you for being there for us. Love, Sue
  5. Prayers coming for Devin. Hang in there Ginny. Love, Sue
  6. Fay, I just want you to know that you have helped teach me, give me strength and touched my heart. God be with you Fay. Love and Prayers, Sue
  7. Jessica, I am so very sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. Love, Sue
  8. Fay, I just saw this post. Fay, it is so like you to want to help your family with every last detail. It is also so like you to come here and prepare us for your final wishes , as well. As for not wanting a memorial service, that's your wish and I'm sure they will abide by it. Thank you Fay. Thank you for everything you have given to this group. You've given your all to the cause, and you've reached out with your heart to all of us. We love you. I hope you feel our arms around you know. My prayers to you , Fay. Love, Sue
  9. Sandra, We are glad to have you here as part of our family. We are all blessed to have found one another. Love , Sue
  10. Congratulations on your 3,000 posts, and Thank you for all you do, Connie. You are such an inspiration to us all. Love, Sue
  11. shineladysue

    Bad LC day

    Sorry for the loss of your friend, Sandy. It's hard, very hard. We have lost a lot of our friends on the board recently and I know, It has been an incredibly sad time. We will miss them all. Love, Sue
  12. shineladysue

    New Avtar

    He's beautiful. Love, Sue
  13. Lisa, I will be praying for your Dad's to improve quickly. Take care of yourself . Love, Sue
  14. Lisa, Many prayers coming your way for your Dad and your family. Love, Sue
  15. (((Karen and Ken))), Praying for you. I hope you and Ken will enjoy your family visits. Know that we are here for you. Keep in touch when you can. Love and Prayers, Sue
  16. Lori, I hope today with your mom has been a better day. You are in my prayers, as always. Love , Sue
  17. Beth, I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your precious mom. Her picture is of a woman with a kind, loving face. My prayers are with you and your family. Love, Sue
  18. I am so sorry to hear this. Karen and Ken continue to be in my prayers. Love, Sue
  19. Debbie, My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. Jen will be missed here. I hope you know that we are here for you if you need us. God Bless, Sue
  20. Kathy , Thanks for letting us know. Angela, I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you for your surgery. When my husband had his pneumonectomy, he did very well recovering. He had an epideral (sp) and had wonderful pain control. Recovery takes a bit of time , but within 8 weeks he was back to work and by the following spring he was out doing yard work. You are 20 years younger than he was when he had his and that should be on your side. Be sure to join us after your surgery. We welcome you with open arms . Love, Sue
  21. Ry, We hope a sputum sample can be obtained and taken in tomorrow. It takes about 24 hours for a culture. Mike's doctor will call in the infectuos team if it is something that he doesn't know how to handle or if it is resistant to drugs he can take orally and then they will put him in the hospital on antibiotic drugs. The problem we have here is that trying to stop the tumor at this point is like trying to stop a runaway train... He has three stents in him now . The prognosis is not good at this point. I'm really not handling this well. We think we are ready for this, but Mike sat there and said.. You mean "He's calling me home, that's how I feel" and the doctor said "I've never lied to you, I agree with you.". It was at that point I started choking on tears and I haven't been able to recouperate since. Can't write more now... Love, Sue
  22. Went to the doctor and we are back. Things aren't looking so good. The doctor isn't offering anything in the way of much help or hope . He said it's not a curable situation. He said at best he could put him in the hospital and make him feel better for a couple days , but does Mike want to be in the hospital. No, Mike does not. The plan now is to continue what we are doing at home to keep Mike comfortable. We can only take it one day at a time from here. We will get a sputum sample cultured to see what kind of antibiotic may help and he may want that, but it could mean putting him in the hospital . We shall see. I don't know what else I can say at this time. Thank you for your kind words and prayers. Love, Sue
  23. Kelly, Glad to hear things are going well for your mom. Enjoy those "pretend days". I can sure relate and I have enjoyed quite a few of those along the way. It is kind of hard on the reality days, but sometimes you just have to go along and live life the best you can under the circumstances. God Bless you. Love, Sue
  24. Mark, I hope you can feel the love here for Leslie. She left quite a bit of her warm caring in the pages of this site and many footprints on our hearts. You always have a home here with us. So many here can relate to the emptiness you are feeling. Sometimes it helps to just be able to talk about it with people that understand, especially when they are people that loved your wife , as well. God be with you Mark. Hope to be hearing more from you. Love and Prayers , Sue
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