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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Oh My!!! This is such shocking news. I am so very sorry . My sincere condolences to all of his friends and family. We will miss him very much. Sue
  2. Nancy, My heart and my prayers go out to you. I know you are doing your best for your Dad. God be with you. Love, Sue
  3. Prayers coming . Hope he starts to improve again soon. Sent u a pm. Love, Sue
  4. Thank you, Pat. This is such sad sad news. Doug will be so missed. I loved to read his posts. He gave a lot of himself to us. My condolences to his friends and family. Love, Sue
  5. Tom, Know that my prayers are coming your way for a speedy recovery and a good pathology report. Be kind to yourself and give yourself time to heal. You've been through a lot. God Bless, Sue
  6. Carleen, I read your words and wish I had the answers or the wisdom to help you. What you are going through is so very hard. I know and I can relate. Trying to dwell on the positive and good things , even though it's hard sometimes, is what will get you through this. Remember, we care about you and are always here to listen. It's good to let out those feelings. Take care and God be with you and Keith. Love, Sue
  7. Carleen and Keith... In my prayers. Love, Sue
  8. Kasey, Thanks for the 5's. I'm thankful for 1. The fact that I have health insurance and good doctors helping me along. 2. For all of you, that have gone through the good and the bad with me. 3. For having a place to come to celebrate. 4. For having a place to come to cry. 5. For special people like Kasey... Love you Kasey, you are one in a million Love, Sue
  9. Tina and Charlie, Thank God for prayers answered. Hope Charlie continues to do well. Love, Sue
  10. Lori, I'm glad your mom is doing better today. I will say that Mike went through the steroid psychosis from hell so I know what medication is capable of doing. His was from prednisone , but deadron is definitely a problem for many. Hopefully, if the drugs are the problem, it will continue to improve as she gets away from the high dosages. Love, Sue
  11. shineladysue

    Ok here

    Mark, It really is good to hear you are feeling better. This is so very hard. So glad you have found a group and someone kind to help you through this difficult time. Take care of yourself and keep in touch. Your Virginia Friend, Sue
  12. Thank you, Randy. I just saw this post and living in Virginia, I would be interested in ordering those plates. Will keep them in mind for the next go round when I renew them. Sue
  13. (((Berisa))) Love, Sue
  14. Hello "nurse Tina", Glad to hear Charlie is home. I know it is always more comfortable to be home rather than in the hospital . Just want you to know that my prayers continue for you , Charlie and your family. Sure hope the antibiotic starts to kick in and help. Keep us updated when you can. Love, Sue
  15. Ry, I don't know anything about this , but I do want to let you know I will be thinking of you and sending prayers that everything turns out normal. Love, Sue
  16. Tina, Keeping you,Charlie and your family in my prayers. Update us as soon as you are able too. Love, Sue
  17. Beth, We have plans to scatter Mike's ashes in the mountains in the fall. He wanted to be scattered in our honeymoon spot in our favorite getaway. I anticipate that it will be filled with mixed emotions. I think you did wonderfully well and that you should feel comforted knowing Bill's final resting place is where he wanted to be. God Bless you. Love, Sue
  18. Jackie, Glad I didn't miss this celebration. I want you to know that I always enjoy your posts, but I always wonder how you got to be so darn smart. Your words have helped me on soooo many occasions.. Thank you. Onward to the next 3,000!!! Love, Sue
  19. I am so very sorry you and your family are going through this. Sending lots of prayers your way. Sue
  20. TAnn, Will be saying prayers that the new plan works, that the ultra sound has good results and that your pain can be managed. You've had so much to deal with. My heart and my prayers go out to you for good results. Love, Sue
  21. Geri, I missed the news about your husband before, but I'm glad I caught the good news. This sounds pretty encouraging. Prayers are going out to you both. Love, Sue
  22. Kasey, I don't understand it. I'm so very sorry. My prayers for your family. Love, Sue
  23. shineladysue

    It's Hard

    Hi Karen, Yes, this is so very hard. I've been thinking about you. Know that I'm praying for us all. I too plan to stay around. It has been 4 weeks today for me and it seems like it was just yesterday. Take care and know that you are not alone. Love, Sue
  24. Kelly, Try to have positive thoughts. Will be praying for good results to the scans. Love, Sue
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