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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Beth, This is wonderful news... Know that we will be here for you every step of the way. Hope that you can find lots of hope and encouragement at this site to help you support your Dad. God bless you. Sue
  2. (((Sandy))), Lots of prayers coming for you and your family. I'm just so very sorry. You have had more than your share. Love, Sue
  3. Trish, I'm so very happy for you. This news is awesome. Wishing you the best. Keep us informed. God Bless Sue
  4. Karen, Thank you so much for sharing your mom's story. It was such a beautiful presentation. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Love, Sue
  5. (((Don & Letty))), Thank you for sharing your story. You are such an inspiration. Your words are so powerful and your story is filled with hope. God Bless you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  6. Lucie and Don, The two of you are always in my prayers. I'm so very sorry to hear how long and drawn out this treatment is for Lucy. Mike had the long and the short. Oh how I remember the beginning ones that were all day, bring your lunch affairs. It is hard, but I remember there was benadryl in there that knocked Mike out and made him so sleepy.. it's effect continued until later when the decadron kicked in and kept him awake all night. I recall all those effects. I just hope Lucie will feel better soon and that the treatments work. Love and Prayers, Sue
  7. Tom, I would highly recommend you go for the adjucant treatment plan. To put it simply, my husband had stage 1 cancer 5 years ago , had surgery and no chemo follow up. He had a recurrence a little over 2 years ago and passed away last month. At the very same time, we had a friend that also had surgery ,she had the chemo... she is now 5 years out and NED. At that time , it was not known if it would make a difference , but it is my belief that it is becoming more and more evident that it does. If at all possible , I would say , give yourself every chance. The chemo may be a little rough, but if my husband had been able to do it over again, he would have had it. God Bless. Sue
  8. Tracy, Sorry I missed your first few posts, but I'm here now. I just want you to know that you have my prayers for much success with your treatments. We will be here for you. God Bless. Love, Sue
  9. Nancy, I am so very sorry for the loss of your dad. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family. Love, Sue
  10. Sandy, This is a wonderful tribute to Jim. I've thought about you so much.. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Love, Sue
  11. Sue, I'm sorry you started smoking again, but you can quit again. If you are looking for help, might I suggest the site that helped me after 38 years of smoking.... whyquit.com.. You will also find Mike's story referred to in several places there, along with links to lcsc. It's a cold turkey quit site and there's a wonderful support community there. Smoking is addictive so that picking up even one cigarette after a long quit can be enough to eventually start you back where you were. Hope this site will help. Love, Sue
  12. Teri, It's good to see your picture and to hear from you today. I only wish you were feeling a lot better. I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Praying that the doc with come up with a plan that works well for you. Love, Sue
  13. Jim, I've been thinking about you. I'm sorry to read this news, but I'm going to pray and remain hopeful that Tarceva will work for you. Take care Jim and know that you've got a lot of healing vibes and prayers coming your way from this bunch. Love, Sue
  14. Andrea, I just ordered 5 books. Please let me know if you got the order. I rarely use my paypal. Thank you for all you do and my prayers to you on the invitro. Love, Sue
  15. Rich, Congratulations on 4,000 and thank you for all that you do for everyone here. Love, Sue
  16. Karen, I am so very sorry you have lost your mom. This has been such a heartbreaking year for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love, Sue
  17. Jodi, I am so very sorry to be reading this news. Prayers are on the way to help your family through this very difficult time. Love, Sue
  18. Christine, I am so very sorry about the loss of your dad. My sympathy to your family. Sue
  19. shineladysue

    Mike K

    I am so very sorry for you loss. My condolences to you and your family. Sue
  20. Oh Lori, If ever I need someone to take care of me, I would pray they would be JUST LIKE YOU!!! Love, Sue
  21. Tina, Losing your husband is a life changing event. You won't recover in one hour, one day or one anything. Like Katie B. says "But no matter what advice any of us can give, it's something so individual- we all walk into it so differently." Tina, Mike has been gone 7 weeks and it feels like it was yesterday. Where did that time go? Some days are easier than others . Some days I'm blind sided by the oppressive grief I feel and the tears won't stop. It's truly an emotional roller-coaster. Take the time you need and let us be the last of your worries. We want to be here for you and with you. love, Sue
  22. Hi Lori, All of this sounds good for your mom. She is a remarkable woman and so are you. I know I keep telling you that, but you have been amazing through all of this. If you ever wonder what you can do, just look back at what you have done. It is no wonder you feel a bit of depression right now. You have been through an incredible amount of emotional stress. Take care. Everything is sounding better. Love, Sue
  23. Don and Lucie, This is not the news that any of us hoped to hear , but I know the two of will make the best of the situation. I have always admired you for your ability to always look forward, not back. This time will be no different , I am sure. God Bless you both. You have my prayers. Love, Sue
  24. Don and Lucie, Thank you so much for the update on Teri. She is so blessed to have you both for friends. Please tell her that my prayers are with her. I miss her posts so very much. Hope she will soon be feeling better. Love, Sue
  25. Trish, I am so very sorry to hear about your mom. I lost my husband just two weeks prior to you losing your mom. I know how hard this is . My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love , Sue
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