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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Val, I'm so sorry . Prayers on the way for his wife, his family and for you. Love, Sue
  2. Lori, I'm so proud of you. There's no doubt in my mind , but that you did an outstanding job for your mom. It just makes me angry to think how hard you have had to fight to help her. Keeping you in my prayers. Love, Sue
  3. Beth, I'm sitting here crying after reading this. Mike has left behind so many folders with notes of household measurements etc. He was so very organized and unlike me , nothing was cluttered. He knew how to throw away things that were no longer needed. At his computer table there is a notepad and paper that he was writing on before he went to the hospital. It still sits there to this day. His voice is still on my answering machine . Everything he owned is basically where he left it. Only a few days ago I threw away his toothbrush. Just when I think I'm doing okay, I read a message such as yours and I start crying . This is so damn hard. Love you and understand . Love, Sue
  4. Carleen and Keith, I want you to know that I am thinking about you and you have my prayers. I hope Keith will continue to improve. Reading about all he has been through breaks my heart for both of you. Take care and know that there are more people than you know out here praying for you. Love, Sue
  5. Teri, It's so good to hear from you again. Hope Hospice quickly finds the right combination to help you with your pain. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. You truly inspire me and you are loved by many . Love and Prayers, Sue
  6. Dee, I remember you and I am so very sorry to hear about Claire. I lost my husband on March 2nd . We have lost too many just recently, but as you said there are many here still fighting the good fight and doing a good job of it. Take care and hope to see you at that Pub. Cindi still runs the place. We meet there happy times, sad times, any time that people need other people. See you there. Love, Sue
  7. I am so very sorry you lost your Dad. You have my prayers as you go through the difficult days ahead. Love and Prayers, Sue
  8. Thanks for the update Don and Lucie. Teri, we are with you in spirit. We love you and thank you for all that you have given to us at this site. Praying for continued pain relief and for good days ahead. God be with you . Love and Prayers, Sue
  9. Sherri, I am so very sorry to learn that you lost your Dad. Please accept my deepest condolences. Love and Prayers, Sue
  10. Ann, I love them, but oftentimes don't have a good answer. I hope you will continue with them. We definitely need a diversion here. Thank you for all you give of yourself to this group. Love, Sue
  11. I like this one. Mentally, 30's most of the time and physically.. I'm trying to get back there.. Sue
  12. Beth, Thank you for updating us. Your post strikes home in many ways, inspires me in many ways and overall makes me feel normal. Take care and know that you are loved here. I think of you often. Love and prayers, Sue
  13. Rich, It's wonderful to be helping you celebrate 4 years of survivorship. Thank you Rich for all you have given of yourself to this "family". We love you. Here's to many many more!!! Love, Sue
  14. Bill , This is probably not what you are referring to, but Mike had pneumonitis as a result of chemo ( Alimta, specifically) . It's very hard to say exactly when the onset was because it was a subtle increase in SOB until it became severe. Also associated with this would be a dry non-productive cough. He also quit Tarceva due to SOB. It's hard to say whether the chemo was to blame or the disease process. I don't guess this is very useful.. Sue
  15. Linda, You are doing a great job. Did you know that you can ask for a copy of the scan results ? We always got copies of them for ourselves. It's helpful to take them home , read over them yourself and make your list of questions at home where you have time to think. Also, taking a list of questions to the doctor with you is a help. I hope things become more routine for you soon. It's great that you have a PA you can communicate with. Love and Prayers, Sue
  16. Jim, So glad you are feeling better. Rich is right, you might want to talk to your onc about lowering the dosage. Mike had a bad rash when he started Tarceva and the doctor was worried about secondary infectioin because the tops were full of puss. When the dosage was lowered, the rash became better. He had to discontinue due to other things going on that related to his own case. Hang in there , Jim. This sounds like great news. Love and Prayers, Sue
  17. Lori, You are incredible. I don't know how you have done all that you have done. You continue to amaze me. I will be praying that all those hopes and dreams for your mama will come about just the way you have them visualized. Love and Prayers, Sue
  18. Hi Tracy, Just to let you know that you have my prayers that Tarceva is doing it's job. I don't think it is crazy at all for you to talk to your body. Many chemo patients talk about how they visualize the chemo going into the body and destroying all the cancer. It sounds like a good and healthy idea , to me. Take care and know that you are being thought about . Love and Prayers, Sue
  19. Andrea, Received my cookbooks and they are just beautiful. I want to thank everyone who took the time to donate recipes and time to this project. To you Andrea, a huge hug and a thank you for all you do for LCSC. God Bless you and praying for success on your invitro. Love, Sue
  20. shineladysue

    My CT scan

    Wonderful news, Kathy!!! So very happy for you. Love, Sue
  21. Teri, I am so very sorry you are in so much pain. I pray that hospice can make you comfortable. I don't have any experience to offer, but many here feel truly blessed to have their hospice help. I want you to know that you have been such an inspiration and your words have touched my heart on so many occasions. You are a beautiful person, Teri. Hope to hear from you again soon . In the meantime, know that you can count on my prayers to be with you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  22. Hi Andrea, Glad your most recent worries turned out to be something that can, hopefully, be easily fixed. You can count me in as one of those paranoid types, as well. I think it's hard not to think that way when you have seen that the "BIG C" can and does happen to people . Praying for everything to go well for you and your invitro.... God Bless. Love, Sue
  23. Continued thoughts and prayers. I understand. Love, Sue (your virginia friend)
  24. Happy Birthday Eppie!!! Love, Sue
  25. Yayyyyyyyyyy Mama..... God Bless her and you . Love, Sue
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