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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Prayers on the way for Sean. Sue
  2. shineladysue


    2,000 for Bunny!!! Wow, Bunny!!! Thanks so much for the over 2,000 times you have come here to share with us, support us, pray for us. etc. etc. So sorry you have a need to be here , but so thankful that you are. Suki is so blessed to have a daughter like you. To the next 2,000... Love, Sue
  3. Donna, I am so very sorry for your loss . Know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Sue
  4. shineladysue

    3 Years

    Carleen, Keith's 3 years is indeed an inspiration to others to keep on fighting... thank you for sharing that milestone. As for him feeling bad after his last chemo , I am so sorry. I hope you have medication that will make him feel better. Mike had terrible constipation with some of his chemos and usually found that milk of magnesia daily kept him straight. If he missed it , he was in agony.. Hope Keith feels better. Wishing you luck on your IVF... Prayers for everything going on in your life. Take care . Love, Sue
  5. Sheri, Mike smoked all his life and quit just before he was diagnosed with cancer. He had thoughts of smoking , but never wanted to go back. I smoked for 38 years and quit 3 years ago with the education and assistance of a wonderful site.. whyquit.com . It's a cold turkey smoking cessation site and support group . You can find answers to your questions there. Smoking is an addiction and quitting isn't always easy , but it is possible. After 3 days of quitting, all nicotine has left the body , but the thoughts of smoking linger on. I am like Randy, when I see someone smoking, I want to cry . Knowing how much it increases their risk of having lung cancer truly breaks my heart. Sue
  6. Oh (((Janet))), Wish I could make the pain go away for those of us that have lost our loved ones to this horrible disease. You were so blessed to have had Ron as I was to have had Mike. I pray that in time your memories will only be the beautiful ones. As painful as this time is for me, I am like you in giving my love and support to those warriors and their families that are actively fighting this disease, as we speak. May they never give up hope and hang on to the thought that every case is different and new plans of treatment are being developed every day. There is hope and they should know that. Take care dear Janet. Hope you are feeling better today. Love, Sue
  7. Hugs and Prayers to Tina and Charlie, Tina, I had a feeling that things weren't going so well for you right now, but it seems you have had the week from hell. I'm also so very sorry to hear that Charlie isn't feeling so on top of it. You have your hands full. Try to take care of yourself and know that prayers are coming from my way. Will be looking to read news that things are improving very soon. Love, Sue
  8. (((Ann))) Love, Sue
  9. shineladysue


    Ry, WOW, 5,000 is a lot. How do we thank you? I know I can't find the words to thank you for all you do. I will only say that you are a big part of what makes this site so wonderful. Your dedication, your caring , your support and your love and all so much interwoven into the pages of this site. I want to thank you for all you do for us and have done for me personally... Thank you. Love, Sue
  10. Mark, I just lost my husband, Mike, two weeks ago , but I don't forsee it getting easier any time soon. It seems that I go through everything I do aware of trying to get through it without Mike. I've barely begun to remove those things that we shared or to make name changes on things. His voice is still on my answering machine. I picked up his ashes today and the pain was intense. God will help us Mark, I believe that, but for now it seems that the pain is forever. God Bless, Sue
  11. Ginny, As a new widow , I find I very much need a forum such as the one you suggest. The death of a loved one is painful no matter what the relationship, but the death of a spouse requires an entire lifestyle change. I know that I myself am faced with challenges, decisions , paperwork etc. that I have no idea how to accomplish. I could go off to another web site to seek new friends , but I much prefer to stay here with my lung cancer family. There is much comfort here to me. I feel I am among family. There is so much foreign in my life right now , I don't need to have to be shuffled off to strangers to get support or help. Yes, it would be so nice. This is not to take away from the grieving forum or to downplay the grief of anyone. It would be to address those special needs of widows and widowers. Katie and Rick, I hope you understand where we are coming from. We love you and hope you can make this possible. Love, Sue
  12. Linda, It's so nice to hear from you. Your sister is an angel . She has given so much more than she has received here. I lost my husband just 2 weeks ago, but Peggy was there for me long before that time and has continued to give me support. I love Peggy and I hope she knows how very much she has helped me. Thank you for sharing your memories of Don. I know this must have been such a huge loss for you as well. Glad you posted and we welcome you here at LCSC. Love, Sue
  13. aym, I just want you to know how very sorry I am to hear about the loss of your friend. We are still here if you need us . Love, Sue
  14. (((Shelly))), You have been through too much. I'm sure you have seen enough of this kind of reaction from doctors that you could write a book. I undertand your frustration and I am so so sorry you are going through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister. Let us know what the doctor says. Love, Sue
  15. Laura and Karen, I am so very sorry for your loss. How well I know how difficult this time is, as I just lost my husband of nearly 36 years on March 2nd. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love, Sue
  16. Comforting thought. Thanks, bunny. Love, Sue
  17. Audrene, My husband passed away just two days before yours. I fully understand your pain. People say it will get easier for us, we have to have faith in that. God be with you. Sue
  18. I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. May God be with you and give you strength to get through the days ahead. Love, Sue
  19. Jen, I understand and I am so very sorry. Love, Sue
  20. Bananas are good... Maybe you could throw some rice krispies under 'em... but have to wonder why you were low.. diuretics maybe? Mike's doc always supplemented diuretics with potassium. As for the results.. let us know the phone thing ... So sorry you have to wait for the doc. Waiting will make ya nuts.. Take care of yourself and know you are loved. Love, Sue
  21. Thank you to everyone for your kind and caring posts . When I think of this support group, I feel so very blessed to have found all of you. Words could never express the way I feel at this moment as all of you have come here in an effort to express hope and understanding. It means more than you know. Feeling the hugs and prayers. Love, Sue
  22. Teri, It's good to see you here posting. I've thought about you so much and kept you in my prayers. I'm hoping that you get your strength back very soon and can continue with a new plan. Love, Sue
  23. It has only been 11 days since Mike passed and I feel so emotionally unstable. A couple days I felt it was all getting better and then out of the blue I would start crying and not be able to stop. Every night I keep dreaming of Mike dying all over again. I was holding his hand when he died and my youngest son was holding the other. The rest of the family was around. I find I dread bedtime. It's so upsetting to wake up and feel it's all so real again. Each day, I try to focus on getting things together , but I'm finding it quite difficult. Those of you that have been through this, would you please tell me if this is normal or should I be doing better than this by now. Love, Sue
  24. shineladysue


    (((Kel))), I can only imagine how you felt. Prayers are coming for good results to all. Love, Sue
  25. Laura, Thank you for the update. I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear this news. I just want you to know that you and your family are in my prayers. God be with you all during this difficult time. Love, Sue
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