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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. To tomorrow!!! It's "gonna " be a good day.... cause this stuff is "gonna work" !!! You're doing it Beth and we are all behind you.. (((Hugs))). Sue
  2. It is so good to see you Smile Beth... Missed that!!! (((Hugs))), Sue
  3. Mike had thinning hair on Gemzar also. He didn't lose it all and now that he's moved on to Alimta he has a new crop of fuzz. Looks like it's coming in darker and thicker this time. Sue
  4. You guys know how to throw one helluva pity party. My oldest son plays excellent blues on his electric guitar. I'll see what I can do to have him show up. Sue
  5. Cathy, Prayers coming from Mike and I that this works for you. Love, Sue
  6. Only positive thoughts for you Addie and lots of them. You are getting good vibes, wishes and prayers from many. Go to the pity party and like Ginny says, come out with the gloves on Monday morning. Go get 'em Addie. (((hugs))), Sue
  7. God Be with all of you . My thoughts and prayers are with you, Bob and Bob's friends and family. Sue
  8. I'm so sorry you have more to deal with. Praying for you and your family. Hope you have a wonderful time at the circus. God bless. Sue
  9. Ellen, I'm so happy for you and I'm sure Cindi will be glad to oblige... (((Hugs))), Sue
  10. Ginny, What can I say. I'm crying as I read this. Your Earl sounds like he was such a wonderful, kind, funloving person. I'm sure you have many precious memories to hold on to , but many reasons to miss him also. May time heal the hurt and lessen the pain. I want to thank you for the warmth and caring you leave on the pages of this site. You are truly a beautiful person and I feel so fortunate to be part of the same group with you. Hugs, Sue
  11. Pammie, Thanks for this post. I too would like to thank those that come here to help long after losing their own loved ones. It is such a caring , thoughtful, wonderful gift they are giving to us all. Sue
  12. Ry, I just want to send my best to you and John. Mike has no experience with Tarceva, but thank you for sharing your experience and inviting others to share also. Hope they are able to quickly figure out why he is bleeding and to control it . I know you must want him back on Iressa, Like they say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Let us know how he is doing . You hang in there. You have a lot on your plate right now. Maybe a little trip to Cindi's will help. Sue
  13. TAnn, I'm so happy for you. Tears filled my eyes to read your words. You sure deserve to have some good news. Breathe a sigh of relief and relax a while. This is such wonderful news for you and such a sign of hope for others with your diagnosis. (((hugs))), Sue
  14. Thank God!!! Do something nice for yourself, you deserve it. Sue
  15. (((Beth))), I want you to know that you are an inspiration to me. You are one of the most courageous members on this board. Please know that you are loved by many here. I'm not sure of the writers intentions, but I would like to think that in some way the person means to be helping. At first , I saw red when I read that message and then the part about motivating you to fight jumped out at me, so I'm not sure. Just don't let it bring you down and know that no matter what emotion you bring to this board, we can relate. I find your honesty very refreshing and in my opinion it takes an incredible amount of courage to expose your own weaknesses. Now, what about this strep throat thing? I wonder did they give you a vitamin B12 shot about 5 days before treatment and also daily folic acid tablets. It's my understanding they are to help prevent any mouth sores etc. Just wondering. I do think if you research Alimta you will find they are part of the treatment. Take care of yourself Beth. Keep us updated and whine all you want to if that's what makes you feel better. Love and Prayers to you. Sue
  16. Ellen, Glad you can go ahead and get that scan tomorrow with quick results. Sometimes, I think the anxiety experienced from waiting can debilitate you as much as the disease. Know that I'm sending prayers your way and will be waiting for the results. Sue
  17. Will be waiting for your results. Prayers being sent. Sue
  18. Hi Patti, Welcome to the family . My husband has stage IV nsclc also and is fighting it for all he's worth. He has been stage for over a year now and is doing pretty good. Please consider another opinion for your mom. You might want to print out these posts to give her. There is a lot of hope and information on this site. Hope you will look for it, you will find it. My prayers for your family. God Bless you. Sue
  19. LOL!!! You can count Mike in on that FoodChannel thing too. I just asked him why and he says "It's neat to watch".. so there ya go... Sue
  20. Beth, It's gonna work!!! You've got prayers coming from Mike and I . It's gonna work!!! It's gonna work. You are officially an Alimtian... new word, I made up, but let's pray it stands for success. Keep us posted. Sue
  21. Autumn, Sorry you have to be here, but I want to welcome you and let you know that there are many caring people here willing to lend an ear and help in any way they can. There is a lot of information at this site also, as well as some very knowledgeable members. It is a big help to be among folks that understand and have experience. My prayers to you and your family. Sue
  22. Welcome to the family June, So, sorry to hear that your cancer returned after 6 years. I know that must have been a real shock. My husband, Mike's , returned after 3 years. Every case is different, but I have some idea how you might feel. Everyone here is in the same boat of living with a cancer diagnosis or with someone we love that has it. The people here are so kind , compassionate eager to help in any way they can. After you read the profiles , you will start to develop a sense of hope that the doctor's don't always give us. I think you will find the information shared here helpful as well. Be sure to reach out if you need help . Sue
  23. Sharon, Prayers coming!!! As the others have said, these things are oftentimes nothing to worry about . Will be praying hard that this is the case with you. Sue
  24. Maryanne, This is wonderful news!!! It sure sounds like Joel is making a real turn around. . Hope he continues to do well. Sue
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