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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Beautiful post Karen. It was a loving thing for you to do by placing it here. Prayers to you and David. Sue
  2. Fay, Know that I'm sending prayers that you will soon get this resolved. ... Sue
  3. You have my prayers for your Dad and your family. Take care of yourself kitkathi. Sue
  4. Little Mo, Praying taxol is the one to bring you results. Sue
  5. Kelly, nice job on the website. Luna is so precious. Something tells me that lots of us will be adopting her in our hearts . Cindi may have to share. This is such a heartwarming story. Haylee this is truly a thoughtful thing for you and your girls to do. I love it... Sue
  6. Melanie, I'm sorry you are having to go through all of this , but I will keep you in my prayers. Sue
  7. I wish I knew what to say. I feel so bad for Dave and all of you. Hope someone can figure out what is causing Dave's pain . I'm praying today will be a much better day. (((Hugs & Prayers))) , Sue
  8. shineladysue


    Lucie & Don, This is wonderful news!!! I couldn't believe my eyes. Thank you God!!! Lucie is home sweet home again and recouperating. This is just awesome. I see a cruise ahead in March. God Bless you Sue
  9. Beth , You sound like overall you are tolerating the Alimta pretty good. You've got our prayers for success. Sue
  10. Prayers to David and Family. Sue
  11. What a heartwarming story!!! Cindi, I hope you will always be that 5 year old little girl, she is delightful. What a kind thing for Haylee and the girls to do and I can hardly wait to see the web page. Luna , is it? I love that name , as well. This is just the kind of warm and fuzzy story I needed to read today.. Looking forward to the continuing story. Sue
  12. Hi wfs, I just want to welcome you and let you know that there are many caring people here. We hope you won't be needing this board, but if you do, it's a wonderful place to come. Waiting on test results is hard, very hard. For now I would just like to offer my prayers that this is nothing , but if it does turn out to be something you will find information, compassion and hope here. My best to you. Let us know the results. Sue
  13. Don & Lucie, My thoughts and prayers are with you today. Love, Sue
  14. I'm so sorry to hear this Nell. My heartfelt sympathies to you and to all his family and friends. God bless you Sue
  15. Thanks for sharing Cindi. Looks like a wonderful site. Sue
  16. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you also. God Bless You, Sue
  17. Don & Lucie, You both are in my prayers always and Lucie know that you can count on my prayers , as well, for the surgery. Love, Sue
  18. Maryanne, It's wonderful to know Joel is doing so much better. As for the shortness of breath, does he have a pumonologist he sees regularly? Mike sees his pulmonologist on a regular basis and he has him go through tests to check his lung function on each visit. There are classes offered to help patients with rehabilitation and functioning with less lung function, as well. I also would like to say that only two months after a lobectomy, I'm sure it will take time to regain strength and lung function. When Mike had his pneumonectomy it took months to gradually build up his strength. These are all things that the oncologist doesn't get involved in, but his pulmonologist takes care of. Again, things sure sound like they are improving and I'm so happy to hear all your good news.. (((Hugs))), Sue
  19. Just know that Mike and I are hoping for the best for you guys. Glad you can get into the doctor tomorrow. He sure shouldn't have to wait . I'm thinking that if they just get the meds straight , John will feel better. Maybe they can lower the Tarceva dosage or go back to the Iressa. Keep us informed. (((Hugs to you both & ur kids))) Sue
  20. Oh TAnn, That's so thoughtful of you to start a thread for caregivers , but Don Wood said it all I just can't find anything that expresses how I feel, any better than that. Thanks Don. Sue
  21. It looks like a good report from my unprofessional and uneducated guess. Praying that the surgeon sees it that way too. Let us know. Sue
  22. Kate, My heartfelt sympathy and my prayers to you and your family. I can never find the words ... (((Hugs))) Sue
  23. shineladysue


    Love the pic . You and Lucie are such an inspiration and your picture radiates warmth ,compassion , and love. Thanks for sharing. God Bless you both. Sue
  24. Addie, I would like to add all my positive vibes and prayers too for you going into this tomorrow ... God Bless you Sue
  25. Welcome Carole, We are sorry you have to be here , but glad you found us. You will find that there is lots of information , compassion , hope and support at this site. Spend some time here and read the profiles under the members names and read the boards. Let us know how we can help . My prayers to you and your husband for good results on his scans . Keep us posted. (((Hugs))) Sue
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