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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Mrs manny and manny, I'm so happy for you. Sending my best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery. God Bless you both. Sue
  2. Raising my Bud Light to congratulate Charlie D. and one for the bartender too. Thanks Cindi, I'd rather be in your pub than out getting taxes done today... maybe I can join in after. Happy Anniversary Charlie D!!! Sue
  3. shineladysue


    Thanks Patti, Frank is so well loved here. Please tell him that there are lots of prayers coming his way. Sue
  4. Cindi, Your situation just breaks my heart. You are such a giving , caring person and I just have to believe that things will all turn out ok. You can count on my prayers and I'm sending a big ole cyber hug (((Cindi))). I'm truly at a loss for words trying to tell you how sorry I am that you are burdened with so much emotionally and physically in your life. Sure hope somehow , somewhere you will get some help. Take care and may you find strength in all the positive thoughts and prayers coming your way. Love, Sue
  5. Jim, Sounds like great news. Enjoy the break. Sue
  6. Praying for a cure for Peter Jennings. I hope if he looks in on our site he will feel the support and prayers coming his way. It would be wonderful if he should decide to share with us and to also accept the support and prayers that are being said on his behalf. Sue
  7. Peggy, You can count on my prayers for You and your hubby. Hope this Tarceva will work magic for him. It seems to work miracles for some. It's good to hear the smile in your voice. Know that we are here for you . (((Hugs))), Sue
  8. Welcome Home , Don & Lucie, Glad you were able to enjoy some of your cruise. Sorry it was less than perfect. Sure hope Lucie's leg is feeling better soon and it will turn out to be nothing . Take care of yourselves and know we are glad to have you back. (((Hugs))), Sue
  9. I'm so happy for your family Sharon. You will be a wonderful grandmother and having a new life to focus on is a wonderful gift indeed. God Bless... Sue
  10. Bill, This sounds like wonderful news. Will be waiting for the the results of those Ct scans. Thank you for sharing your wife's ongoing progress with us. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sue
  11. Carole, Sorry the first treatment plan didn't produce the results you hoped for, but try not to be too discouraged. Hopefully, the new plan will produce results. If you read the profiles of many here, you will see that sometimes it just takes finding the one that works for each person. Each case is different. Will keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. Sue
  12. Frank, I'm so sorry to hear about the jabbing, zapping and potholing, but I sure hope you can feel the group hugs and showers of prayers sent your way. Hope it gets easier for you Frank and praying for your head to be empty , as well. God Bless you, Sue
  13. Summer, Please accept my heartfelt sympathy . Love, Sue
  14. Corwin, I would just like to welcome you to the group and let you know that you have my prayers . Let us know how you are doing. You will find people here that are knowledgeable in many areas and have experienced many different treatments. Sue
  15. Beth, Keeping my eye on you. Sounds like overall you are doing well with the Alimta. Will be saying lots of prayers for you and will be anxiously waiting for the scans on the 11th. Mike just got his 6th Alimta treatment Monday. He will get scans on the 18th and get the results on the 25th. If the treatment is working , his onc will say continue and he will. Over all, his tolerance has been pretty good. He does get tired , but he says he can handle it if that's all that happens. Keep up your wonderful sense of humor and the great fighting spirit. Let your weight be the least of your worries. I am overweight and don't have anything to blame ... no steroids or anything, just my own lack of discipline. Just know your Virginia buddies are keeping our eye on you... Love, Sue and Mike
  16. Charlie, You just might have to give up the "rotgut".. u think? Actually, Mike has times he has hiccups too especially the day of chemo and the day after. I always wondered if it was the dexamethasone. He doesn't have nausea, so that isn't the culprit with him. He doesn't like "rotgut" either.. lol although it does seem a couple Bud Lights start it up. Sue
  17. Lori , Glad to hear your mom is better. Want you to know that I keep you and your mom in my prayers. Sue
  18. David, I want you to know that you, Karen and Faith are in my prayers daily. God Bless you, Sue
  19. I would just like to welcome you to the group. We would love to know more about your case. I hope you will share your experience with us. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Sue
  20. Irene, I am so sorry about your loss. Praying that you and your family find peace and comfort in the days ahead. We would welcome having you to stay here with us. God bless, sue
  21. (((Lori))), Lori, I wish I knew what to say. Mike's case is so different from your moms. Just know that I'm praying for you. Love, Sue
  22. Peggy, I can feel your disappointment and fear, but I know you have strong faith. You take the time you need and know that tons of prayers are going out for you, your hubby and your son. Will be praying for the Tarceva to work it's magic for your hubby and for God to give you the strength to work through all that life is handing you now. Love and Prayers, Sue
  23. Lori, I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I haven't been here this week because my mom has been in the hospital due to, what we thought was, a possible heart attack. My mom has a different diagnosis, but she is still my mom and it hurts like h3_ _ to see her ill and suffering. My heart goes out to you. Hope she will soon be feeling a lot better. Don't lose faith, it's the most powerful medicine for your mom and yourself. God be with you. Sue
  24. Angie, I am so sorry . My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Sue
  25. 1. Hubby's smiles and laughter. 2. Mom and Dad are feeling better after having colds. 3. The beautiful sunshine. 4. Easy to fix dinner tonight. 5. People in the group.
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