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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. shineladysue

    Wood Update

    Don, It's always good to get an update on you and Lucie. Sorry to hear about her leg pain. Sure hope she will be feeling better soon. Don, as for you, it sounds like you are moving right along in the right direction. Take care you two. You both are such an inspiration . Love, Sue
  2. Melanie, This news saddens me and I really don't know what to say except you have my prayers for your strength to return so you can resume chemo. Everyone says hospice is such a god send in situations like this. I hope they can help you and you will soon find yourself stronger. You are such a wonderful, giving member here and I only wish I could give back even a fraction of the support you have given others. You are admired and loved Melanie. Take care of yourself and remember , you have many people praying for you. Love, Sue
  3. oh Shelly, thank you for sharing your poem. You make me appreciate my mom that much more. I am so fortunate to still have her and be able to talk to her daily. My heart goes out to you. I pray that some day soon, you will feel at peace and the pain will be much less intense. God bless you Shelly. (((Hugs))) Sue
  4. Dawn, I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. I feel sure he would have wanted you to be with your daughter on her day. You have had so many losses this past 2 1/2 years, I can't even begin to imagine the pain you have edured during that time. May God be with you during yet again, another painful time . God Bless you, Sue
  5. Lenda, I just want to give you a big (((hug))) and welcome you to this family. First of all, I am so so very sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. I have been married 35 years to my husband and he is definitely my better half, so I can't even imagine my life without him. You have come to a place where people understand you and we encourage you to share your story with us. You will find support , inspiration, prayers and even laughter here. I hope you can in time find peace and acceptance of your husbands death. We can't change the past . I also, have angry feelings towards my husbands last doctor before he was diagnosed with his recurrence, but my anger won't change what is and it will only make me feel worse. I'm still working on the forgiveness part, myself. My thoughts and my prayers are with you. Looking forward to having you here with us. (((Hugs))), Sue
  6. Sandy, You tell that oncologist if he tries to say anything to rain on this parade, he will have to answer to all of us. I'm so happy for you. Joining the group for the happy dance . Your smile just lights up the board. Keep it up... Continued prayers coming for a good onc report. (((Hugs))), Sue
  7. Melanie, I just want you to know that my prayers are with you today. I hope something can be worked out for you. As for the Gemzar, I may be mistaken , but I seem to remember them saying that is one can can be given in different strengths. Also, I wonder if you are on any steroids. Mike is on prednisone and is using oxygen now due to pneumonitis (inflammation to his lung). After 2 weeks , it has helped him. They also had to give him a break in treatment for now to gain his strength. I'm just thinking out loud and looking for hope for you. Most of all, I want you to know that no matter what the decision, you have our prayers. Take strength in that. God be with you. Love, Sue
  8. That's wonderful news Jackie. I'm so happy for you. Cindi,you can always count me in on the party. Bud light for me please. Sue
  9. Hey Peggy, That's great news about your son. Sorry your husband is having pain. If you are like me, you won't rest easy until he has it checked out. I know a part of you must feel like you need a big break right now. I hope you can get one very soon. In my prayers, as always. Love, sue
  10. Betty, I was checking to see when you posted last, as well. I hope you are doing ok and will post with that smile of yours soon. Know that my prayers are with you. Love, Sue
  11. Lynne, I'm so sorry you lost your loving husband. Your post really touched my heart. Know that you are welcome here and you have just become part of this family. None of us want to belong here, but we are so thankful to have one another. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I pray for you to have strength to get through the coming days. God Bless you, Sue
  12. shineladysue


    Dawn, My heart goes out to you. As you said, you are where your brother would want you to be. Wish I could find the words to comfort you and ease your pain. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sue
  13. Welcome Trish, I know the news about your husband must have been devastating , but it sounds like you are doing all the right things to fight this. I'm glad you found this group. It's good to have somewhere to go and ask questions , as well as to air our feelings, ask for a prayer etc. Take care and know that we are here for you. (((Hugs))), Sue
  14. Hi Deb, I just want to welcome you to the family . I hope you can find comfort in knowing you aren't alone . There are many wonderful ,caring people here that are willing to share their experiences with you and try to offer advice when you need it. God bless, sue
  15. Welcome back Curtis, I hope things went well. I know it must have been a very emotionally uplifting yet draining experience. Hope you are doing okay. I meant to post to this before you left, but my prayers have been with you and always are. God Bless, Sue
  16. (((Peggy))), There's nothing to be amazed about . We truly care about you and your family. You are a part of this family too you know. Hang on to the good news, know that our prayers are with you and your family . Keep us informed. Love, Sue
  17. (((Cathy))), I'm so glad you have had a good week. You do have such a wonderful, loving and supportive family . Hopefully, you know you have the love and prayers of all of us , as well. I want to thank you for sharing your experiences with us, all of them. Sharing the good times and the bad times is very helpful to all of us. Sometimes, even sharing the bad times makes them become good times... , as seems to be your case this week. Isn't it wonderful to know that people really, really do care. We are all so blessed to have this board. As for you Cathy, I am praying for you every day . I too am a believer in miracles and in the power of prayer. I look forward to everything you would like to share with us. God Bless you, Sue
  18. Jan , It's good to hear that you are doing so well. I hope all the biopsies come back negative. (((Hugs))), Sue
  19. Cindi, Luna is as precious as ever. love, sue
  20. Beth, I'm not sure I can be of any help, but my husband , Mike, has recently been diagnosed with pneumonitis. His symptoms are severe shortness of breath, a dry non-productive or only occassionally clear mucous cough , and he was running a slight fever for a few days. On his CT scan it showed up as inflammation also. At first the doctor thought it may be infection and treated him with Ketek antibiotic , as well as allegra for his sinuses , especially since his allergies are kicking up as well. Now, he is being treated with high doses of prednisone for 8 weeks plus oxygen 24/7. He also uses a nebulizer 3 times a day with Xopenex . He is on the second week of therapy. His cough is almost entirely gone at the moment. He has no fever and his breathing is improving. Don't know if any of this helps. I sure hope Bill feels much better soon. Love, Sue
  21. Cindi, I would love to help Just-a-kid celebrate!!! Beth where are you? You are such a trooper and caring friend to us all. Congrats on one year Beth... Raising my glass to you and your beautiful family that this is only the first of many many many more of these parties. Love, Sue
  22. Oh my goodness Fay, that's really something . Ouch!!! Hope you are feeling much better soon. (((Hugs))), Sue
  23. Great news Cindy. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery. (((Hugs))), Sue
  24. Lori, I'm so glad to hear that your mom's radiosurgery went well. Poor thing, that sounds like a long gruelling day for sure. Sending more prayers for a easy last chemo treatment and a full recovery from the surgery. God Bless you, Sue
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