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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. JC, I called the pharmacist last weekend and she reviewed all the meds with me. She said the problem was the shingles medicine. It is known to cause confusion, hallucinations etc. in elderly patients. Mike is only 60 , but definitely in a weakened condition. She also said it may take 5 days or so for him to get it out of his system. The doctor didn't dismiss the idea, but said "here it is 6 days after he stopped that medicine and he's still not right". The thing is he was perfectly fine before he took it. I'm just so upset that I can't think straight. I'll get it together I hope.
  2. Dean, I want you to know how very much your posts and your outlook on life has helped me. You give so much of yourself when you write. Your words are truly a gift to all who read them . Thank you. I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. I pray hospice will be able to help you get comfortable so you can enjoy all that you can in your life. I love reading about your birds. Mike and I enjoy nature and animals , as well. God gave us so much to enjoy in this life and you seem to know how to appreciate it. Sending prayers to help you to find the smile inside of you and comfort in the coming days. God Bless. Love and Prayers, Sue
  3. This is an update on Mike. These days are so frustrating. I wrote before how he started some medication for shingles and plus his doctor increased his diuretic, potassium and added a blood pressure medicine. At the time his cancer report showed stable, his pneumonitis resolving and all looked good. He was put on extended chemo break until August. He had developed shingles on his chest and back and the doctor put him on medication for it. All was good that day and mentally Mike was doing well. Well, after the start of all these meds, all went to hell. He started sleeping long hours, having difficulty talking and thinking and it got worse. After 2 calls to the doctor and one visit , he insisted we finish the meds for shingles. We got to the point that Mike couldn't think, couldn't remember how to use a tv remote etc. The doc agrees something is wrong , but what. Had a brain scan done and no mets. Normal scan. He made appointments for a psychological (in 3 weeks) , as well as, neurological (in 4 weeks) evaluations to figure this out. He used words like "metabolic and malignant encephalopathy(sp)" He talked about waxing and waning of the mind , but diminishing over time. He added he doesn't know what is wrong, but obviously he agrees Mike isn't right. My point, all was fine until those meds were given.. In fact, I called our local pharmacist and she said the shingles meds could have done it and it would take days for him to get better. It's been 6 days. Okay, none of this makes sense. I'm at my wits end. If it is not the meds, does anyone have any input or had a similar situation. I'd like to add that Mike is breathing much better, is getting up and around fine. He just acts like someone that is drunk or overdosed on drugs. The doc has lowered his prednisone, he's off the shingles meds, he's cut his diuretics and potassium in half... let's see. This just seems so puzzling. Any input would be appreciated. God Bless all of you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  4. (((Beth))), This kind of news never gets easier does it, but in time we learn there are disappointments, there's bad news and devastating news. This seems like a little bad, but still manageable. I can't tell you how much I wanted everything to be much better for you. I prayed really hard and I'm still praying. Remember nodules come and go and those lymph nodes can shrink. Tomorrow is a new day . We love you. Prayers coming your way. Love, Sue
  5. shineladysue


    Dean, I hope you can feel all the love and prayers being sent your way. May you and Gay know that we are all thinking of you and praying for your recovery. Love and Prayers, Sue
  6. ((((Beth)))), I'm anxiously awaiting your results. It is such a stressful time.. I really have a good feeling about you . It's gonna be okay and this is going to be a wonderful birthday for your daughter. Hang in there and think positive thoughts Beth. Let us know as soon as you get the good news.. Love, Sue
  7. Ry and Mr Ry, Enjoy every minute of today , tomorrow and the next day after that. 3 years marks the gift you share and the gift you give to others... the gift of hope. Meet you at Cindi's to drink to many many more. Love, Sue
  8. Beth, I wonder if it could be like a yeast infection. I know that Mike uses Flovent inhaler and has to rinse his mouth afterwards to prevent that. I've also heard that certain chemos can do the same. It's just a very uneducated guess, but if I were you I would run it by the doctor. There just may be a simple treatment for him. Good luck, Sue
  9. Mike is still disoriented.. Called the pharmacist at our drug store this am and asked her to review Mike's meds with me for compatability and we discussed the problems.. She said without hesitation it was the Famvir... the drug he was on for shingles. It causes hallucinations and it may take several days to get out of his system.. copied this from the internet http://www.alldaychemist.com/newpages/Famvir.htm Possible Famvir side effects Famvir SIDE EFFECTS, that may go away during treatment, include headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or tiredness. If these Famvir effects continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY about taking Famvir if you experience hallucinations, disorientation, or confusion. If you notice other Famvir effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. We will know the results of the scan on Tuesday am if not tomorrow, but in the meantime he is very disoriented. I just want to share this with all of you in case you have a similar problem . Take care. Sue
  10. Becky, I'm headed for bed now . I hope God will understand when I pray for "brain farts". Thanks, you have given me some hope to rest my fears on tonight. Love, Sue
  11. I should have added that he was given a medication called Famvir to get rid of shingles. We think it may have been a part of the problem. He has been off of it a couple days and seems somewhat better.. We shall see.
  12. Thank you... I love this!!! Love and Prayers, Sue
  13. My prayers , as always, going out for David. Love and Prayers, sue
  14. Kitkathi, I'm not familiar with treatments for sclc, but I want you to know that you have my prayers. I'm so sorry to hear this news . Know that you have all of us with you in spirit. Keep us informed and take strength from the prayers that I know are going to come your way. Love and prayers, Sue
  15. Thank you everyone for your wonderful words of support and love on our "Good News" post, but as many of you know things can change rapidly around here. Had a little bit of a change since the good news post. Mike has had a set back.. He has had an upset stomach and mental confusion. The doc ordered a brain CT scan which was done on June9th. We don't have the results yet and probably won't until Tuesday, June 14th. This is so very puzzling. Mike was fine one day and totally confused the next. He went from writing detailed emails to not knowing how to write email. He has been very disoriented and confused and it seemed to literally happen over night. He was put on two new medications and two others were increased in the same time frame. Keeping all this in mind, I'm still wondering does this kind of behavior match up with anything that has happened to any of you that have or have had brain mets? Thanks for your input. I've hestitated to post, but I'm so upset and I just need to know one way or another what is going on. What is so very upsetting is that he acts strong, his cancer showed stable and his breathing is much much better. This has just blind-sided us.. Thank you ahead of time for your input. Love and Prayers for everyone, Sue
  16. Kitkathi, I'm so sorry your Dad is ill. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery and return to the safety of his home. Love and Prayers, Sue
  17. My heartfelt prayers going out to you. Sue
  18. Karen, Dave, and Faith, Know that you are all in my prayers. Love, Sue
  19. Geri, This isn't an answer, I'm sure, but when Mike went on Taxotere he was warned his nails could come off. Yes, come off. He was told to put nail hardener on his nails before treatment. We did treat and had no problems , but I was thinking if Taxotere can do that, I guess other kinds of chemo could affect the nails in various degrees.. You think? Sue
  20. Know that you have my prayers as well. Love and Prayers, Sue
  21. Beth, Yes, just keep thinking of all the positive thoughts and prayers coming your way. You are so precious to us and you can count on us keeping you in our prayers. I believe your scans will look so much better and you will do fine with surgery. Remember, they will look out for you. They deal with lots of breathing limitations. Try to relax and think good thoughts. Love and Prayers , Sue
  22. Hi Bunny, You are not only in the right place , but you have just joined a very caring family. We are so glad you joined us. You will find information, love, support, prayers and humor here. Everyone here understands and is here to help one another. As you take time to look around the boards, you will find out where you might want to post your comments and questions. We all like one here. We are all fighting the same monster with the goal of winning. Know that my prayers are being sent your way. Love and Prayers, Sue
  23. (((Cindi))), I don't think I like that surgeon. Where did this come from? I feel like I've just been punched in the stomach. Can only try to imagine how you must feel. Wish I knew something educated or intelligent to say. Are you thinking of another opinion? Did he give you a reccomendation ? You know I'm praying for you Cindi. I'm so sorry. There's got to be a plan in there somewhere to treat this. Will be waiting for the fighting Cindi to appear next. Love and Prayers, Sue
  24. Charlie, Mike and I have been waiting for this news... Wooo Hooo !!! Awesome.... Calls for a celebration at Cindi's and I hope this means you get your summer chemo free. Love & Prayers, Sue
  25. Great picture Frank & Connie!!! Thanks for sharing it with us.
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