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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Happy Birthday Dean!!! Love, Sue
  2. This is such a beautiful idea, Sharon. Add my candle, for Cathy, at 8pm here in Virginia. God Bless, Sue
  3. Ralph, In time you will learn all the details about your case and we will better be able to help you. My husband had his right lung removed April 2001 and did well until his recurrence, diagnosed January 2004. There are so many factors that make each case unique, so it is hard to answer your questions. Your overall health and physical condition prior to surgery will make a difference. I guess the answer to your question would be that under ideal circumstances, you can probably do most anything after surgery that you did before once the healing is complete. Keep us informed. God Bless, Sue
  4. Beth, I sure hope they come up with some answers and better yet solutions to all your problems before springing you out of there. Bless your heart, it seems you've had to do everything the hardest way possible. Praying for resolution to all and that you can soon resume treatment. God Bless, Sue
  5. Welcome Fufu, You're off to a good start. You are in the right place. If you want to add to this thread , just click the "post a reply" button and you can type another post. You will soon learn your way around. Hope to get to know you soon. Sue
  6. Caryl, Cathy had a special place in my heart. She had a fighting spirit and a love of life that was contagious. Many times, I gained strength from her posts and was inspired by her. She will be missed very much , but she left behind footprints on our hearts. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love, Sue
  7. shineladysue


    Brandy , I am so very sorry. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love, Sue
  8. shineladysue


    (((Val))), I'm crying with you now. I'm so very very sorry to hear about your mom. May God be with you and your family during this very painful time. Love, Sue
  9. Cindi, Hope you have an absolutely marvelous time. It looks like you have a couple volunteers to run the pub while you are away. I promise to do my part to patronize it. How long will you be gone, anyway??? Hope it's long enough for you to make lots of wonderful memories. Love, Sue
  10. Kurt, Thanks for letting us know about Beth. Please let her know my thoughts and prayers are with both of you. I hope everything will get resolved easily and she can have her surgery soon. God Bless, Sue
  11. shineladysue


    (((Jana & Karen))), You have my prayers for Mom and your family. Love, Sue
  12. Beth , Hope you know that we are all there with you in cyber spirit. Lots of love and prayers coming your way. Hope this will make you feel much much better. We will be watching for your post when it's over. Love, Sue
  13. Thanks Ry. I just want Dean and Gay to know that I'm sending loads of good wishes prayers and birthday wishes their way. I hope Dean will be able to enjoy something special for his birthday. Love and Prayers, Sue
  14. TAnn, Mike had shingles after Alimta, but I don't know if you can blame Alimta specifically. He had gone in for his checkup and showed the doctor a rash that started on the upper leftside of his chest. His wasn't painful , but it followed across one side of the chest and eventually went under the arm and to the back on that side. Shingles follow a nerve. They are from the Herpes Zoster virus that caused you to have chicken pox as a child. In fact, you can actually give someone who never had chicken pox, the virus. It's my understanding that the virus lies dormant and can surface in times of immune deficiency, such as after being on chemo when your immune system is weakened. In Mike's case, he was given the drug Famvir which cleared it up in one week except it left a dried up pattern. The Famvir had a horrible effect on him and he has never totally recovered from that. We blamed the Famvir, but there were other changes in meds at the same time. I will also add that he had pneumonitis prior to the shingles. He was put on high dose prednisone therapy for that. Pneumonitis can also be caused by chemotherapy. Who knows if there is any connection to the Alimta. I can only say that after the Alimta, Mike had stable results on scans , but otherwise all hell broke loose and he hasn't gotten straight yet. I'm not sure what good all that does for you, but you can chalk it up to research. Sure hope you are soon feeling better TAnn. I understand those things can be extremely painful. Love and Prayers, Sue
  15. Thank you Maryanne and thank you Caryl. I'm glad Cathy's pain is being controlled better and I hope it continues. You say Cathy is a fighter and this is something she has proved time and time again to us. She is also one of the kindest people I've seen on this board. I'm sending love and prayers to all. Love, Sue
  16. Heather, This news is wonderfully inspiring. Reading over your mom's profile, I see miracles at work. I'm so happy for you, of course mom and your family. May God be with you all. God Bless, Sue
  17. WONDERFUL NEWS!!! I'm so happy for your family. Meet you at Cindi's to celebrate. Love, Sue
  18. shineladysue

    Now I'm Ready

    (((Kasey & Fred))) Been sitting in Cindi's Pub, moping and nursing bud lights with Frank... Wow, you came through with the good news and the party is on. Hugs to you and Fred. It's good to see your smile. Love, Sue
  19. shineladysue

    Mom is gone

    Melissa, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. My prayers are with you and your family. Love and Prayers, Sue
  20. That is wonderful news. God Bless them. Sue
  21. Welcome Mandy, You have just joined a wonderful, caring, online "family of friends". People here certainly can relate and understand the physical and mental trauma cancer brings into our lives. Thank you for sharing your story with us. It sounds like you are one of the "lucky" ones who could have surgery . Many here have been through the followup radiation and chemotherapy, so they will be here to assist you if you have any questions. Sending you lots of prayers as you go into your next phase of treatment. God Bless, Sue
  22. shineladysue

    My Dad is Gone

    Billie, I am so sorry. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. Love and Prayers, Sue
  23. ((((Pat)))), Apologize not Pat. You are one of the most unselfish people I have ever seen. As a loving, dedicated wife, this is your cancer Pat. You and Brian are in this together and you are human. Wish I could make this easier for you and everyone else on this board. This journey just isn't easy. We have to trust in God and help one another the best that we can. Sending you prayers and lots of hugs. Love, Sue
  24. Peggy, I'm glad for you that this part is over and it went relatively well. Know that you've got my prayers daily while you are waiting. Love, Sue
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