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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. shineladysue


    Cindi, I'm just praying for a good surgeons report to start what sounds like a wonderful time with a wonderful friend. I hope you have the time of your life. Is that a itsy bitsy, teenie weenie, yellow, polka dot, bikini? That's how I have you pictured. Indian food, never had any, but anything that is edible is not safe with me. Sounds wonderful. In the meantime , you are in my prayers. Love , Sue
  2. Beth, I'm sorry to hear this . I knew something wasn't right with you because you haven't posted much lately. This gall bladder issue has me wondering. You say you have severe pain. Didn't you also have nausea ? What area is he pain in? Hope you don't mind me asking , but on Mike's last Ct scan they picked up a small gall stone. He is having some pain in his side in the area where his lung was removed 4 years ago, but he is experiencing some nausea also. None of this may be related, but if you don't mind sharing symptoms , I would appreciate it. As for you, I can't tell you enough how sorry I am and I hope they get on with it so you can soon be feeling better and get back on track. Love and Prayers, Sue
  3. TAnn, I'm so very sorry all of this is happening to you. Mike was fortunate that he had no pain or nausea with the Alimta, but he did have a rash. I assume they have you on folic acid, vitamin b-12 shots and give you dexamethasone before and with treatments. That's what they did with Mike. I only know he was kept stable , last report we got , but he has had many other problems since such as pneumonitis , shingles, mental confusion, fatigue, etc. Can't say if any of those things were related to the Alimta. They have occurred one after another and some of them are resolved now and some aren't. His next scans will be Aug 1st. It seems everyone has a different reaction to every form of treatment. I pray there's something out there that is just right for you. Know that I'm keeping you in my prayers. Love and Prayers, Sue
  4. ((((Lori)))), I have read this post several times and I've been trying to find something to say that would help you. I keep coming up empty, except to say that my heart is breaking for you. I can relate to some of your frustrations, but I don't have answers to them. Take care and take strength in knowing so many of us care and send you our prayers. Love and Prayers, Sue
  5. Carol, Thanks for the update. This is wonderful news. I'm headed to Cindi's pub to raise a glass in your honor. Know that you have my continued prayers, as well. Love, and Prayers, Sue
  6. Soooo Happy for all your good news. Keep it coming and know you have my prayers. Love and Prayers, Sue
  7. 1)That Melanie R. started this today 2)That Mike wanted to go get a haircut 3) That Mike wanted to go get a new Civil War boardgame to play 4) That the rest of my family is well 5) That I don't have to cook tonight ( I hate cooking)
  8. ((((Val)))), Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Wish I could give you that hug in person. I can never find the words, but I feel your pain. God be with you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  9. Waiting is so very very hard. We all know how that feels. Just know that I'm praying that your mom has only the best results on all. Love and Prayers, Sue
  10. Mark, Wonderful news!!! We thrive on good news. Sue
  11. Maryanne, Thank you for sharing this tribute to your mom. It's beautiful , just beautiful. Sue
  12. Oh Val, Your mom loves you . Nonone can replace a son or daughter. She's so blessed to have a daughter like you . I join the others in saying, I would love to have you be my daughter too. It sounds like she is just enjoying the novelty of having her sister there. You haven't been replaced Val, you have just been put out of the limelight for a bit. Her siblings are probably trying to spend some quality time with your mom , as well. Try to relax and go with it and understand they haven't had the time to spend with her that you have. ((((Val))), you are such a wonderful daughter. Know that you have my prayers for you and your family. Love and Prayers, Sue
  13. Caitlin, This tribute to your husband really touched me, as it seems your husband touched many lives before he passed. Please accept my heartfelt sympathies and know that my prayers are with you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  14. shineladysue


    Don and Lucie, What an inspiration the two of you are. It's just wonderful that you are able to help others along your journey. I have been looking for an appropriate time to tell you how much I love your new picture. It's so good to see your faces. They radiate love and kindness. Thank you for all you give here everyday. Lucie's journey has certainly given hope to many of us and Don you are an inspiration, yourself , not to mention what an awesome caregiver you are. God Bless you both. Love and Prayers, Sue
  15. Fred, Welcome. We are so glad to have you here with us. If you look over the posts here , you will see that Kasey has quite a way of making others feel loved. I just can't find anything else to say except Kasey is one in a million and we love her. She has certainly helped me and put a smile on my face when I thought I couldn't smile. Looking forward to hearing more from you , as well. Sue
  16. Jana , I am so sorry to hear this news. Know that I'm sending prayers on the way for you and your family . Love and Prayers, Sue
  17. Hi Shar, Sorry, we don't have any experience with Tarceva. Just want to welcome you to the group. You will find that there is plenty of support, knowledge and prayers here to be shared. God Bless, Sue
  18. Welcome Sandie, Glad you found us. You will find so many wonderful , caring , supportive people here. This site is second to none for support, information, prayers and even humor. I can promise you that you won't feel alone, as long as you are here with us. Kick off your shoes, look around and make yourself at home. You have just joined the family. Love and Prayers, Sue
  19. Cindi, Glad you took the time to update us. It's good to hear all the positive things. Glad you are eating better, walking further and breathing better. Sorry you have all those worries, but some of it , I think we all go through. As a caregiver, I worry about more things than Mike does. Like just a while ago, I heard him coughing . I guess we all cough from time to time, but with him, I seem to have him under a microscope. OOOps, I just heard him cough again... sounds kinda wheezy too.. he hasn't been doing that..should I be worried?.. Yep, this is for real, but it goes on all the time. Then I come with the thermometer and take his temperature.. I find it's just above normal . He tries to tell me he was wrapped up in a million covers, but I won't listen. Oh dear, there I go again. I think we all become obsessed with every little thing, even the ones of us that are not the patients here. We begin to notice every little thing about ourselves. Cindi , there's one thing that makes you different from me. You are a fighter and you believe in yourself. I am such a wimp. You are such an inspiration to many. Hang in there, don't ever lose that fighting spirit and know that you have many prayers coming your way to help you out. Praying for those scans on the 20th to show all "funny" things gone.... Love and Prayers, Sue
  20. Pam, I am so sorry . May God be with you, your family and friends at this painful time. Love and Prayers, Sue
  21. Don, I am so happy for you. This is truly a day to celebrate. Count me in on the celebrations and know that you have my prayers that you remain cancer free. Make sure the docs keep a close eye on you. If they don't , they have all of us to answer to. Love and Prayers, Sue
  22. Peggy, There is one reason that I never get our test results early to read myself because sometimes things aren't as bad as what I would interpret myself. I'm not helping you,I know , but you need the doctor to give you these results. Push for getting the doctor to call you soon. Try to stay calm Peggy. Prayers coming your way . Love, Sue
  23. Oh Ry, He was such a precious baby. Congratulations to all of you on 17 years. Love, Sue
  24. Thank you Maryanne and thank you Caryl, It's wonderful to hear that Cathy has so many people surrounding her with love at this time in her life. If I could tell her anything, I would want her to know what an inspiration she has been to me. She has been such a fighter and her positive attitude is contagious. God be with Cathy, her family and friends. Love and Prayers, Sue
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