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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Cathy, I think most of us can relate to how you are feeling. I know I have had my share of up and down days. I've had days that I felt so upset I thought I would never smile again, but there is a point in time when acceptance plays a big part in it. You begin to accept what is and spend most of your days making the best of it. Praying gives me strength. It's the one thing that we can do .It gives us hope to carry on. God Bless you and your Dad. Will be praying that the next scans show great improvement. Love and Prayers, Sue
  2. Missy, You and your mom have my prayers for great scan results. Love, Sue
  3. Thank you, Gail, for sharing this story of hope and inspiration. May your Dad continue on for many more years. Love and Prayers, Sue
  4. Darci , Just want you to know that I am praying for you and your FIL. God Bless Love and Prayers, Sue
  5. Don and Lucie, This is certainly not what we wanted to hear, but I'm glad there is treatment for Lucie. I want you to know that you have my prayers always.... Love and Prayers, Sue
  6. Mike's cough was a bit better today. After talking with the oncs office, he wants us to hang in there with the antibiotic and see how he is in a couple days. He also says to Start the Tarceva . We will start the Tarceva tomorrow. Sure am nervous about that, but want to get started on some kind of treatment. The antibiotic is already making him feel dragged out, but after today he only has 3 days of it . Asking for prayers to go with the Tarceva. Love and Prayers , Sue
  7. Thanks Cindi.... Beth, hang in there. I have to believe there's something out there to help you. You're in my prayers..... Always, Love, Sue
  8. Thank you for your support, everyone. Yesterday, I did get the oncall oncologist on the phone. He called in an antibiotic -ZPak for Mike to start taking. He said "better safe than sorry". It's 3:22 am now and Mike is sleep. I will contact his oncologist today and possibly take him in. He was coughing really bad yesterday. Will update this a bit later. Love, Sue
  9. Pat and Brian, Thank you for sharing this gift with us. As devastating as this disease is on all of our lives , it has brought with it, as a friend of mine described it , "riches gleaned". The compassion, the love and the support of others is something you may never have felt so vividly if this hadn't happened to us. This very website is a perfect example of how human compassion does exist. It's sad that we have to go through such tragic events in our lives in order to experience these compassionate gifts from others , but then again I have to think how blessed and gifted we are. Love and Prayers, Sue
  10. Cindi, Thank you for the update. Beth, I haven't been able to get you off my mind. Somehow, I just feel that your case just doesn't add up in my mind. I know there have to be answers for you. Now ,it seems that there are two docs of one opinion and another comes along with a different and upsetting opinion. More opinions can be good, but it will be interesting to see what your regular pulmonologist has to say about this latest opinion. You have my prayers Beth. Your family has my prayers too. Love, Sue
  11. Doesn't it seem that if there's going to be a health crisis, that you don't know what to do about, it's going to happen on the weekend? This is one of those weekends for us. Last Monday , Mike got his prescription for Tarceva and it took all week to get it approved and finally delivered to our door today- (overnighted by FedEx). Now, in the meantime, he has developed this hacky cough. It started yesterday and by eve had grown progressively worse. There's no fever (was 99.2 once, and it produces just a bit of clear phlegm like maybe an allergy, but nothing has changed in the atmosphere, his clothes , hair etc. around here. So far, his breathing isn't any worse. Now, we won't start the Tarceva until Monday and maybe not then until he sees the doctor and we get the ok. We are afraid of him starting it with a possible respiratory infection brewing . Wouldn't you know that his pulmonologist is on vacation until the 22nd also. Would sure be nice if life would just settle down and get easier for a little while. I'm just venting my frustrations and wondering if any of you know what I mean. Just hate the helplessness of the weekends knowing the only help available is the ER and in this area, you are better off at home unless it's a life threatening emergency. There's a long waiting time to be seen and then they are short handed. I want access to my own personal 24 hour doctor.. It's so hard making these tough decisions on your own. . Had better go to him. Take care everyone. My prayers to all of you. There are so many struggling now. Our case seem so insignificant. Well, I hear Mike coughing and coughing . I better go..
  12. Ohhh Cindi, I missed that phone call ... Wow!!! Yeah you are on one helluva roller coaster ride and we are right there with you. It is making me crazy, but this sounds like happier crazy. Keep us informed Cindi. We're all along for the ride... ..... Love, Sue
  13. Bunny, I'm so sorry to hear this latest news about Suki.. Sure hope they get to the bottom of it soon.. Lobster.. huh... wow.. You tell her Happy Birthday and tell her that lots and lots of people are sending prayers her way. It's for sure you have mine. Take care Bunny. Hope Suki feels better very soon. Love and Prayers, Sue
  14. Prayers coming for you and mom. Love, Sue
  15. Addie, I am so sorry to hear this , but I am so glad you decided to post. We need to know how you are and how everyone is in this "family". We have to stick together through the good and the bad. In both case scenarios we help someone else and we get the support we need ourselves. Wish I had information that I could share to help you, but I have no experience with brain mets. Since you have posted here and in ask the experts, I hope you get some good advice and hopefully some comforting information. As for your upcoming scans, know that you have my prayers for good news. Hang in there Addie, we are with you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  16. shineladysue


    Elaine, Want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Praying everything turns out ok for you and your family. Love and Prayers, Sue
  17. Sending lots of cyber comfort food, Get well wishes, love and prayers. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Love, Sue
  18. Peggy, It's good to hear from you. You take the time you need. I'm so glad that Don had a beautiful service and that you aren't alone. Don is at peace now and you need to take care of yourself. Can't even imagine how you must be feeling. I don't want to know how it feels. Just know that we love you and will be here for you. God Bless you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  19. Cindi, I'm so glad you posted this. We all love you and want to be there with you. If not there, let us be here and reach out to you in cyberspace. One day at a time Cindi, that's all anyone can do. Keep us informed. Praying for dim lights and that maybe you can talk to him about the biopsy Lucie had. It's good you posted so folks can give you some input. You shouldn't do this alone. Love you. Love, Sue
  20. Thanks Ry, My continued prayers to Dean and Gay. Every time I watch the birds, I think of you Dean. I know my husband , Mike , has said to hear the birds chirping in the morning is like having God talking to us. Isn't it strange how this disease changes us. He would have once said, "those damn birds woke me up" and now it's "I feel God is speaking to me". God Bless you both. Love and Prayers, Sue
  21. Cindi, How did I miss this earlier? You know how I feel. We will all be here for you Cindi. The pub is filling up with folks waiting for you to show up. Let us serve you for a while. Charlie D. is already putting in orders for more rotgut and the rest of us know how to wait on ourselves. We just want you to show up so we can hug you. Prayers coming. Love, Sue
  22. Happy Birthday Connie!!! Love, Sue
  23. Very nice obituary and picture of Don. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family Peggy. Love, Sue
  24. Welcome Jamie, I'm so glad you found this wonderful group. You will soon know what a caring online family you have joined. Your Baby is precious and I promise you that about the time you think you will lose your mind he will outgrow those "terrible two's ". lol Looking forward to knowing you better. God Bless , Sue
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