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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Don, I am so very happy for you. You make sure they keep following you up and insist on ct scans on a regular basis. Mike's recurrence got overlooked when they went to just xrays.. It didn't show. I would say especially if you are not feeling well, insist on a ct... Just a word of advice...Again, I am so very happy for you. Love, sue
  2. Wonderful news Gail. God Bless you. Love, Sue
  3. I miss Beth too. We love you Beth.. Hope you will feel like posting soon. In the meantime, I'm sending prayers your way. Love, Sue
  4. What I have to say won't help you. I have no advice for you. I just need to tell you that you are in my prayers. God Bless you both... Love and Prayers, Sue
  5. Diane, I would like to welcome you and Bob to our family. I'm glad you found us. There's so much here in the way of information, support, hope and prayers. Looking forward to getting to know you better. Sue
  6. Thanks for the update Pam. So far the news sounds good for Cindi. Sorry to hear she is in so much pain at this point. If you talk to her again, please pass on my prayers. Love, Sue
  7. Enjoy yourself Aimee. You need to do this for yourself. Love, Sue
  8. Trish and Jeffrey, I'm so happy for you. This is awesome news. My prayers for you both for continued success. Love, sue
  9. Thank you Don and Lucie for being a big part of what makes LCSC so very special . Over 6,000 times you have taken the time to say, I'm here and I care. Love, Sue
  10. Kasey, I'm glad you started this thread. I have always loved Dean's writing. His words have always touched me spiritually and put me in touch with what is really important in this world. Thank you Kasey and Thank you Dean. Love, Sue
  11. Fay, so sorry you have had such a rough time . Thank you for letting us know where you are. Take good care of yourself and know that we are praying for you. Will be watching for any and all updates. Love and Prayers, Sue
  12. Lesie, Woooo Hooooo, Indeed!!!! I'm so happy for you. Tears filled my eyes when I read it. Thank you for sharing this awesome news. You made my day. Love and Prayers, Sue
  13. shineladysue

    Doubling up

    Addie, You're doing good Addie. You are such an inspiration. Now , keep grabbing all these prayers and well wishes each step of the way. It's for sure, you are not alone. We love you and continue to wish you the best. Don't worry, we have plenty of love and prayers for Cindi too. Love, Sue
  14. Just wanted to update you on Mike. He had been taken off of Tarceva( after being on it only 5 days) and his oncologist will put him back on it at a lower strength. He had such a strong reaction rash wise in only 5 days that the doctor has had him take a 2 week break. He wants him to resume the Tarceva at 100mg. on Sept 5th . We will see how it goes from there. The doc says that he has seen this before and then after a two week break, the patient goes on to tolerate the 100mg better and still get a good response. We are hoping and praying for that to be Mike's case. Otherwise, he is doing fairly good. He's a bit fatigued and is having a bit of swelling in his ankles. To cover all bases the doc is ordering a echocardiogram to be done. There are other reasons for the swelling, such as prednisone that he is on and the high amounts he has been on in the not too distant past. I guess it's hard to get a good diagnosis to all a cancer patients symptoms because of all the possible causes for things. Anyhow, that's where we are for now. Gonna jump in there and try it again starting Sept. 5th. Love and Prayers to you all.... Sue
  15. shineladysue

    Doubling up

    Hoping and praying for all good things to come your way Addie. Love and Prayers, Sue
  16. Thanks for starting this Maryanne. I would like to add my prayers for those folks in the path of Katrina , as well. As we all go through the fight against cancer ourselves or with our loved ones, we tend to forget how fast other things can take away life and property. A storm of that magnitude has the power to take away life and property of thousands.. It's so hard to comprehend the pure devastating impact it can have. God be with them all. Sue
  17. Thanks Kasey and Nancy B. Sure hope they find out quickly what is going on with Fay. In the meantime , prayers continue from here. Love and Prayers, sue
  18. Just like you Cindi, you make this sound as routine as changing tires. Just know that I pray it goes that smoothly . You know I will be praying for your successful surgery and speedy recovery. Love and Prayers, Sue
  19. Just last night, I was reading Uncle Doug's last posts and hoping all is ok.. So glad to know he is ok.. Doug we are happy to hear this news, but you are in a bit of trouble ya know... Sue
  20. Found this.... http://www.carcinoid.org/faq/main.shtml
  21. Fay, I am so very sorry to hear about your setbacks. Just know that you have my prayers. Hoping to hear better news very soon. You have tons of love prayers and strength coming ur way. Love and Prayers, Sue
  22. Millie, I'm glad you will be with your mom and I hope she will soon be feeling stronger. Know that you have my prayers . Love, Sue
  23. Sandy, This is wonderful news. Hope the good results continue. Sue
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