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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Not superstitious at all, thank God. I'm a worry wart enough without being superstitious too. Sue
  2. Kasey, This is wonderful news.. I'm praying for relief for that back pain. In the meantime, you are the most caring , thoughtful , beautiful, loving NERD I ever met.. Love and Prayers, Sue
  3. Fay, This is wonderful news and such a heart warming story. Love, Sue
  4. Joyce, This post really tugs at my heartstrings. You are such a beautiful person and we are so blessed to have you here with us. I am so very sorry for any pain and suffering Steve is going through. May God be with both of you in the days ahead. Love and Prayers, Sue
  5. Jim, Sending more prayers your way. With all these prayers , that door should be opening real wide.. Take care and keep us informed. love, Sue
  6. Millie, I have no answers. I feel your pain, your frustration and I just want you to know that you are in my prayers. Love, Sue
  7. Heather , It's past your scan now, but want you to know that you have my prayers now and always. Love, Sue
  8. shineladysue

    Fay 3000

    Fay, Wow 3000 for Fay!!! Fay, you are such an inspiration, so wise , so kind, and so supportive of others. Thank you for being you. You are truly special. Love, Sue
  9. Enjoy this happy day and the happy dance!!! Hope there will be many more ahead. It's a wonderful feeling isn't it. Love, Sue
  10. Katie B, Can't find the words to tell you how very much this site means to me. Thank you for all you and Rick do every day. Although 5000 posts is awesome, I know it is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to counting things you do for us. Love you. Love, Sue
  11. Don, Enjoy every minute of every day!!! God be with you and keep you cancer free. Love, Sue
  12. Nikki, Glad you decided to join us. There is so much information and so many caring supportive people here to help you through this. Prayers on the way for your family. Sue
  13. Cindi, This is wonderful news!!! I knew you were much too quiet yesterday and you were making my anxiety level rise also. I'm just so happy to hear this... just knew it couldn't be cancer. Whatever this thing is Cindi, I know you will do whatever you have to do to deal with it. OMG, I am so relieved to hear this... the tears are falling down my face... Love and Prayers, Sue
  14. Lucie, On this , your 3rd anniversary of survivorship, I would like to tell you what you mean to me. You are truly an inspiration , as you always seem to turn your negative experiences into positive support for others. You and Don have given so freely from your hearts to give comfort , love, support and a message of hope to so many. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank you for allowing Don to share your journey with us. Here's to 3 years and many many more . Love and Prayers, Sue
  15. Pat , Thanks for the update. It sounds like you have a plan falling into place for everything, but you still have your hands full. Know that you remain in my prayers. Love and prayers , Sue
  16. Sending prayers that the Tarceva will work well for her. It has worked wonders for many . Sue
  17. Fay, There's a very good reason that you are coming up on your 7th anniversary celebration... Your positive attitude is what keeps you going. Thank you for being such an inspiration to all of us . You have my prayers for success in beating this new finding, as well as , the rest. Love and prayers, Sue
  18. Fish and hushpuppies, yummmmm. A bud light would go good with that... but only one.. I'll have a few more when you get the good news. Hanging onto hope that it's just some damn little annoying thing... Still praying ... Love, Sue
  19. Bc, I don't like to post negative things, but my husband, definitely developed pneumonitis when he was on Alimta. He had good results as far as some shrinkage and then stability, but his breathing was progressively affected from early on. Even when he started having the pneumonitis , the pulmnologist thought it was a bacterial infection and gave him an antibiotic. His breathing was gradually worsening and then it became very bad almost over night. It was the CT scan that showed it as a ground glass pattern on the lung. High doses of prednisone are given for it , as well as using oxygen . The prednisone cleared the pneumonitis, but he was left not being able to breathe as well as he had before. I hope this isn't what is happening with you , but it is treatable and it is good to be aware that it can happen. Sure hope you get answers. Sue
  20. Sharon, This is wonderful news. It's okay to cry "happy tears" in the delivery room . What you have to say here about "When God takes life , he gives you one to replace it" reminds me of when my grandmother passed away. It wasn't long after her death that I found out that I had gotten pregnant the same month she died . I felt as you did. I always felt my grandmother was a part of it and it gave me a lot of comfort in the months after her death. You have my prayers for a healthy grandbaby and prayers to help your mom and you along through the coming months. Love, Sue
  21. Bunny, Will be keeping Suki in my prayers for success with Tarceva. For those that can take it , it's a wonderful drug. Praying Suki will be one of those people. Love and Prayers, Sue
  22. Cindi, Prayers coming , lots of them. Why does it always happen on the weekend? Something needs to be done about the helplessness we feel when weekends roll around. Praying he calls you tomorrow with encouraging news. Heading over to the pub to just sit and wait with you. Actually , I'm outside the door and I think I already see Kasey sitting in there. Don't forget we are here for you Cindi. Love and Prayers, Sue
  23. Patty, I am so very sorry for your loss of your mom and then your aunt. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. Love, Sue
  24. Hang in there Jim. I'm a believer that things happen for the best. Keep us informed and know there are prayers coming. Sue
  25. Kelly, What a wonderful way you handled the case with your mom. I agree that being honest and being able to talk about things together is very best way , whenever possible. You are a wonderful daughter. Your mom is blessed to have you. Love and Prayers, Sue
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