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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Hi, Knowing more facts about your brother's cancer would be helpful. Not knowing what type and all the facts makes it hard to help you. I would advise anyone to get copies of every report that they can and ask questions until you understand everything. This board and the people here offer so much valuable support and first hand information, as well as information from professional sources. For starters, you will notice there is a sclc forum and one for nsclc. At the top of each of these forums, Katie B has given exellent link sources to information defining the lung cancer types etc. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful this site is. Just know that you couldn't have found a better place to be. As soon as you can get more information to work with, we will be glad to share our experiences. My prayers go out to you and your brother. Sue
  2. Pat and Brian, Our prayers are with you...ALWAYS!!!! Pat , don't worry about keeping up on the boards. You take care of Brian and yourself. If you have time, just let us know how you are doing . Praying for a miracle. God be with you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  3. I'm so sorry you have to be here, but glad you came. I agree with what many have told you , already. As hard as it may be, you must respect your grandmother's wishes, but you could tell her about the many hopeful cases at this site. Maybe she isn't aware of the different options available. If you learn more information about her case, we can help you better. God Bless. Sue
  4. Hi Kim, I know it must be heartbreaking and frustrating to see your mom this way . The problem is that most likely you can't reason with her. Whether her problem stems from the brain mets ,medication ,or both, the fact is your mom just isn't herself and she can't be reasoned with. Somehow, you need to have the doctor tell her she can't drive for now. Perhaps if she believes she can drive at some future time, she will be okay with it. BTW, I sent you that file on steroid psychosis. Hope you received it. Good Luck and God Bless you. Love, Sue
  5. Welcome Lulu, I'm so glad you found us. You have a lot to handle right now, but you can do it. First of all , having medical professionals that you can trust is so very important. They will take the information and come up with a plan. In your mom's case , make sure they know your mom's history of battling depression so they can get her all the help she needs. This is something you shouldn't have to handle on your own. You will find this group to be so helpful , kind, compassionate and knowledgeable. Looking forward to knowing you better. Love, Sue
  6. Edward Byrnes (Kookie) I thought of him and then I saw Cindi mentioned him ... and of course I loved loved Elvis... Sue
  7. shineladysue

    Mike Evans

    My condolences to Mike's family and friends. God be with them. Sue
  8. Pammie, This does sound like good news. We have no experience with brain mets or treatment so I won't be of much help, but you can count on my prayers. I love the way you always dwell on the positive. It will take you far in this fight. Love and Prayers, Sue
  9. Hi Karen , It's good to hear from you. I'm sorry it is with such sadness that you post . Somehow I think this day will help toward healing. God be with you and Faith. Hope you will come back to visit us again soon. Sue
  10. shineladysue

    Journey's End

    Joyce, Alex and Scott, Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. I wish I could find the words to express how I feel. I am just so very sorry. God be with all of you in the days ahead. Sue
  11. Pammie, I just want you to know that I will be praying for you when you go for your MRI tomorrow and will be thinking of you as you go for your appointment with the radition doc. Let us know how everything turns out. A future grandchild on the way is something to truly look forward to . Will be waiting for the results of your MRI and doctor visit. Be sure to keep us informed. Love and prayers, Sue
  12. That I have a big heart. I really care..
  13. (((Pat & Brian))), Your words have touched me deeply. Putting myself in your shoes and I can't possibly. I wish I had the words and the power to make things better for you. Just know that Mike and I are praying for you. We were with you this weekend. We are with you now. God be with you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  14. Thinking about you Ann and hoping you are making the best of being in the dark... Cindi, ur baaadd Love, Sue
  15. Lori, It sure sounds like she could very well have injured herself. I think I would want to find a way to get her xrayed. My best to you. Love and prayers, Sue
  16. Thank you Jackie, This seems like the perfect time to tell you what I never told you before. I've always enjoyed your posts and have found them to be very inspirational. Thank you for being you.Congratulations on 2000!!! Love, Sue
  17. You have my prayers for your mom to have a perfectly normal scan. Love and Prayers, Sue
  18. Hi , I just wanted to welcome you and let you know that you have found a wonderful group of people here. Everyone is willing and eager to help if they can. The more information you can share with us, the more we are able to help. Every case of cancer is unique as is every person who has it, but there are also a lot of similarities . Looking forward to knowing you better. Keep us up to date and know that we are glad to help in any way we can. Sue
  19. Ben, I would like to say "Amen" to what Cindi has just written to you. Her words touched me deeply and are very inspirational. I couldn't begin to find the words to add to what she said. I would just like to let you know that I will keep you, your mom and your family in my prayers. Love, Sue
  20. Welcome Mynalu, We are so glad you decided to join us. There are many here that have had a lobectomy and have done wonderfully well. My husband had a pneumonectomy and did very well with the operation and recovery. When you have the time, I hope you will post with more information . Everyone here understands what you are going through. We have all known what it is to be scared. In your case, it sounds like you have a lot to be thankful for. Surgery is not an option for many. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Sue
  21. Lori, Wow, this sounds like so much fun. I'll be praying that it all works out perfectly!! Love, Sue
  22. Wonderful news Deb. I'm so very happy for your mom. Hope the shrinking continues. Love, Sue
  23. Pat and Brian are in my thoughts and prayers today as well. Praying they are having a beautiful day, creating a perfect memory and that God be with them all the way until they arrive safely home again and on into eternity. Love and Prayers, Sue
  24. Hi Toni, I would just like to welcome you to our family and let you know that I'm hoping and praying for Terry to have good results from all his treatments. Spend a lot of time reading profiles and searching for information, I think you will find it helpful. Every case of cancer is different, but they all have certain similarities. You will find this group to be very kind , compassionate and willing to help in any way they can. Will look forward to knowing you better. Sue
  25. Libby, When patients have radiation and chemo at the same time it can be very hard on them, but they do recuperate from that. As for the white cells being down and delaying the chemo, that is a common occurrence. It happened with my husband a couple of times, but with the Neulasta, it recovered fairly quickly. Hope you can make her know that her body will recover from the treatments. Will be praying for good results when she has scans. Sue
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