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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Katie and your family , Rick!!! May you have a wonderful day. One of the things that I am truly thankful for on this day is this site . Thank you and God Bless. Love, Sue
  2. Addie, Just seeing you here talking to us is something to be truly thankful for on this day. Never forget how much we appreciate you and love you. You've given so much of yourself to others here. Your addietude is the best and a gift to us all. God be with you Addie and Happy Thanksgiving. Love, Sue
  3. Cindi, I'm so sorry you have this , but it is treatable. I do know from experience with Mike that swelling and fluid retention with all that prednisone is common. His legs , feet and whole body was swollen plus his bp was sky high. Hope you find that with the Lasix alone you will start to breathe better. Please follow up on this and take very good care of yourself. Happy Thanksgiving . Love, Sue
  4. Sounds like you received quite a bit of good news. Hang on to all of it . Praying for continued good results for Joel. Love, Sue
  5. Cheryl, Prayers headed your way. Love, Sue
  6. Bibi, Thank you for the update on our dear Addie. My prayers are on the way. Please keep us informed as to what they find out. Love, Sue
  7. Thank you Donna. Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone on the board. I'm truly thankful for all of you. Love, Sue
  8. Cindi, If you think for a minute that's what it is... Call an ambulance. Do not mess around with it. Please.. Love you, Sue
  9. (((Pat))) & (((Brian))), I'm so sorry.. Wish I had answers for you , I don't, but I want you to know you are not alone. I'm out here praying for you and I am sure many others are praying for you, as well. Love, Sue
  10. Welcome Ayla, We are glad you have joined us. I think you will find lots of information here , as well as hope and support. Let us know what questions you might have and how we might help you. Sue
  11. Just checking in. I just want to thank everyone for your good wishes , thoughts and prayers. All of you mean so much to me. I don't mean to be shutting anyone out, as Maryanne said. Forgive me if I seem that way. I've posted every change of meds and scans etc., but I find expressing my feelings hard. Never in my whole life have I found myself at a loss for words until cancer entered our lives. It seems there are too many times that I just don't know what to say and I don't want to bring others down with my feelings. It seems to help me more to try to find someone else on the board to listen to or try to help. I guess I don't need to explain. We are all going through this together. Love you guys. Don't forget that. Love, Sue
  12. Karen, I just want you to know that you and your family will be in my prayers. I am so very sorry . Love, Sue
  13. Heather, This breaks my heart to read this news. I am so very sorry. My deepest sympathy to your family. Love, Sue
  14. I have learned that true happiness comes not from what you receive , but from what you give. Sue
  15. Welcome Robin, We are glad you found us. You will find so much help, hope and support here. Everyone is more than glad to help in any way they can. It sounds like you have done very well this year and are still in the middle of a treatment plan. Will be keeping my eye on you praying for great results. Sue
  16. Terrie, I am so sorry to hear this. Know that you have my prayers. Sue
  17. shineladysue

    Ok My Turn...

    Lots of Luck , Ry and thank you for this and all you do. Sue
  18. Hi everyone, I haven't given you an update on Mike in a while. I'm sorry, I somehow have a hard time talking about us, but I do want to share what is going on. Mike has been on CPT-11 since October 10th. That was two treatments at 3 weeks apart. They were very hard on him. He was extremely fatigued and very nauseated. The first 3 weeks were rough and the last 3 have been rougher. He is having a lot of trouble with belching and stomach acid etc. His appetite just isn't returning this time. He is eating , but this "bubbly burps" or air coming up is really a problem with him. Anyhow, we had an appointment with the onc today and Mike told him "no more of this one, but I'm not giving up." The game plan now is to scan in two weeks and see if there were any results. A week after that, we will meet with the onc for the results. His plan is to put him on etopiside pills next. We are running out of options here. There are only a couple left and the etopiside is one of them. He said he can do pills or iv, but with the pills you can stop quicker if you can't tolerate it. If by chance the scans show the CPT-11 was working, we may opt to revisit that in a lower dose. So, summary, is 2 weeks til scans and results and new plan in 3. In the meantime, I'm hoping to get him eating better and regaining some strength. We would appreciate your prayers to help us along. I hope all of you know how much we care for you and we keep you in our prayers. Love, Sue
  19. Beth and Bill, Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. I am so very sorry, but I am glad Bill had the time to spend with his Dad. God be with you both. There aren't words to tell you how I feel. The two of you have my prayers. Love, Sue
  20. Shelly, You have my prayers. Please keep us informed. Love, sue
  21. So glad to know she is doing well and enjoying life. Sue
  22. Thanks Ann, I enjoyed it very much. Love, Sue
  23. Jen, I'm so sorry to hear this news, but after reading a lot of these posts I think you should feel new hope. Hang in there and see what the new treatment is going to be. Know that I am sending prayers your way. Love, Sue
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