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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Oh Denise, I'm so sorry. Prayers coming.. Love, Sue
  2. Janet, I'm sorry I don't have any helpful information, but I do have prayers to offer. Know that I am praying for you and Ron. God Bless. Love, Sue
  3. Heather, I know you are disappointed in the fact they cut out so much out of your story , but I want you to know that from what I saw your presentation made quite an impact. You brought to light the fact that lung cancer can effect young, non smoking women, as well as smokers. You captured the audience with your emotion and determination to fight. You really touched my heart with this presentation. I'm sure others felt the same. Thank you and God bless you. Love, Sue
  4. (((Peggy))), To a "more better" tomorrow. Hugs, love and prayers coming your way. Love, Sue
  5. Excellent letter , Val. Thank you. Love, Sue
  6. That's beautiful Pat. Melanie brought so much inspiration and love to the this group. She won't be forgotten. Love, Sue
  7. Hi Marie, I'd say that reading over all these posts should be very encouraging news to you. I just want to tell you that you will be in my thoughts and prayers as you go to the doctor tomorrow. I also wanted to make a suggestion for gaining weight that helps my husband. Adding drinks like Boost Plus, (vanilla is his favorite... I hear the chocolate is sickeningly sweet... )to your diet will help. Let us know how your appointment goes tomorrow. Love, Sue
  8. Wonderful job Kel and such a beautiful tribute to your mom. Thank you for sharing this with us. Love, Sue
  9. Mike has also taken Arenesp with no side effects. It helped his counts, as well. Sue
  10. Mary , I love hearing that you "feel good" and you "have good news". It sounds like that chemo regimen is working for you. That's just wonderful news. Keep it coming. Sue
  11. Thanks for the update, Becky and many thanks to you and Fay for your hard word and dedication to help lung cancer patients. God Bless you. Love, Sue
  12. (((Kasey))), November 12 has now become a very special day in my life. It marks the day that you came into our lives. Your presence here is a gift to all of us. Yes, Kasey, we all "get it" and we understand. Thank god we have each other . Sometimes I think the rest of the world doesn't "get it", even the doctor's . I just can't find the words to tell you what your friendship and support has meant to me. Love you Kasey and so glad you found us and were inspired by Donna g and MaryAnn to seek the help that has saved your life. Love, Sue
  13. Heather , I just want you to know I your mom and your family are in my prayers. Love, Sue
  14. Denise, I am so very sorry to hear about your uncle. I can understand how you must feel about the scans. Just be sure to take very good care of yourself and living life to the fullest is something that everyone should do. None of us know what tomorrow may bring or if there will be a tomorrow. God Bless. Love, Sue
  15. Donna, I am so very sorry for your loss. Love, Sue
  16. Love and Prayers going out for you Addie. Take care and we will look forward to hearing from you again as soon as you can. Know that you are loved. Feel our prayers. We are with you and may God be with you. Love, Sue
  17. Ohhh Cindi, Don't know how I missed this , but can we start the party all over again.. I'll buy the first round.. To 3 years and to many many more. Love, Sue
  18. Congratulations to your Mom Andrea... Here's to Two years and many more to come!! Love, Sue
  19. Welcome Newman, You have just joined a wonderful group of caring , supportive and knowledgeable people. Know that we will be here for you as you and your family go through this. Keep us informed as to how things are going with your Dad. Looking forward to knowing you better. Sue
  20. Bibala & Paul, Thank you for the updates. Addie if you are looking in, please know you are missed. We love you and hope you feel all the strength in love and prayers coming your way. God be with you. Love, Sue
  21. Good support and good medical professionals are a must in this battle. Wishing you the best. Know that we are here for you. Love, Sue
  22. (((Pat & Brian))) Continued prayers!!! Love, Sue
  23. I am so very sorry. I hope you know that we all care and we will be here for you whenever you would like to post. God be with you and Calem. Sue
  24. Mary , I just wanted to let you know that I'm keeping you in my prayers for good results tomorrow. Love, Sue
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