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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. I agree with Ann. My computer has been instrumental in helping me open up an entire world full of love, kindness, and support. Finding all of you is like finding a gold mine. Can't imagine this journey without you. Thanks for asking, Ann. Love, Sue
  2. Wow, Karen, 2000 posts is awesome. Thank you for all the love and support you give to others , as well as, sharing your own story with us. On to 2,000 more.... Love , Sue
  3. Welcome Barbara, We are glad to have you here with us. There are so many people here that have experiences and information to help. You have joined a very caring , supportive group. God Bless. Sue
  4. (((Cheryl))), My heart goes out to you. Keep on writing to us and don't feel that you are alone. People here care about you and want to be here for you. Many can add their hospice experiences, I have had no experience with them. God Bless. Love, Sue
  5. Leslie, You rock!!! You have such a wonderful attitude. You're going to be ok. Prayers coming your way. Love, Sue
  6. Karen, I know you and hubby are glad that the radiation is nearly over. Sounds like you have a good plan in place for the rest. Take care . Prayers to you both. Love, Sue
  7. shineladysue

    Bill Slovacek

    Beth, Thank you for sharing this with us. God be with you and give you and your family strength in the days ahead. Love, Sue
  8. Merry Christmas to you too , Bruce. Love, Sue
  9. Jen, I am so sorry for your loss. My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. God Bless you. Love, Sue
  10. What a precious dog!!! Not bad of you either Frank... Did you snag that set from Cindi's pub? Sue
  11. Thanks for sharing , Eppie Sue
  12. My goodness Fay, It's just not fair for you to have so many problems. It's time for something to go right for you. Keeping my eye on you and prayers coming. Love, Sue
  13. Beth, I am at a total loss for words..I am just so very sorry . Wish I could take the pain and anger away. You are among people that love you very much here. We feel we have gone through so much of this with you. Let us be here for you now, as soon as you are ready. God be with you Beth. Love, Sue
  14. Leslie, There's no doubt in my mind, but that you will be just fine. I've never read a more positive post. Sending you love and prayers to help you along through all the days ahead. Keep us updated, we love you. Love, Sue
  15. May I suggest this site whyquit.com . I went there two years and 9 months ago and quit cold turkey after reading there. Nicotine is addictive whether it is in cigarettes, gum, patches or any other form. There is a support forum for this group that is second to none. Hope you will find this group helpful Sue
  16. Amie, This is wonderful news. Prayers to you and Suki. Love, Sue
  17. Beth, I am so very sorry. May God be with you and give you strength to get through the days ahead. Love, Sue
  18. Charlie, It sounds like you are having a barrel of fun. Seriously, I want you to know that Mike and I are praying that this trial gets r done... Keep us updated. Love, Sue
  19. Rich, I've never in my life called anyone a lucky b*stard and enjoyed it so much before. God Bless you Rich... Way to Go!!!! Wow!!! What an inspiration you are!!! Enjoy the holidays. Love, Sue
  20. (((Aime))). I'm so sorry to hear this . My prayers are going out for you and Suki. Hang in there. Keep us informed. Love, Sue
  21. shineladysue

    Wish List

    Thank you, Kasey, I always loved to read Dean Carl's words. He seemed so in touch with all the things that are really important in life. He was such an inspiration to so many of us. Love, Sue
  22. In my eyes... Mike is the ... 1. Perfect husband 2. Perfect father 3. Perfect friend I am so blessed . sue
  23. Pat, Thank you for letting us know . Beth and Bill, I want so desperately to find words to comfort you and words to let you know just how much you are cared about. This hurts, really hurts. I'd like very much to be in that prayer circle that is forming for you. Pat and Brian, you two know how much I care about you as well. This is hard... May God be with you. Praying for mercy for Bill and peace and strength for Beth. Love and Prayers, Sue
  24. Jon, Welcome to the family. We are glad you found us. I think you will find that there is usually someone here that can give personal exerience to most every situation. We will be glad to help in any way we can. In the meantime, take time to explore the site . You will find a wealth of information , hope and support is to be found here. My best to you and your mom. Sue
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