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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Hi, I can only add that my husband had pneumonitis caused by chemo. His began with a dry, hacky nonproductive cough and rapid progression of shortness of breath. It showed on CTscan however as a kind of ground glass type opacity . Pneumonitis is inflamation of the lung and is treated with prednisone. My husband was also put on oxygen to aid his breathing. The dosages of prednisone were prescribed starting with 60 mg for 1 week, 50 mg for 1 week and 40 mg for 6 weeks .That therapy did work pretty well with my husband. AT the end of the 6 weeks he was gradually dropped down on dosage. I don't know if this helps. Every case is different. Just thought I would share ours. God Bless you. Sue
  2. Becky, This is so kind of you. Good luck and God Bless. Love, Sue
  3. Gale, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Melanie was such a beautiful person. She gave so much of herself to all of us. Her contributions to this site were always heartwarming and inspirational. She will truly be missed. Sending my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. Love, Sue
  4. Fay, Remember sometimes the Lord sometimes works in mysterious ways. Maybe there is a reason you can't make it today. Try not to let this upset you so much. Something good will come from your efforts, I feel sure of it. In the meantime, find yourself a good book, a cuppa hot coffee or tea, curl up and relax. Thank you for all you do. Love, Sue
  5. (((Carol))), Glad you are here with us. I think you will find this group to be very kind, helpful and knowledgeable. Every case is unique, but similar in many ways. As you learn more about your Dad's treatment plan , you will know more of what to ask or look for here. There's nearly always someone that has had a similar experience . This is a rough time . Know that we are here for you. Sending prayers to you and your family. Sue
  6. Yes, I do think it is one of the main causes of lung cancer, but I believe there are other factors involved as well. We have so many members here with lung cancer that never smoked. Sue
  7. Kel, This is such a wonderful way to pay tribute to your mom... Will be looking forward to reading it. Sue
  8. Val, You never have to apologize. You are part of the family and you can come and go whenever you like. We love you and understand how demanding life can be especially with a baby. Just check in when you can and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Keep us updated on Carolyn. She is one beautiful little girl. Love, Sue
  9. Debra, I just want to tell you that we are so happy to have you here with us. You will find this group to be an extremely kind, compassionate, knowledgeable bunch of people. We are truly a family here and we welcome you with open arms. Looking forward to knowing you better. Sue
  10. My prayers coming for your brother and your family. Sue
  11. Oh Lori, Wow!!! This is such a wonderful, uplifting and heartwarming story. I have a big smile on my face right now. I couldn't be more happy for you. Love, Sue
  12. I agree with Kasey, Becky has given you some truly good advice. It's advice that I myself need to hear . Thank you debe for posting. I hope it helps you and Becky , what can I say.. thank you. Sue
  13. Thank you girls... this is awesome and I love your picture.. Love, Sue
  14. Frank, Congratulations on 3,000 ... I just want to take this time to tell you that your posts always bring a smile to my face and warm my heart. Take care of yourself Frank. You have a special place here with us... you always drink my brand of beer, so I won't be far away.. Love, Sue
  15. Holly, My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry you lost your mom , especially at such a young age. May you find comfort in all the wonderful memories you have. Post here whenever you like and know that there are many here that understand your grief. God Bless, Sue
  16. Leslie, You have my love and prayers for you and Arrow. I loved my dogs so much. When I lost my last one, I cried 6 months. She was on Rimadyl quite a while before we had to have her put down. As a young pup, she was a real hole digger. The bad thing was she would dig the holes and then have a puppy fit and run and run. One day she ran and really pulled her leg causing an injury that turned into an arthritic condition in later years. The Rimadyl did help. I hope it will relieve Arrow's pain. My heart goes out to you. Love, Sue
  17. Libby, Know that you won't be forgotten and we will be right here waiting for you when you return. Until then prayers to you and your family. Love, Sue
  18. Larry, will be praying that the change in chemo will be the answer for your wife. God Bless, Sue
  19. Shane and his family have my prayers, as well. Love, Sue
  20. Millie, I'm so glad you got good news about your Dad. Love, Sue
  21. Hi Lori, Missed this update yesterday. Sounds like your mom is in good hands. I feel sure the doctor wouldn't let her go to the concert unless it is safe. Sure hope you can go and it will be a perfect night. I have to admit that I'm more than a little envious of you guys seeing Elton John in concert... Sounds awesome. Love, Sue
  22. Lori, How is your mom today? Is she still in the hospital? Did they do the tests and did they learn anything? Thinking about you. Love, Sue
  23. (((Addie))), Chemo can be hell Addie. You and my hubby (Mike) sound like you are in the same boat these days. He is on CPT-11, but the upset stomach, lack of appetite, extreme fatigue all has him down. He lost 7 lbs with the first treatment and just got his second one this past Monday. He's not too lively this week and really having to make himself eat. It's rough. I just hope yours will be better real soon. We miss your cheerful attitude and your one of a kind sense of humor. Sure hope you will feel a lot better real soon. Love and Prayers, Sue
  24. (((Lori))), Sure hope it turns out not to be a blood clot and if it is, at least you got her to the hospital for treatment. Let us know how she is later. Take care. Love, Sue
  25. Welcome, I'm glad you found us. You will find this to be a wonderful group of supportive, caring and knowledgeable people. As we learn more about your husband's case and you have specific questions, there's usually someone here that has experience with a similar diagnosis or treatment. Every case of lung cancer is unique , but there are usually some similarities and treatments that are the same. For now, make yourself comfortable and look around the site . Notice the profiles that each of us have attached to our posts. You will get an idea of what each case is about. Again, we are glad you are here and we will look forward to knowing you better. Sue
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