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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Luna just grows more beautiful all the time.. Sue
  2. Val, Glad you checked in and let us know how you are doing. You've been on my mind. Glad you will have some time now to be with your hubby, you really need that. Like Kasey suggests, We would love to see you with Carolyn. She is so beautiful and so are you. You've been such a wonderful daughter Val. You've done everything you could for your mom and your Dad. Sure hope you can find some Val time now. Take care. Love and Prayers, Sue
  3. Oh Peggy, I missed this last night. I'm praying that you find Don much better today. Why do they all like to deny they are having problems. Mike did the same thing with his breathing a while back... I kept saying that it wasn't as good and he said " I know how I feel and it is fine". He didn't admit it until he couldn't walk 5 steps without gasping.. That's when we found out about the pneumonitis. Praying and praying that things are better today. Love, Sue
  4. I'll have 2 Horny Goats and one of Tiny's Orgasmas..
  5. TAnn, I'm so sorry you are having so many problems with Alimta. You aren't the first one to say it isn't soooo easy. My hubby had 6 treatments of it and we have had a series of problems since. I can't say it was the Alimta that caused all, but some things are beginning to show up on this board frequently. The fatigue, rash and shortness of breath are three that I have observed a lot of. Mike had a rash all over his chest and stomach when he was on it , but it never got bad. It was a small rash. He got progressively short of breath. It was after he ended his treatments that he had shingles appear, as well as pneumonitis. We've had other problems also, but can't say for sure why. As for the hair, his thinned quite a bit. It all didn't fall out , but it did thin , so you may want to hold off on getting all of yours cut. I always hate to report things that happened to Mike because everyone is different. I wouldn't want to discourage anyone. On the other hand , we learn by the good and bad reports on this board. Know that you are in my prayers TAnn. Sure hope those numbers get straight and you can continue treatment soon. Love and Prayers, Sue
  6. Peggy, I don't begin to understand all that stuff, but it sounds like Don is exactly where he should be , in the hospital getting checked out. The one thing we did just have experince with is pneumonitis. It can cause a fever in itself , severe shortness of breath and the way Mike's was treated was heavy doses of prednisone. For him, it worked. Saying lots of prayers for you and Don that those biopsies show negatives and you get a game plan for treating the rest. Love and Prayers, Sue
  7. Cindi, Wish I could say something or do something to make this all easier. I guess there is no easy way, you just do it. I know you will and you will do it with a positive attitude. I'm so sorry all this is on your shoulders at one time. One day at a time Cindi . Please accept my prayers as the only way I know to help right now. Love you and wish I could be there to lend a sleeve. Love and Prayers, Sue
  8. Welcome Kristiloo, I'm so glad you found us and I hope your mom will join us as well. We will all be here for support , understanding , hope, encouragement and prayers. Every case of cancer is so different , but among this group you can usually find someone that can relate to whatever situation you are going through. We are a big family here and you are now one of us.. Sue
  9. Wonderful News!!!! Love and Prayers, Sue
  10. Cindi, Your good time sounds like a wonderful adventure, but what's this with the breathing and ankles... Know that I've got you in my prayers girl. Will be looking for that update on the "funny looking " thing and everything else. Love and Prayers, Sue
  11. Peggy, Keeping my eye on updates and prayers continuing for the two of you. Hope you have answers and better yet solutions very soon. Love and Prayers, Sue
  12. Peggy, It's a good thing that he is getting checked out. Sitting around worrying and wondering is rough. Take care of yourself and Don. Know that you have my prayers. Love, Sue
  13. shineladysue


    Beth, Just know that the prayers keep coming from my way. Hang in there and believe "things will settle down.". Hope your visits with your docs in the next couple days will help . I hope you know how much people here care about you and how many prayers are coming your way. Take care of yourself. Love and Prayers, Sue
  14. Great News!!! I'm so happy for you!!! Sue
  15. Carleen and Keith, So happy to hear the great news. Sue
  16. shineladysue


    Pat, I'm glad you started this. Beth , I too have been looking for an update from you. Keeping you in my prayers. Hope things are getting better. Love, Sue
  17. Welcome Pam, We are so glad you found us. There are people here with all stages and kinds of cancer . You will find everyone to be very supportive with words of encouragement, inspiration, lots of prayers and sometimes laughter. We all understand and you are certainly not a "wimp" to be scared at xray and scan times. It's a nerve racking time for sure. It's a very good thing to be aware that cancer can return, but in your case it sounds like you are one of the lucky ones that was able to have surgery. Be aware of what can happen , but dwell on the positive. I want you to know that you can count on my prayers for your appointment tomorrow. Let us know how it turns out. Looking forward to knowing you better. Sue
  18. Well Peggy, It does sound like Don is keeping you on your toes. I have seen some of what steroids can do to a person and it seems that many of the things that have happened to Don , have happened to Mike too. Mike has been on prednisone a long time and I believe Don is on Decadron. Decadron is even stronger. It can cause a false sense of well being, mental problems , as well as sweats. Steroids are famous for causing sweats. They are a wonderful medicine and oftentimes the only one that can help, but they do have their downsides. I'm not saying all this is steroid related, but I am saying I've seen a lot of this . The mood swings will make you crazy also. My Mike is such a kind, easy going guy until you get him around steroids, he becomes aggressive and very irritable. I always told him that they steal his smile. I'm all over the place with this, but my point is that it has been our experience that steroids alone may be the cause of some of Don's problems. The mind says "yes you can", but the body says "no I can't" .God Bless Peggy. Keeping my eye on you . Love and Prayers, Sue
  19. Peggy, I get Peggy!!! Peggy, I can't find the words to express what you mean to me and to this group. You have left more loving footprints behind on hearts than any one person I know. There's a special place waiting for you in heaven, Peggy. Thank you for the times that you have made me feel I'm not alone. You are truly special and a real inspiration to me. Love you Peggy. Love, Sue
  20. ((((Peggy)))), For goodness sakes. I'm sorry to be so late. Was a busy day for me here. I can only imagine that your heart must have fallen to your feet when you saw Don. One thing I was thinking about too is that Don is on decadron, I believe, and it does tend to give a false sense of well being at times. I've seen Mike try to do things in the past after he has been given decadron, only to find out that he really didn't have the strength to complete what he started. Sure hope Don really will listen to you now and that he is comfortable tonight. Take care Peggy and know that you and your family have my prayers always. Love, Sue
  21. Welcome Donna, We are glad you decided to join us. You have just become part of a wonderful online family of folks. You will find everyone very supportive and glad to share their own experiences with you. It is all very helpful. Hope as you learn more, we can be of more help. God Bless, Sue
  22. Wonderful news Bill. Will be saying prayers that the Avatin finishes the job. God Bless, Sue
  23. I also lit my candle for Cathy and thought about her smiling face. Love and Prayers, Sue
  24. Lori, This is wonderful news. Keeping you and mom in my prayers. Love, Sue
  25. Cindi, You sound wonderful. I hope your entire trip continues on this way. Enjoy the wedding and everything else that follows, but just one day away and the pub is not the same without you. It's sure good to hear your smile. Love, Sue
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