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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. ((( Nancy))), I am sooo sorry to hear this is happening. Know that you have my prayers. Love and Prayers, Sue
  2. Deb, This is wonderful news!!! I'm so very happy for you, your mom and your family... Love, Sue
  3. Mike and I want to thank all of you for your love, your prayers and your support. Cindi-Thank you for all you do for us and everyone. Champagne and caviar... that's nice, but Bud light for me and hubby too if they ever get him off these meds. Prednisone, alone, makes him crazy and then they added a thousand other meds to make him out of it... Prednisone is really hard on him .. He becomes a jeckyl& hyde..he is swollen up like crazy,it gives him a ravenous appetite and his blood pressure is elevated...buttttt he can breathe better and the scans show the pneumonitis is resolving itself so whatcha gonna do.... take the stuff.. right? Katie-Thank you for your love and support. I can always feel it. Frank-we would love to join you at the pub.. You are one of our heroes ya know... Connie-we love all the smiles and your positive attitude.. thanks for all you do Brat-you guys are so giving to all that cross your path.. Thank you so much.... Kasey-You just make me smile. When you write, I feel you talking from your picture. You have the sweetest smile and such a kind heart. We are so blessed to know you Fay-Thank you for your kind words and your support. Your posts are always a must read with me. Rich- Thank you for your support. Terrie-Thank you for your kind words. Don-Thank you for your support and congrats. You and Lucie are always in my prayers... Charlie D.- Saying prayers for great scan results for you... -"Git er Done" Val-Thanks so much for your support. Keeping your mom in my prayers Gail-Thanks .. a recharging will be nice Thanks everyone.... Love and Prayers to all
  4. Hello Livinfree, There you are, my friend!!! I'm so glad you joined us. I've been looking for you. I just know you are going to love this group of people . So many of them are stage IV like you and my hubby, Mike. I hope you are beginning to see that there is hope in this diagnosis and noone here pays any attention to statistics . I personally don't know anything about the kind of radiation treatments you are having , but most likely there is someone here that does know. You will see that there are different forums and as you have questions you can find the appropriate forum to ask it in. I will be keeping you in my prayers. Keep us informed of your upcoming tests and results. Love and Prayers, Sue
  5. Oh Jim, I am ecstatic and floating on cloud nine with you , but this post belongs in the good news forum. Listen to me and I know I am not alone. This group is about caring about one another. When someone here is doing well, it's an inspiration and so uplifting to the others that are not doing well. When I see your posts, I think, now look at that Jim got results after 6 different kinds of chemotherapy. If you hadn't taken the time to share that with us, you would be robbing us of joy for you and hope for others and our own loved ones. It's all in God's hands Jim, but it takes a special guy like you to come here and share with us. Don't forget you are a part of the family here and when you are doing better, we feel better. Thanks Jim. Hope to see you at Cindi's . Looks like she's gonna be a bit busy with all this good news around here. Love and Prayers , Sue
  6. Carol, You have my prayers for the best results.
  7. Nina, This is Wonderful news!!! I am so very , very happy for you.
  8. (((Carleen))), You are such a loving, caring , wife and caregiver. I think many of us can relate to the feelings you have been having. This is a rough journey and none of us know why we have been chosen to go through it as patient or caregiver. A friend shared a thought with me, one day recently, and it has helped me many times. He said "there is a reason why this is happening to you and your husband. God knows the reason and God doesn't make mistakes. In time you will know the reason, as well" I have to keep telling myself God doesn't make mistakes and I must accept what is in front of us on this day and keep going. I believe God is a loving God and whatever comes to us in this, it is because he loves us . Maybe this won't help you, but as simple as it sounds, it gave me a lot to think about and gives me comfort. I also believe in prayer and that God is listening. It's good to see you back Carleen. Vent all you want to and know that you are among people that truly understand. Know that you and Keith have my heartfelt understanding and prayers. Love and Prayers, Sue
  9. Thanks Jana!!! 1. Mike's pneumonitis is clearing up 2. Mike's scans on 5-31-05 shows STABLE!!! 3. We celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary June 6th 4. I have a wonderful family , all living nearby to support us. 5. I have all of you to talk to and to pray with..
  10. Val, No question, your friend needs to find another doctor as quickly as possible.
  11. I love the Good News board best of all. We all need this board and I think we have some good news to share. Yesterday, June 6th -Our 35th wedding anniversary , we got very a very good report from the oncologist. He says that Mike's chest scan showed that the previous pneumonitis is resolving itself and all areas of concern are either unchanged or stable. This means that he has been stable since about last Decemeber. You will notice (Beth, Charlie D and other Alimtians), he was on Alimta from December to March 28th.. total 6 treatments. That's the good news about Alimta, but not sure if it caused the pneumonitis..onc doesn't know). I had written that he is having a bout of shingles, but the med (Famvir) that the Dr. gave him is clearing them up quickly. For now, he is still on high doses of prednisone and is slowly coming down . He started at 60mg and is down to 40, soon to be 30. It is taking time and it has suppressed his immune system. The good thing is that it seems to be working. The oncologist reccommends that we continue the chemo break until August and then do full chest, abdomen and pelvic scans again. That will give Mike a while to let his immune system to build up a bit. Soooooo, Cindi, we're on our way to your pub to celebrate good news and our 35th Anniversary!!! Thank you everyone for your prayers and for just being here for us. We love you and keep each and every one of you in our prayers... God Bless.. Let's Celebrate!!! Sue
  12. Marge, It's good to hear from you. Just know that you are in my prayers. Will be looking for your update. Love and Prayers, Sue
  13. I would just like to welcome you and let you know that we are so very glad you have decided to join us. As you are finding out, there are many warm and compassionate people here to help you along. Keep us informed of your husband's progress and treatment. If you have questions, there are nearly always folks that have experience to answer questions you may have.. God Bless you . Love and Prayers, Sue
  14. (((Karen, Dave & Faith))) I'm praying very hard for you. Karen & Dave, the two of you have given so much of yourselves to us and for that I thank you. We love you and hope that you feel all the love and prayers coming your way from this group. May God be with you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  15. Hi Everyone, Last time I wrote about Mike was on April 19th. He had been on Alimta since Dec. 6th. The Alimta seems to have kept everything stable and the last treatment was on March 28th. He had 6 total treatments. He had to quit because he developed pneumonitis . He became very short of breath and his CT scan showed a "ground glass opacity" . They said this was inflammation as a result of chemo and possibly radiation in the past. The pulmonologist started him on high doses of prednisone for 8 weeks and put him on oxygen 24 hours a day . Today was his follow up visit , after 6 weeks and after a CT scan of his chest. His breathing is better and the scans shows the inflammation has cleared up and the cancer is still stable. He will continue on with the prednisone regimen which will be decreased until it is down to 10 mg 10 weeks from now (if he can get by with only 10 mg at that point). The next step is an appointment with the oncologist on Monday , June 6th, to see what he has to say. Will update this then.. Thank you to everyone that has written and inquired about Mike's progress. Overall, he is doing pretty good. He is dealing with high blood pressure and shingles that just started on his chest, but other than that, he is feeling pretty good. His activity is limited due to SOB, but otherwise he is doing well. Please know that everyone here is in my prayers and I am so very grateful to be here with you. Love and Prayers to all, Sue
  16. I just want to welcome you to our family here. I guess by now you have gotten your results from the pulmonologist. The beginning of this journey is so scary and overwhelming. It gets easier to cope with especially once you have a plan of treatment arranged. The more information you can share with the group, the more people can begin to help you. You will find this to be a wonderful group of very compassionate and helpful people. My best to you. Let us know how we might be able to help you. Sue
  17. Val, This sounds like good news. Having a good attitude is hard at times , for all of us, but is so helpful for quality of life. Hope it continues. Love and Prayers, Sue
  18. Hi Beth, Didn't get a chance to respond to your bad day , but glad to hear that this one was better. Sure hope that gall bladder behaves until you have the surgery, glad you got the pain med fixed and glad your treatment went well today... You're on a roll!!! Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers... I just know those scans are going to be good.. I just know it... Love and Prayers, Sue
  19. Frank, It's so good to hear that you still have more options. You are truly my hero. There's not a stronger or more compassionate member on this board . I hope you know how much you are cared about . You've got my prayers for whatever is next. Love and prayers, Sue
  20. Cindi, I'm glad the procedure is over for you and you are breathing better. You keep rascaling and scrappering and whatever it takes to keep on going. We will keep the prayers coming and you do the rest... Deal? Praying for good results... Love, Sue
  21. Please know my prayers are being said for David and his family , as well. Love and Prayers, Sue
  22. Very Nice picture of Charlie and Rachel. Thank you for sharing it with us. Love and Prayers, Sue
  23. Kitkathi, Glad you had this wonderful visit with your dad. Know that I will keep him in my prayers for good news on the scans. Love and Prayers, Sue
  24. Cindi, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Know that I am wishing you luck for easy resolution and no mets...no mets...no mets!!! Just know that my prayers are with you always. Love and Prayers, Sue
  25. shineladysue

    Mom has Died

    Kelsey, I don't know how I missed this ,but please know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am so very sorry. Love and Prayers, Sue
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