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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. I pray our dear Betty is at peace with God and for comfort for those that loved her. I will see her smile in my mind always and I will never forget her . She surely has left footprints on my heart-dancing ones.. May God be with her friends and family, Sue
  2. Oh Val, How precious!!!! Love and Prayers to you all!!! Sue
  3. Pat and Brian, I just want you to know that you are in my prayers. Love, Sue
  4. Nancy, Glad to hear Mike is continuing to get stronger. I've been looking for an update from you. Know that you have my prayers. Love, Sue
  5. Hi Bill, I'm glad you found us. Hope you won't need us, but if you do, know that you have found a wonderful place to be for compassion, support, education ,prayers and HOPE. People here are so very willing to share information to help others. We all understand this disease from patient and caregivers point of view. We will be waiting for the results of your tests. Know that you have my prayers. Sue
  6. (((Val))), I know you have spent good quality time with your mom while you have been there and I feel sure she would want you to be with your husband now. My heart goes out to all of you. Will be keeping you in my prayers. Love and Prayers, Sue
  7. Sorry to be late Happy Birthday Katie!!! Love, Sue
  8. Charlie, It's always wonderful to read your updates. You seem to make the best of every situation and you report it in such a heart warming way. Know that Mike and I are keeping you in our prayers. Will be praying for wonderful scan results. After 6 of those treatments, it sounds like you could use the 3 month break. Here's hoping that Alimta is the one to Git Er Done!!! Love and Prayers, Mike and Sue
  9. I just want to welcome you to our family. We look forward to sharing with you. This group is wonderfully full of compassion, love, humor and support. There is a lot of useful information here as well. We are so glad you have joined us. Sue
  10. (((Wendy))), I am sooo very sorry to hear about your husband. I only wish I could find the words to express how I feel. Know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless you, Sue
  11. Mary , I am so very sorry . Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love and Prayers , Sue
  12. Happy Birthday Beth!!! Wishing you a very happy birthday and many many more. Looking forward to joining the party at Cindi's. Sounds like the crowd is gathering in your honor. Love ya , sue
  13. An interesting perspective on gardening! A teenage granddaughter comes downstairs for her date with a very sheer blouse on and no bra. Her grandmother just pitched a fit, telling her not to dare go out like that! The teenager tells her "Loosen up Grams. These are modern times. You gotta let your rose buds show!" and out she goes. The next day the teenager comes down stairs, and the grandmother is sitting there with no top on. The teenager wants to die. She explains to her grandmother that she has friends coming over and that it is just not appropriate... The grandmother says, "Loosen up, Sweetie. If you can show off your rosebuds, then I can display my hanging baskets."
  14. Cindi, I wish I had answers, I wish I could help you and I hate to think of you being there all alone in this situation. I'm so sorry about all the latest scary information the docs have given you and I'd call early today and insist they get back to you (if they didn't yesterday) and at least give you an answer to your questions. You know yourself best. If you feel that the pressure in your chest and your breathing is an emergency then follow your instincts and have your doctors take care of it or head to the Er . If you feel it's not an emergency, I agree with waiting for your pulmonologist to help you decide where to go from here. It sounds like you are really in need of her opinion . In the meantime, only take out of the boxes what you have to have for now. Better yet, get someone to help you. Maybe you could hire a kid to help. In the meantime, you have my prayers. Let us know how you are. Keep in touch. Love, Sue
  15. Welcome , Leslie, So glad you decided to join us and thank you for sharing your story. You've come to the right place for sharing, hugs, prayers and hope. We look forward to hearing more from you. God Bless you, Sue
  16. Kim, Welcome to our family. I'm so sorry you have to be here, but I want you to know that this is a wonderful group. Mike's new oncologist sounds like a very kind person and I'm so glad he has given you hope. I'm sure Mike's young age and strength will be in his favor. My husband (Mike) didn't have the metallic taste except for certain antibiotics he has taken, but I think it just had to work out of the system. In the meantime, I hope Mike will eat anyway. Good nutrition is as much a part of fighting cancer as the chemo. My best to you and your family. Love and Prayers, Sue
  17. Donna , I just want to let you know that you and your brother and in my prayers. You should get results today. I pray that it is not cancer. If it is, you are in the right place for support, information and hope. Know that we are all waiting for you to post the results. Sue
  18. Welcome, Dee, We are so glad you have decided to join us. Claire is so very fortunate to have a wonderful, caring friend like you. In time, I hope she will decide to join us also. We don't stand in judgement of anyone here, we are here to try to help one another. As you know, there is a lot of love, compassion , caring and hope here. We are glad you are part of it. Sue
  19. I'm so sorry to hear Virginia lost her battle. My prayers to everyone that will have to go on without her. I hope Winston has someone very loving to care for him.. I too love animals and death of their owners can be traumatic for them. Sue
  20. Andrea, This news put a smile on my face. Hope all the appointments for mom work out well. Love and Prayers, Sue
  21. (((Sue ))), From one Sue to another, I'm sending you a cyber hug. You will probably see the words "emotional roller coaster" written many times on the pages of this site. The battle is at times harder than others, but as you begin treatment I think you will feel renewed strength and determination to win. You will feel that you are armed and ready to fight . Know that you aren't alone and we will be here for you. Will keep you in my prayers as you begin your treatment this week. Love and Prayers, Sue
  22. Welcome to our family, Michael, I'm sorry anyone has to be here, but I know you will be glad you found us. You will find information , support, prayers and hope all here when you need it. God bless you. Sue
  23. Bet, Your mom sounds like she was a beautiful person. The article is a wonderful tribute. Thank you for sharing it with us. I'm so sorry for loss. Praying for strength for you and your family in the days ahead. (((Hug))), Sue
  24. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Sue
  25. (((Peggy))), Bless your heart, here you are worrying about discouraging us. That's so like you. Peggy, it's time to lean on people here a bit. You've been a tower of strength for everyone else. You weren't put here to take care of us. You are going through the same battle we are. Just give yourself and your hubby time to let the new findings sink in .Don't you be giving up hope, just wait until all the info is in. Just maybe they can give him the Alimta . Alimta is helping others . It was doing well for my hubby until he developed the pneumonitis. Now we are at a standstill until he is better. This journey is rough, but let all of us be there for you. Glad to hear your son is home. I know you must still be very busy helping him, but at least you aren't traveling to the hospital. Take care of yourself Peggy. Know that we all care very much for you. Love and Prayers, Sue
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